Ninetales Solo Raid Guide

This is a comprehensive guide written by Fitz City that will help you take down Ninetales as a solo player: a Fire type, Tier 3, difficult raid boss. It is rather lengthy – you have been warned!

Ninetales solo raid can be successfully completed at a trainer level of 31 or higher with some powerful Water & Rock types, and a little bit of luck. Your chance of success will depend on what type of move set Ninetales has. Now with the release of the most powerful Water type in the game, Kyogre, beating a Ninetales raid should be far easier. Regardless of that, Ninetales is one of the hardest Tier 3 raid bosses to solo. Tread lightly!

Ninetales’s raid boss CP 15806, making it a pretty easy boss to defeat. Ninetales perfect IV raid capture CP is:

  • 1235 CP (no weather boost, perfect IV)
  • 1544 CP (weather boost, perfect IV)

Quick facts

  • Generally accepted to be the hardest level 3 raid boss
  • You need a solid team. Don’t be cheap on that Stardust.
  • Do not attempt before Level 30.
  • Surf Rhydon is a bro.

Solo Ninetales Counters

Ninetales is weak to Water, Ground and Rock types and the best weather to raid it is Cloudy weather.

Pokémon Counters
  • Waterfall Water
  • Hydro Pump Water
  • Dragon Tail Dragon
  • Hydro Pump Water
  • Waterfall Water
  • Hydro Cannon Water
  • Smack Down Rock
  • Stone Edge Rock
  • Waterfall Water
  • Hydro Pump Water
  • Dragon Tail Dragon
  • Hydro Pump Water
  • Smack Down Rock
  • Rock Slide Rock
  • Smack Down Rock
  • Stone Edge Rock
Weakness Water Ground Rock

Ninetales raid boss move difficulty

Ninetales has the access to the following moves:

  • Fire Spin (fast – Fire type)
  • Feint Attack (fast – Dark type)
  • Overheat (charge, 1 bar, Fire type)
  • Heat Wave (charge, 1 bar, Fire type)
  • Solar Beam (charge, 1 bar, Grass type)

Feint Attack and Heat Wave is the weakest move set to go against. Feint Attack has a base power of only 10 and does not receive STAB. A move set of Fire Spin and Solar Beam would be the hardest to solo. These attacks would be boosted in sunny weather making it near impossible to solo, if not entirely impossible because of the best counters’ typing.

Below is a visual representation of the move set difficulty from roughly easiest to hardest based on their damage output totals added together, STAB calculated, weather boosts, and charge moves based off of a single energy cycle:

Difficulty Fast Charged Weather
Easy Feint Attack (10) Heat Wave (114)
Feint Attack (12) Heat Wave (114) Fog
Fire Spin (14) Heat Wave (114)
Feint Attack (10) Heat Wave (133) Sunny
Medium Feint Attack (10) Overheat (160)
Feint Attack (12) Overheat (160) Fog
Feint Attack (10) Solar Beam (180)
Feint Attack (10) Overheat (192) Sunny
Feint Attack (10) Solar Beam (216) Sunny
Hard Fire Spin (19.6) Heat Wave (133) Sunny
Fire Spin (19.6) Over Heat (192) Sunny
Fire Spin (19.6) Solar Beam (216) Sunny

Ninetales weather influence

Rainy weather would be the best weather to attempt soloing Ninetales, as it boosts the power of Water moves,  but if you do not encounter any rainy weather, it would be best to attempt it in sunny weather.

Any other neutral weather without extremely powerful Pokemon, would prove maximum difficulty. Although sunny boosts Ground type moves, it would also boosts Fire and Grass moves. If it is sunny and Ninetales has Feint Attack/Heat Wave, it should be worth trying. Otherwise, going up against Fire Spin/Overheat needs to be handled carefully. Heaven forbid if it has Solar Beam, you better dodge it or have highly powered up neutral Pokemon!

Overall, Rainy weather would be most ideal.

Weather Pros Cons
Windy Boosts Psychic and Dragon moves (if Dragonite and Mewtwo are used)
Sunny Boosts Ground type moves Boosts Fire and Grass  type moves
Rainy Boosts Water type moves
Foggy Boosts Dark type moves (if Tyranitar is used) Boosts Dark type moves (Ninetales’s Feint Attack)
Partly Cloudy Boosts Rock type moves


Additional Counters

  • Groudon with Mud Shot Ground/ Earthquake Ground
  • Blastoise with Water Gun Water/ Hydro Cannon Water
  • Vaporeon with Water Gun Water/ Hydro Pump Water
  • Rayquaza with Dragon Tail Dragon/ Outrage Dragon
  • Kingdra with Water Gun Water/ Hydro Pump Water

Additional Notes

Note that if you are alone and below Level 30 soloing might be difficult for you. It is not only your trainer level that matters, but the power levels of the Pokemon you are using to raid with as well. It might take some candy and stardust to get your Pokemon up to par to take on a powerful raid boss, like Ninetales by yourself.

Weather is important, because you can either keep the playing grounds even, harm, or help yourself. So keep an eye on what  the current weather is in your game.

The moves that Ninetales has also plays an impact on your success in the raid. It is usually hard to tell what moves it has, until you have already used up your raid pass to see what counters the game set for you.

This should be a difficult raid boss to beat, as Ninetales’s move sets favor popular in game weather effects. It has a solid defensive stat, but with the right Pokemon you should be able to take this tank down. Glass cannons, such as Alakazam, can be useful but the bulkier Pokemon, such as Kyogre are the way to go. It has been successfully soloed before, so good luck!

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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