Fly Added to Pokémon GO’s Game Master File

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Fly, a Flying type move, has been added to Pokémon GO’s GAME MASTER file, indicating that it will become available in the near future. Fly is a highly coveted move from the Main Series Games, and it has a solid potential to shake up the meta game.

Unfortunately, at this moment, we do not know which Pokémon will have access to Fly, but we’re fairly certain that the upcoming Flying Pikachu will be one of those.

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Fly in Pokémon GO

Fly Pokémon GO stats look good, but mostly copied over from Sky Attack:


Fly PvE stats look similar to Sky Attack, but it’s slightly quicker (200ms shorter overall duration) and it has a different damage window:

template {
  template_id: "V0341_MOVE_FLY"
  data {
    template_id: "V0341_MOVE_FLY"
    move_settings {
      movement_id: FLY
      animation_id: 5
      pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FLYING
      power: 80.0
      accuracy_chance: 1.0
      stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
      trainer_level_min: 1
      trainer_level_max: 100
      vfx_name: "fly"
      duration_ms: 1800
      damage_window_start_ms: 1200
      damage_window_end_ms: 1500
      energy_delta: -50


PvP stats look exactly the same as Sky Attack:

template {
  template_id: "COMBAT_V0341_MOVE_FLY"
  data {
    template_id: "COMBAT_V0341_MOVE_FLY"
    combat_move {
      unique_id: FLY
      power: 80.0
      vfx_name: "fly"
      energy_delta: -45

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.

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