Deoxys (Defense Form) Raid Guide

Deoxys (Defense)

Defense Form Deoxys is a Tier 5 raid boss in Pokémon GO and is a monster to take down due to its gargantuan DEF stat. It is a high-value Pokémon for the Great League and is the most coveted among the various Deoxys formes. Being a pure Psychic type, its weaknesses include strong Bug, Dark and Ghost types.

Minimum players – the minimum number of players to defeat a Defense Deoxys is around 4 Trainers.

This guide lists the best counters, forme stats, and which moves Defense Form Deoxys can have in Pokémon GO. For more information about Defense Deoxys’ role in the Pokémon GO metagame, read our A PvP Analysis on Defense Form Deoxys article.

Defense Form Deoxys Counters

The best counters for Defense Form Deoxys are the following:

# Pokémon Fast Move Charge Move Faints Time to win
1. Necrozma (Dawn Wings) Shadow Claw Ghost Moongeist Beam Ghost 2 159s
2. Tyranitar (Mega) Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 2 182s
3. Gengar (Mega) Lick Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 5 158s
4. Tyranitar (Shadow) Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 4 182s
5. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Dragon Ascent Flying 4 195s
6. Banette (Mega) Shadow Claw Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 5 181s
7. Chandelure (Shadow) Hex Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 7 176s
8. Houndoom (Mega) Snarl Dark Foul Play Dark 5 196s
9. Mewtwo (Shadow) Psycho Cut Psychic Shadow Ball Ghost 4 202s
10. Necrozma (Dusk Mane) Shadow Claw Ghost Sunsteel Strike Steel 3 222s
11. Cursola (Shadow) Hex Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 6 187s
12. Hydreigon Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 3 216s
13. Gengar (Shadow) Lick Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 8 173s
14. Heracross (Mega) Struggle Bug Bug Megahorn Bug 5 201s
15. Giratina (Origin) Shadow Claw Ghost Shadow Force Ghost 3 229s
16. Alakazam (Mega) Psycho Cut Psychic Shadow Ball Ghost 5 204s
17. Darkrai Snarl Dark Shadow Ball Ghost 4 209s
18. Gholdengo Hex Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 3 223s
19. Scizor (Mega) Fury Cutter Bug X-Scissor Bug 4 220s
20. Tyranitar Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 4 218s
21. Dragapult Astonish Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 4 216s
22. Gyarados (Mega) Bite Dark Crunch Dark 4 226s
23. Absol (Mega) Snarl Dark Dark Pulse Dark 6 196s
24. Weavile (Shadow) Snarl Dark Foul Play Dark 7 191s
25. Blacephalon Astonish Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 8 189s
26. Gardevoir (Mega) Charge Beam Electric Shadow Ball Ghost 4 228s
27. Hoopa (Confined) Astonish Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 4 223s
28. Hoopa (Unbound) Astonish Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 4 226s
29. Pinsir (Mega) Fury Cutter Bug X-Scissor Bug 7 202s
30. Salamence (Mega) Bite Dark Fly Flying 4 235s

Notes from other players:

  • This raid is difficult because of how T5 raid boss stats are calculated (keeps the mon’s defense, has a set HP), Deo-D is a tank. Please prepare a team in advance. If you’re not raiding with a group of 4+ people, you’re actually risking your ability to clear.
  • Defense Deoxys moves are rather lacklustre, and will not do serious immediate damage to your Pokémon. Mainly, be on the lookout for Psycho Boost, as that will destroy any Gengar you have on the scene. This is a battle against time, not against D-Deoxys itself, because the bulk of this forme is what makes it difficult.

Defense Forme Deoxys

Defense Forme Deoxys is most useful in GO Battle League, mainly Great League and the Ultra League. Its impressive bulk and wide range of attack types make it a contender against a wide range of Pokémon commonly used in the GO Battle League.

  • Initial CP Range: 1,228–1,299
  • Initial CP Range with Weather Boost: 1,535–1,624
  • Available Fast Attacks: Counter (Fighting), Zen Headbutt (Psychic)
  • Available Charged Attacks: Psycho Boost (Psychic), Rock Slide (Rock), Thunderbolt (Electric)

Available moves overview

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Counter Fighting
  • Zen Headbutt Psychic
  • Psycho Boost Psychic
  • Rock Slide Rock
  • Thunderbolt Electric

Defense Forme Deoxys’s Fighting-type Fast Attack Counter is highly effective against Dark-type Pokémon, which Deoxys is vulnerable to. This Pokémon also offers a reasonable range of Charged Attack types, so it is wise to teach it a second Charged Attack.

While the Charged Attack Psycho Boost does benefit from a same-type attack bonus, it has the downside of reducing Deoxys’s Attack stat.

Both the Rock-type Charged Attack Rock Slide and Electric-type Charged Attack Thunderbolt are popular choices, increasing the range of types Defense Forme Deoxys can contend with.

For example, a Defense Forme Deoxys that knows the Fast Attack Counter, Charged Attack Thunderbolt, and Charged Attack Rock Slide would be effective against Normal-, Fire-, Water-, Ice-, Flying-, Bug-, Rock-, Dark-, and Steel-type Pokémon.

Weather Effects

Weather Pro Attacker Pro Deoxys
Partly Cloudy Boosts Rock Rock Slide
Cloudy Boosts Fighting Counter
Rainy Boosts Super Effective Bug attacks Boosts Electric Thunderbolt
Fog Boosts Super Effective Ghost and Dark Attacks
Windy Boosts Psychic Zen Headbutt and Psycho Boost


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Level 40 Dedicated Mystic Player, Small town player, loves writing and burning other gyms with Charizard. Age 20
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