Pokémon GO Level 40 to 50 Guide – All Level Requirements and Rewards

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Embarking on the journey to level up from 40 to 50 in Pokémon GO is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the XP requirements, tasks, and enticing rewards that await you at each level. From powering up Legendary Pokémon to defeating Team GO Rocket Leaders, this guide covers everything you need to know to progress through each level successfully. Whether you’re a seasoned Trainer or a dedicated newcomer, prepare to delve into the world of advanced Pokémon training and conquer the highest levels of Pokémon mastery.

Level 40 to 50 Requirements and Rewards

Level up requirements for Pokémon GO’s Level 40 through 50

As expected, levelling beyond 40 is not easy, but it gives Trainers a lot to do. Here are the XP, Level-up task requirements and rewards from 41 to 50:

Pokémon GO Levels 41 to 50 experience, Tasks and rewards
Level & XP Tasks Rewards
6 million
  • Power up a Legendary Pokémon 20 times
  • Win 30 Raids
  • Catch 200 Pokémon in a single day
  • Earn 5 Gold Medals
  • 20 Ultra Ball,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
7.5 million
  • Evolve Eevee into each of its unique Evolutions
  • Use items to evolve Pokémon 15 times
  • Make 3 Excellent Throws
  • Use 200 Berries to help catch Pokémon
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Nanab Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
9 million
  • Earn 100000 Stardust
  • Use 200 supereffective Charged Attacks
  • Catch 5 Legendary Pokémon
  • Earn 5 Platinum medals
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Silver Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
11 million
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Great League
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Ultra League
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Master League
  • Win 20 Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
13 million
  • Defeat 100 Team GO Rocket Grunts
  • Purify 100 Shadow Pokémon
  • Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 50 times
  • Earn 10 Platinum Medals
  • 40 Ultra Balls,
  • 40 Max Revives
  • 1 Elite Fast TM,
  • 2 XL Candy
  • 2 Incense,
  • 2 Lucky Eggs,
  • 1 Super Incubator,
  • 2 Lures
  • a new hat
15.5 million
  • Complete 100 Field Research tasks
  • Take a snapshot of a Pokémon 7 days in a row
  • Make 50 Excellent Throws
  • Hatch 30 Eggs
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
18 million
  • Win 30 raids using a team of all unique Pokémon species
  • Win a three-star raid using only Pokémon with 1500 CP or less
  • Power up 3 Pokémon to their max CP
  • Earn 20 Platinum Medals
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Nanab Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
  • new pose
21 million
  • Receive 20 Souvenirs from your Buddy
  • Earn 300 hearts with your Buddy
  • Walk 200 km with your Buddy
  • Walk 25 km in a week 8 times
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 15 Silver Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
25 million
  • Make 10 trades with Pokémon caught at least 300 km apart
  • Obtain 50 Lucky Pokémon in trades
  • Send 500 Gifts to Friends
  • Earn 35 Platinum medals
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
  • new shoes
30 million
  • Make 999 Excellent Throws
  • Catch a Legendary Pokémon in your next 5 Legendary Pokémon encounters
  • Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 3 times using only Pokémon with 2,500 CP or less
  • Reach Level 10 in GO Battle League
  • 50 Ultra Balls,
  • 50 Max Potions
  • 1 Elite Charge TM,
  • 2 XL Candy
  • 5 Incense,
  • 5 Lucky Eggs,
  • 5 Super Incubator,
  • 5 Lure Modules
  • new clothes

Pokémon GO Level 41 Tasks and Rewards

In order to reach Level 41 in Pokémon GO, you will have to power up Legendary Pokémon, win 30 Raids and catching more than 200 Pokémon in a single day.

Pokémon GO Level 41 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Power up a Legendary Pokémon 20 times
  • Win 30 Raids
  • Catch 200 Pokémon in a single day
  • Earn 5 Gold Medals
  • 20 Ultra Ball,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy

Power up a Legendary Pokémon 20 times

The easiest way to complete this task is to search for Legendary Pokémon in your storage that have the lowest level. Power them up with as few candy as possible and move onto the next lower-level Legendary.

Try to prevent yourself from powering up the same Legendary otherwise, the Candy cost will increase steeply. Another good suggestion is to use Rare Candy and power up an existing Legendary.

Win 30 Raids

Winning 30 Raids can take Free-to-Play players a solid month, since you only get 1 Free Daily Pass, but there are ways you can speed this up.

You can spend real money and get Premium Raid passes. We’re sure you’ll have no issues finishing this task, especially during Raid Hour events.

If you don’t want to spend money on the game, don’t forget to utilize your local Gyms to try and earn yourself 50 Coins per day.

Earning 50 PokéCoins through daily Gym defense can reduce the time taken to complete this task down to just 15 days without spending a single penny on the game.

Catch 200 Pokémon in a single day

Catching 200 Pokémon could be quite challenging especially if you live in a rural area. Community Day events are one of the best way to complete this task.

Outside of Community Day events, use Research Tasks, Incense, Lures and regular wild encounters to get this task knocked out in a few hours.

Pokémon GO Level 42 Tasks and Rewards

In order to reach Level 42 in Pokémon GO, you will have to evolve at least 7 Eevee, evolve Pokémon using items, get Excellent throws and use berries to help catch more Pokémon.

Pokémon GO Level 42 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Evolve Eevee into each of its unique Evolutions
  • Use items to evolve Pokémon 15 times
  • Make 3 Excellent Throws
  • Use 200 Berries to help catch Pokémon
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Nanab Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy

Evolve Eevee into each of its unique Evolutions

If you haven’t already used the Eevee renaming trick for evolving Eevee, then you can use to evolve Eevee into the required form. Do note though that this trick only works one time.

For Trainers like me, however, you may need a quick refresher on how to get your Eevee to evolve without the renaming trick.

If you can’t use the naming trick, we’ve included the regular evolution method as well.

Pokémon How to evolve Nickname
Flareon A random evolution between Flareon, Jolteon & Vaporeon. Pyro
Jolteon See above. Sparky
Vaporeon See above. Rainer
  • Walk at least 10 KM with an Eevee as your Buddy and evolve the Eevee in the daytime (when the map is in its day state)
  • Remember to Keep Eevee as your Buddy while evolving!
Umbreon Same as above but evolve at night-time (when the Map is in its night state). Tamao
Glaceon Evolve an Eevee next to a Pokestop that has an active Glacial Lure on it. Linnea
Leafeon Evolve an Eevee next to a Pokestop that has an active Mossy Lure on it. Rea

Hopefully, that clears things up nicely but don’t get caught out (like I have in the past) by changing your current buddy before evolving it. The Eevee that you have walked 10km with MUST BE your buddy when you hit “evolve” otherwise you will end up with another Vaporeaon, Jolteon or Flareon and left feeling deflated.

Use items to evolve Pokémon 15 times

You can obtain evolution items from your 7-Day PokéStop spin, Go Battle league battles and rarely from regular PokéStop spins. The list of items you can use is as follows:

Make 3 Excellent Throws

Find Pokémon with larger catching circles like Wailmer, Ponyta, Slowbro and Legendary Pokémon to make this easier. It’s not easy at all to consistently land Excellent throws, but these don’t have to be done in a row.

Use 200 Berries to help catch Pokémon

A pretty straightforward task. Community Days will be your best bet to complete this one as well. Throw a Pinap berry or Razz berry at every Pokémon before catching it. Spin Stops and Gyms, open Gifts and complete Raids to get more berries as you progress through the task.

Pokémon GO Level 43 Tasks and Rewards

In order to reach Level 43 in Pokémon GO, you will have to you earn 100k Stardust, use 200 super-effective charged attacks and catch 5 Legendary Pokémon.

Pokémon GO Level 43 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Earn 100000 Stardust
  • Use 200 supereffective Charged Attacks
  • Catch 5 Legendary Pokémon
  • Earn 5 Platinum medals
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Silver Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy

Earn 100,000 Stardust

Related guide: The Ultimate Stardust Guide: Farming, Trading, Second Charge Move, Powering Up

There’s no easy way to grind Stardust, but making the most of your Star Pieces will be your best bet. Community Day events are a good source of Stardust, but be sure to keep your eyes peeled for Events that feature 2x and 4x Stardust rewards.

Use 200 Super-effective Charged Attacks

Gym battles: if possible, pair up with a few friends (keep your social distance in check) who are on a different team, take over a Gym, throw your Pokémon in and let your friends battle them down. Rinse and repeat while alternating Gym ownership.

Raid battles, Go League battles and Go Rocket takeovers are also a good place to use SE charge moves. Make sure to have a Pokémon with a super effective charged attack handy for this to count.

Catch 5 Legendary Pokémon

What it says on the tin really. This will either take you an hour if you have Premium Raid passes during a Raid Hour event, or 5 days if you are a Free-to-Play player.

Pokémon GO Level 44 Tasks and Rewards

In order to reach Level 44 in Pokémon GO, you will have to win Trainer Battles in each of the 3 Leagues and win 20 ranked GO Battle leagues matches.

Pokémon GO Level 44 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Great League
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Ultra League
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Master League
  • Win 20 Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy

Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Great League

The quickest and easiest way to complete this task is to battle a friend the Great League, with one of you attacking and the other one not defending. Make sure that whomever loses the match does not attack or block. Rinse and repeat until you have your wins.

To speed things up create a team of 3 of the same type of Pokémon (for example Machop) and have your friend use 3 Psychic types. Once your friend has earned their wins, ask them to do the same. You’re looking to be the super-effective type here to deal maximum damage and thus making short work of the line-up.

Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Ultra League

Same as above in the Ultra league.

Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Master League

Same as above in the Master League.

Win 20 Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League

Follow our PvP guides and infographics to get a stable footing in whichever league is current and you should be able to win a few matches. They will get harder as your rank increases, but 20 wins should only get you to between Ranks 4 – 6 so you should be ok, even if you’re not a seasoned professional.

Pokémon GO Level 45 Tasks and Rewards

In order to reach Level 45 in Pokémon GO, you will have to defeat GO rocket grunts, purify Shadow Pokémon, defeat GO Rocket Leaders and earn Platinum Medals.

Pokémon GO Level 45 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Defeat 100 Team GO Rocket Grunts
  • Purify 100 Shadow Pokémon
  • Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 50 times
  • Earn 10 Platinum Medals
  • 40 Ultra Balls,
  • 40 Max Revives
  • 1 Elite Fast TM,
  • 2 XL Candy
  • 2 Incense,
  • 2 Lucky Eggs,
  • 1 Super Incubator,
  • 2 Lures
  • a new hat

Defeat 100 Team GO Rocket Grunts

Make sure to battle every Grunt balloon you see and every PokéStop takeover for this one. Also, be sure to catch and purify each Shadow Pokémon you save before transferring as this will help with the next step.

Purify 100 Shadow Pokémon

A fairly boring and tedious task, but if you heed my advice from the Defeat 100 Team GO Rocket grunts task, you should complete this one at the same time. Keep at it, you will get there eventually.

Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 50 times

Unfortunately, there isn’t any quick way to get through this challenge. If you battle each of your GO Rocket Grunt Balloons every day, you can aim to defeat 2-3 Rocket Leaders per week.

However, battling random Grunts at PokéStop takeovers will speed this up. Keep battling, grabbing those mysterious components and hopefully within a few weeks you can tick this one off the list.

Earn 10 Platinum Medals

As crazy as it sounds, this is probably one of the easier requirements for this level. If you have been playing the game for a while then you may notice that some of your gold medals are sparkling. This means that you’ve earned the Platinum Medal for that particular challenge. Keep playing, focus on a particular Medal and storm through it.

Pokémon GO Level 46 Tasks and Rewards

In order to reach Level 46 in Pokémon GO, you will have to complete 100 Field Research, take a snapshot of a Pokémon 7 days in a row, hatch 30 Eggs and make 50 Excellent throws.

Pokémon GO Level 46 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Complete 100 Field Research tasks
  • Take a snapshot of a Pokémon 7 days in a row
  • Make 50 Excellent Throws
  • Hatch 30 Eggs
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy

Complete 100 Field Research tasks

Not necessarily a tough challenge, but could be depending on which Tasks your local Stops have to offer. Aim for the easy tasks – use berries, make nice throws, etc – to speed things up.

Take a snapshot of a Pokémon 7 days in a row

A simple task if you don’t forget to do it!

Make 50 Excellent Throws

The same advice applies as before (see a similar task on Level 42). Make things easier on yourself by raiding Legendary Pokémon as these often have the largest catch circles, but otherwise keep a good stock of balls and Nanab berries to make a Pokémon’s movement minimal and take your time.

Hatch 30 Eggs

If possible, hatch only 2km eggs. If there’s an ongoing event that reduces Egg hatch distance, consider using PokéCoins on Incubators and have several hatching at once. Don’t go spending your life savings on Coins though.

Pokémon GO Level 47 Tasks and Rewards

In order to reach Level 47 in Pokémon GO, you will have to complete 30 Raids with unique species, win a Tier 3 raid using only 1500 CP Pokémon, spend Stardust to power up Pokémon and earn 20 Platinum medals.

Pokémon GO Level 47 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Win 30 raids using a team of all unique Pokémon species
  • Win a three-star raid using only Pokémon with 1500 CP or less
  • Power up 3 Pokémon to their max CP
  • Earn 20 Platinum Medals
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Nanab Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
  • new pose

Win 30 raids using a team of all unique Pokémon species

The easiest way to complete this task is to raid Tier 1 and Tier 3 raids with different teams of Pokémon. Although Tier 5 raids should also be included in your progression, they are not-soloable and often require a specific set of Pokémon that you probably used in earlier raiding tiers.

Win a three-star raid using only Pokémon with 1500 CP or less

This can be quite challenging, but try to reuse the Pokémon you maxed out for The Great League and that are super effective against the specific Tier 3 raid boss you’re targeting. You can use our Pokemon GO Raid Guides to see which Pokémon are good against that boss and then pick similarly typed Pokémon that are under 1500 CP.

Power up 3Pokémon to their max CP

Not much to say here – you need to power-up 3 Pokémon to their Max CP. In order to conserve Stardust, we suggest you focus on Lucky Pokémon if possible.

Earn 20 Platinum Medals

Similar to the Earn 10 Platinum medals requirement on Level 45, focus on regular gameplay and you will eventually reach this goal.

Pokémon GO Level 48 Tasks and Rewards

In order to reach Level 48 in Pokémon GO, you will have to maximize your walking activity for 8 weeks, interact with your Buddy and collect 300 hearts.

Pokémon GO Level 47 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Receive 20 Souvenirs from your Buddy
  • Earn 300 hearts with your Buddy
  • Walk 200 km with your Buddy
  • Walk 25 km in a week 8 times
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 15 Silver Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy

For everything on Buddy Pokémon, read our Pokémon GO Buddy Guide: Everything you need to know.

Receive 20 Souvenirs from your Buddy

You need to have an Ultra Buddy in order to get Souvenirs from your Buddy. As Souvenir drops are random, this can take a while.

Earn 300 hearts with your Buddy

You can earn up to 10 Hearts a day to increase your Buddy friendship level. If your Buddy’s mood is “Excited” you can earn up to 20 Affection Hearts. You can complete this challenge in 30 days (or less) if you complete your daily tasks every day. Once again, refer to our Buddy Guide for a complete overview of activities you can to get Buddy Hearts.

Walk 200 km with your Buddy

For this challenge, and for walk 25 km in a week 8 times, we strongly suggest you enable Adventure Sync and allow Pokémon GO to track your location in the background. Otherwise it will take you weeks to get this done.

Walk 25 km in a week 8 times

See above. Enable Adventure Sync and start walking.

Pokémon GO Level 49 Tasks and Rewards

Reach level 49 by sending Gifts, acquiring Lucky Pokémon through trades, and more.

Pokémon GO Level 49 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Make 10 trades with Pokémon caught at least 300 km apart
  • Obtain 50 Lucky Pokémon in trades
  • Send 500 Gifts to Friends
  • Earn 35 Platinum medals
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
  • new shoes

Make 10 trades with Pokémon caught at least 300 km apart

As long as you or someone else you know has been saving 7km egg hatches that have 300km or more distance, this can be done fairly easily. If you have any struggle with this step, friending people from around the world has become quite easy thanks to social media. Add a couple of new friends, get those 7km eggs, hatch and then trade.

Obtain 50 Lucky Pokémon in trades

Of course the easiest way to do this is by having a lucky friend to trade with. However, if you have someone you can trade with readily available, you can trade up to 100 times a day to achieve this. This task is purely luck.

Send 500 Gifts to Friends

The maximum amount of gifts we can send in a day is 100. So this will take at least 5 days to complete.

Earn 35 Platinum medals

Perhaps the most “difficult” task out of the bunch. There are 18 type medals we can get platinum. That’s already half the amount. The rest of your platinum medals will come from your preferred play style. There’s no right or wrong way to finish this task.

Pokémon GO Level 50 Tasks and Rewards

To reach the highest available level in Pokémon GO, you must master all aspects of the game. Some examples include making Excellent Throws, catching Legendary Pokémon, and defeating Team GO Rocket Leaders with Pokémon under 2,500 CP, so you can tell this will be the ultimate test of whether you’re ready to stand among the most accomplished Trainers in Pokémon GO.

Pokémon GO Level 50 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Make 999 Excellent Throws
  • Catch a Legendary Pokémon in your next 5 Legendary Pokémon encounters
  • Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 3 times using only Pokémon with 2,500 CP or less
  • Reach Level 10 in GO Battle League
  • 50 Ultra Balls,
  • 50 Max Potions
  • 1 Elite Charge TM,
  • 2 XL Candy
  • 5 Incense,
  • 5 Lucky Eggs,
  • 5 Super Incubator,
  • 5 Lure Modules
  • new clothes

Make 999 Excellent Throws

Large Pokémon and certain raid bosses (Legendaries for example) are easiest to consistently hit excellent throws on. Yet, this is rather a time consuming task. Complete at your own pace.

Catch a Legendary Pokémon in your next 5 Legendary Pokémon encounters

Without 100% confirmation, it seems you have to guarantee catch your next 5 Legendary raid Pokémon. If you miss one, it resets.

*Will wait on confirmation at this time.

Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 3 times using only Pokémon with 2,500 CP or less

We will put out a guide that can thoroughly defeat any leader with 2,500 CP or less Pokémon. Stay tuned for that.

Reach Level 10 in GO Battle League

It takes approximately 52 battles to reach rank 10 in our current season (season 6) and 37 wins are needed. Expect at least 75 battles or more depending on your skill level.


Leveling past 40 was a subject that was a HUGE topic of controversy previously. Lots of players complained that simply having to earn a huge amount of XP would leave some players in the dust whilst those that pay religiously would instantly become maximum level.

Luckily though, Niantic has put some real thought into how to prevent this situation and it’s clear that going from 40-50 is deliberately designed to be challenging and not something that you can knock out in a couple of days (depending on your grinding habits).

The introduction of a time-gated challenge such as taking a snapshot of a Pokémon 7-days in a row is something that most players will have taken for granted until now but means that you are required to use all aspects of the game that you may not have done for a while.

Personally, I’m pleased to see a new challenge come to Pokémon Go!

Author & tags

I am a passionate writer and blogger that's obsessed with all things Pokemon but Shiny Pokemon are my favorite thing to collect. Likes: Ramen, his shiny Shinx. Dislikes: Anything with more than 2 legs, Octopi & Goats.

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