Mega Ampharos Raid Counters Guide

Ampharos (Mega)

Mega Ampharos is an Electric and Dragon type Mega Raid Boss. Optimal raid counters include powerful Dragon Ground Fairy and Ice types, with a large variety available to help you win the bout easily. 

You cannot catch Ampharos in its mega evolved form from the raid. The Mega Raid Boss is always catchable in its base form and as such, the CP ranges are for a regular Ampharos.

Ampharos can be caught with the following CP values:

  • 1554 –1630 CP at level 20, no weather boost
  • 1943 – 2037 CP at level 25 with Rainy or Windy weather boost

Depending on your levels and counters, we would recommend 3-5 trainers who are high level, and more if you don’t have optimal teams. This guide will tell you how to beat this long-haired beauty of a Mega, as well as its optimal stats, moves, and CP range.

Mega Ampharos Counters

Let’s check out the top raid counters for Mega Ampharos:

# Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move Time to win Deaths
1. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Breaking Swipe Dragon 256s 12
2. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 300s 7
3. Garchomp (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Outrage Dragon 303s 8
4. Garchomp (Shadow) Dragon Tail Dragon Outrage Dragon/td> 322s 11
5. Groudon (Shadow) DMud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 327s 12
6. Salamence (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Draco Meteor Dragon 325s 14
7. Dialga (Origin) Dragon Tail Dragon Roar of Time Dragon 344s 13
8. Latios (Mega) Dragon Breath Dragon Dragon Claw Dragon 342s 13
9. Gardevoir (Mega) Charm Fairy Dazzling Gleam Fairy 332s 16
10. Sceptile (Mega) Fury Cutter Bug Breaking Swipe Dragon 343s 16
11. Latias (Mega) Dragon Breath Dragon Outrage Dragon 370s 12
12. Palkia (Origin) Dragon Tail Dragon Spacial Rend Dragon 332s 18
13. Salamence (Shadow) Dragon Tail Dragon Outrage Dragon 313s 23
14. Landorus (Therian) Mud Shot Ground Sandsear Storm Ground 351s 15
15. Dragonite (Shadow) Dragon Tail Dragon Outrage Dragon 326s 21
16. Garchomp Dragon Tail Dragon Outrage Dragon 386s 11
17. Excadrill (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Scorching Sands Ground 344s 18
18. Haxorus Dragon Tail Dragon Breaking Swipe Dragon 342s 19
19. Rayquaza Dragon Tail Dragon Breaking Swipe Dragon 338s 21
20. Groudon Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 387s 12
21. Mamoswine (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Avalanche Ice 346s 20
22. Dragapult Dragon Tail Dragon Breaking Swipe Dragon 359s 18
23. Latios (Shadow) Dragon Breat dragon] Dragon Claw Dragon 353s 19
24. Zekrom Dragon Breath Dragon Outrage Dragon 386s 14
25. Rhyperior (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Breaking Swipe Dragon 370s 17
26. Dialga Dragon Breath Dragon Draco Meteor Dragon 386s 16
27. Exeggutor (Alola Shadow) Dragon Tail Dragon Draco Meteor Dragon 368s 20
28. Substitute Dragon Breath Dragon Draco Meteor Dragon 388s 17
29. Latias (Shadow) Dragon Breath Dragon Outrage Dragon 386s 18
30. Palkia Dragon Tail Dragon Draco Meteor Dragon 370s 21

Thanks to its dual Dragon and Electric typing, many of Mega Ampharos counters aren’t Mega evolutions, and are instead a variety of Legendarys we have had return to the game several times. Some are incredibly rare, (Axew, where art thou?), but some, like Dragonite and Salamence, have been featured in Community Days, so many trainers will find they have high IV options that are maxed out already.

For budget options, Mamoswine, Rhyperior, Galarian Damanitan, Golurk, Alolan Exeggutor, Gardevoir, Weavile and Glaceon, are all fairly accessible choices.

Ampharos Shiny

Like all Mega Raid Bosses, you can catch the shiny version of Ampharos from a raid, and also in the wild potentially, if you can find it!

Regular Sprite Shiny Sprite

Mega Ampharos Stats

Ampharos (Mega) ElectricDragon
Max CP at lvl 40 4245
ATK 294 DEF 207 HP 203
Weak to Strong Against
Dragon Ground Ice Fairy Dragon Water Flying


Mega Ampharos Moveset Analysis

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Volt Switch Electric
  • Charge Beam Electric
  • Dragon Pulse (legacy) Dragon
  • Zap Cannon Electric
  • Thunder Electric
  • Thunder Punch Electric
  • Power Gem Rock
  • Focus Blast Fighting

As a a Dragon type, Mega Ampharos is sadly lacking, in large part due to its lack of Dragon type fast move, and also the fact that its one Dragon type charge move Dragon Pulse is not only legacy, but also not so great. Needing 50 energy to power it up, and dealing 90 damage, it is massively outclassed by the likes of Draco Meteor and Outrage. Outrage does 110 damage for the same energy cost, making Dragon Pulse very energy inefficient. There are plenty of much stronger and better Mega Dragons, but where Mega Ampharos gets to shine is as an Electric type attacker.

As one of only two Electric type Megas, Ampharos is the stand out because of its massive attack stat. With a huge 294 attack stat, it can dish out some serious damage, despite being squishier because of its defense stat of 207. It has access to much better Electric type moves, we recommend Volt Switch and Zap Cannon for optimal total damage output and damage per second.

With its flowing locks, Mega Ampharos is a really striking and cool-looking Mega to add to your collection. With a fantastic pink shiny form, Mega Ampharos can be a really great Electric type addition to your team when battling against Flying types like Mega Pigeot, and powerful Water types like Mega Blastoise and Kyogre.

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Pokémon GO Hub Editor in Chief and Writer. Turtwig obsessive, real life Psyduck, Pokémon GO AR Photographer, found footage horror fan.
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