Community Day #2 Guide: Dratini IV chart, 3X Stardust catch chart and general tips

February 2018 Community Day is just around the corner and with the release of the final wave of Gen III Pokemon, we have a lot to be excited about! Not only do we get Dratini Dragon as the event spawn, with the option for it to be a Shiny Dratini, but with 3 hour lures and 3x Stardust per catch, we are all looking forward to the 24th!

As of writing, the exclusive move for Dratini is still not announced. (Update as of 1:05 pm PST February 16th, Dratini will not have the exclusive move, but Dragonite will learn Draco Meteor when evolved.)

The second Community Day will take place on February 24th 2018 (the last Saturday in February) and it follows the previously established time slots:

  • The Asia-Pacific region: from 12:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. JST (GMT +9)
  • Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and India: from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. UTC (GMT +0)
  • The Americas and Greenland: from 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. PST (GMT -8)

In addition to the general Community day guide shared below, be sure to bring this Stardust catch chart with you (credits harvester89):

Dratini CPs and IV chart

In addition to the Stardust chart above, we think you will find this wild Dratini CP chart that shows best and worst CP at Levels 1 through 35. If you don’t want to memorize the entire table, remember that Maximum Dratini CPs are as follows:

  • 737 CP – non windy weather, a 100% IV, L30 Dratini
  • 799 CPWindy weather, a 100% IV, L35 Dratini
    • It’s the best Dratini that can be found in the wild
Level Min CP Max CP
35 605 799
34 596 786
33 587 774
32 577 762
31 568 749
30 559 737
29 540 713
28 522 688
27 503 663
26 484 639
25 466 614
24 447 590
23 428 565
22 410 540
21 391 516
20 372 491
19 354 467
18 335 442
17 316 418
16 298 393
15 279 368
14 261 344
13 242 319
12 223 295
11 205 270
10 186 245
9 166 219
8 147 194
7 127 168
6 107 142
5 88 116
4 68 90
3 48 64
2 28 38
1 9 12

Stock up on items

We recommend that you prepare for the event by stocking up on the following items to take full advantage of the event and make progress on your Dragon Tamer badges! Also make sure to check your local Weather Forecast for the 24th, Dragon type Pokemon are boosted during Windy weather!

  • Poke Balls – The worst case scenario is that you are out catching and suddenly you run out of balls. Make sure you stock up on Poke, Great and Ultra balls before the 24th to ensure you can spend the time catching!
  • Lures – Increase the amount of spawns in your local parks by setting these up at all of the stops you plan to hunt at.
  • Pinap Berries – With a chance of catching one of the rarest and most sought after Pokemon in the game, why not get double the amount of candies you’re getting while you’re at it!
  • Incense – In case the increased spawns aren’t enough for you, make sure to use your Incense to boost your chances of finding Dratini and other rare newly released Gen III Pokémon!
  • Star Piece – Why settle for 3x Stardust per catch when you can get even more! Make sure you have plenty of these in your inventory when the time comes!
  • Pokémon Go Plus – Make sure you are using these if you have them; it will help you catch a bit faster and help track your steps more accurately for egg hatching while you’re out hunting!

Mini Dratini strategy guide

We recommend using the following strategy for the event:

In Game

  • Get to your favorite local catching spots early.
  • Ensure that you have Lures up the entire duration (Lures will last for three hours.)
  • Catch everything you see! Make sure that you use your Pinap Berries for those priority catches like Dratini!
  • Use Incense to attract even more Pokémon to you while you’re out hunting.
  • Make sure that you keep your Star Pieces active the entire duration to maximize your Stardust!

Off Screen

  • Chat with your fellow Trainers and grow your local Pokémon Go community.
  • Promote the new Pokémon Go features to Trainers who are just starting their adventure or haven’t been playing for a while.
  • Most importantly, have fun!

When Niantic announced Community Day #2, they shared an info graphic that depicted which team caught the most Pokémon during the previous Community Day.

Mystic came out on top with the most catches then, but will they be able to maintain their bragging rights? Instinct and Valor teams, now is the time to pull out all the stops to show the world that you want to be the very best!

Additional tools

The following string can be used to search for perfect IV Dratini post event (copy & paste it to your search bar):

Read this Draco Meteor vs Outrage comparison:

Is Draco Meteor better than Outrage on Dragonite?

In case of a Shiny Dratini release, here’s how the shiny family looks like:

Author & tags

Age 32, from Los Angeles, Ca, USA. You can usually find me in the SFV or Ventura County. Team Valor - Level 40. Avid Pokémon Go community member and AR+ Photographer! @Pogoshowcase #pogoshowcase
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