Nocturnal species of Pokémon GO (Generation 1, 2 and 3)

We’ve recently published a research analyzing how time of day influences various Pokémon Type spawns. As the research gained traction, a number of interesting questions surfaced.

Among those questions, Nick from Trainer Tips voiced the most interesting: does time of day influence spawn frequencies of Pokémon Types or specific Pokémon species?

It turns out that Nick was on the right track, as the results we observed in our initial research are actually consequences of something else: nocturnal species exist in Pokémon GO!

Research and results

The starting point of this research is a table of nocturnal Pokémon in the main game series. The list is available on Bulbapedia. We included both Generation I and Generation II Pokémon in the research, with hope to identify all nocturnal spawns.

We are happy to announce that the following species are more likely to spawn at night than during the day:

# Pokemon Gen
41 Zubat I
42 Golbat I
43 Oddish I
52 Meowth I
92 Gastly I
93 Haunter I
163 Hoothoot II
164 Noctowl II
168 Ariados II
195 Quagsire II
198 Murkrow II
200 Misdreavus II
215 Sneasel II
228 Houndour II
302 Sableye III
353 Shuppet III
354 Banette III
355 Duskull III

As you can see from this chart, several Pokémon from the Bulbapedia list do not appear to be nocturnal species in Pokémon GO. Even further, some evolved or pre-evolution forms of confirmed Nocturnal Species are also not nocturnal in Pokémon GO!

Prime examples of the latter are Spinarak and Wooper. Spinarak proved to spawn throughout the day, while Airados is more likely to spawn during the night. Same goes for Quagsire and Wooper. Data for Persian and Gloom was not conclusive.

Info graphic


It is apparent that some Pokémon GO species are nocturnal species, with higher chance to spawn during the night than during the day. The night cycle lasts from 20:00 local time to roughly 08:00 local time.

Our initial research (“Analysis of how time of day influences different Pokemon Type spawns”) indicated that those species are of DARK and GHOST type, however, it seems that our initial conclusions were not completely correct.

Although some nocturnal species in Pokémon GO are DARK or GHOST types, there are several others that spawn more often during the night and have other Pokémon Types.


You can use these graphs as visual representation of the data and our results. Feel free to distribute them, but link back to this article as source.

Raw Data

The data set used for analysis is published on GitHub, so refer to this link for the complete data set.

Hour of Day Ariados Clefairy Drowzee Gastly Gloom Golbat Golduck Haunter Hoothoot Houndour Hypno Marill Meowth Misdreavus Murkrow Noctowl Oddish Persian Poliwag Poliwhirl Psyduck Quagsire Raticate Rattata Sneasel Spinarak Stantler Staryu Venomoth Venonat Wobbuffet Wooper Zubat Total
0 320 173 63 796 6 490 12 24 10816 338 4 1478 349 169 10620 212 376 653 23 719 50 102 3103 38 4584 17 683 24 1792 62 3122 2436 43654
1 368 184 82 724 12 532 9 50 10370 328 3 1482 328 176 10190 200 430 1 680 22 745 58 90 3142 24 4484 28 662 20 1662 64 2868 2288 42306
2 264 191 62 740 12 428 8 40 10382 310 3 1462 320 154 10552 134 396 1 602 17 681 54 89 3177 24 4448 17 609 30 1672 91 2992 2198 42160
3 246 142 63 666 8 384 9 38 8626 200 3 1174 277 154 8596 150 314 1 473 18 547 36 85 2618 20 3526 12 514 20 1394 42 2392 1820 34568
4 202 123 49 536 2 342 7 34 7604 214 2 998 223 139 7598 86 258 451 17 445 42 64 2253 38 3044 7 486 18 1180 46 2128 1594 30230
5 230 136 52 574 10 358 7 38 7974 226 4 1140 245 135 7618 132 332 485 15 516 28 69 2423 22 3354 11 477 12 1234 52 2210 1766 31885
6 230 150 71 580 2 356 8 22 8398 244 1 1148 223 144 8348 138 282 1 455 15 558 34 68 2573 26 3488 13 528 24 1254 50 2300 1880 33612
7 240 141 63 614 8 354 5 32 8320 254 1 1140 250 150 8368 128 300 1 531 11 527 30 82 2514 22 3572 12 517 16 1326 49 2298 1850 33726
8 216 121 52 550 6 374 9 32 8484 296 2 1150 244 136 8262 126 310 535 13 542 32 90 2510 18 3456 14 551 6 1354 43 2208 1854 33596
9 124 140 34 334 14 286 7 12 3984 174 2 1268 198 91 5808 72 206 2 555 9 555 4 92 2674 10 3914 10 553 24 1412 63 2588 1320 26539
10 62 150 33 174 10 206 6 6 2444 132 1256 160 53 4496 66 164 1 629 21 551 8 70 2758 12 3882 16 629 22 1484 68 2596 1026 23191
11 64 155 27 234 12 172 2 8 2386 174 1 1376 139 45 4850 80 178 545 21 565 14 86 2725 6 3946 10 552 22 1428 55 2738 1072 23688
12 80 181 49 270 12 276 3 8 2564 148 2 1502 168 86 5036 82 188 639 24 578 10 99 2832 12 4586 11 626 34 1542 70 2758 1214 25690
13 74 176 44 258 8 238 5 6 2688 176 1520 195 71 5102 86 164 642 12 628 12 103 2769 8 4870 13 693 26 1608 58 2946 1302 26501
14 56 163 52 240 20 248 8 16 2654 146 1 1550 191 74 5362 78 168 1 648 31 675 10 92 2986 16 4802 11 703 24 1720 59 3120 1276 27201
15 66 146 41 308 8 272 4 18 2670 154 1482 169 70 5314 100 202 666 16 594 10 90 2955 8 4466 11 663 20 1496 56 3012 1220 26307
16 90 171 52 270 6 222 5 8 2496 170 2 1546 174 75 5012 88 210 634 13 600 8 80 2823 12 4930 12 678 20 1570 57 3086 1246 26366
17 90 166 50 214 6 272 4 14 2596 158 1 1578 177 72 5280 74 206 639 26 616 10 111 2729 10 4788 13 681 16 1664 64 3152 1336 26813
18 76 177 45 246 14 242 1 6 2712 160 1552 205 53 5194 70 172 640 19 596 14 95 2801 4 4766 17 698 32 1642 58 2986 1304 26597
19 158 192 58 414 14 298 5 32 5136 194 1 1438 239 122 6622 88 276 3 646 16 615 28 79 2673 14 4372 21 607 24 1670 62 2824 1640 30581
20 256 178 72 626 18 434 8 18 9144 278 4 1280 302 169 9246 142 344 560 19 610 56 91 2591 26 3840 9 607 24 1492 45 2632 2206 37327
21 286 145 61 598 12 440 9 36 9200 248 7 1294 313 159 9196 182 296 1 567 21 594 36 85 2685 32 4172 14 614 24 1566 59 2544 2170 37666
22 232 143 88 628 8 392 12 56 9426 260 3 1398 291 167 9226 146 310 1 598 13 585 30 88 2687 34 3862 13 605 18 1466 49 2542 2164 37541
23 242 124 45 648 16 412 11 24 8958 288 3 1228 301 165 8882 118 308 2 585 17 543 42 76 2706 44 3776 13 590 10 1430 45 2492 1970 36114
Grand Total 4272 3768 1308 11242 244 8028 164 578 150032 5270 50 32440 5681 2829 174778 2778 6390 16 14058 429 14185 656 2076 65707 480 98928 325 14526 510 36058 1367 64534 40152 763859

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.

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