Lumineon Raid Guide


Lumineon is a Water type Tier 3 Raid Boss in Pokémon GO. The top Lumineon counters feature strong Grass and Electric Pokémon, which includes a number of powerful Megas and Shadow options.

Lumineon can have the following CP values when caught in a post-raid encounter:

  • 976 – 1036 CP in normal weather conditions
  • 1220 – 1295 CP in Rainy weather for weather boosts.

Lumineon can easily be defeated by solo battlers.

Lumineon Raid Counters

Our extensive database has determined these to be the optimal counters for Lumineon:

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Sceptile (Mega) Fury Cutter Bug Frenzy Plant Grass 3 91s
2. Raikou (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 2 101s
3. Kartana Razor Leaf Grass Leaf Blade Grass 3 100s
4. Magnezone (Shadow) Volt Switch Electric Wild Charge Electric 2 105s
5. Manectric (Mega) Thunder Fang Electric Wild Charge Electric 3 102s
6. Zekrom Charge Beam Electric Fusion Bolt Electric 2 108s
7. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Dragon Ascent Flying 2 105s
8. Xurkitree Thunder Shock Electric Discharge Electric 3 101s
9. Electivire (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 3 98s
10. Venusaur (Mega) Vine Whip Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 2 111s
11. Thundurus (Therian) Volt Switch Electric Wildbolt Storm Electric 3 101s
12. Zapdos (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Thunderbolt Electric 3 105s
13. Ampharos (Mega) Volt Switch Electric Zap Cannon Electric 2 114s
14. Zarude Vine Whip Grass Power Whip Grass 3 117s
15. Lucario (Mega) Force Palm Fighting Aura Sphere Fighting 2 119s
16. Venusaur (Shadow) Vine Whip Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 3 111s
17. Shaymin (Sky) Magical Leaf Grass Grass Knot Grass 4 110s
18. Necrozma (Dawn Wings) Psycho Cut Psychic Moongeist Beam Ghost 2 121s
19. Tangrowth (Shadow) Vine Whip Grass Power Whip Grass 3 112s
20. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Solar Beam Grass 3 117s
21. Luxray (Shadow) Spark Electric Wild Charge Electric 4 109s
22. Raikou Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 2 121s
23. Mewtwo (Shadow) Psycho Cut Psychic Thunderbolt Electric 3 113s
24. Sceptile (Shadow) Fury Cutter Bug Frenzy Plant Grass 4 106s
25. Magnezone Volt Switch Electric Wild Charge Electric 2 126s
26. Gallade (Mega) Psycho Cut Psychic Leaf Blade Grass 3 123s
27. Electivire Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 3 118s
28. Golem (Alola Shadow) Volt Switch Electric Wild Charge Electric 4 116s
29. Latios (Mega) Dragon Breath Dragon Solar Beam Grass 3 127s
30. Roserade Magical Leaf Grass Grass Knot Grass 4 120s

Stats and Max CP

Lumineon Water
Max CP at Level 40 1814 | Max CP at Level 50 2050
ATK 142 DEF 170 HP 170
Weak to Resistances
Grass Electric Fire Ice Steel Water

Lumineon Moveset

Lumineon has a mostly Water based moveset, though has Charge Move options to cover one of it’s weaknesses:

Fast Charge
  • Water Gun Water
  • Waterfall Water
  • Blizzard Ice
  • Water Pulse Water
  • Silver Wind Bug
      Due to the high possibility of Lumineon having a Charged Move that counters Grass, this might leave trainers limited to using Electric types to take down this boss as quick as possible. Just pay attention to the recommended counters in the raid lobby to get an idea of which moves Lumineon may have.

    Final Thoughts

    Lumineon is often considered one of the most forgettable Pokémon, and after analysing its challenge rating in Raids, that may likely continue into Pokémon GO as well. 

    Author & tags

    Hey, I'm Tudor. I've been an avid Pokémon fan since the European release of Pokémon Red and Blue, I chose Blue. From there my love of the franchise grew when Gold and Silver were released, and I was introduced to my favourite Pokémon, Sneasel! In GO, I'm a die hard team Mystic player and enjoy completing various collections such as the lucky dex and getting hundo Mega evolutions. Across all Pokémon games I'm a bit of a casual shiny hunter.
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