Mega Steelix Raid Guide

Steelix (Mega)

Mega Steelix is a Steel and Ground type Mega Raid boss. Best Mega Steelix raid counters include powerful Fire, Fighting, Water and Ground types, with a mixed range of different counters available to help you defeat it.

Depending on your levels and counters, we would recommend 4-5 trainers who are high level, and more if you don’t have optimal teams. This guide will tell you how to beat this steely Mega, as well as its optimal stats, moves and CP range.

Mega Steelix Counters

Since Shadow Pokémon are extremely expensive to power up and require specific events to remove Frustration with a Charge TM, they will NOT be listed as raid counters in this article. That being said, if you have the shadow form of a listed raid counter Pokémon powered up and TMed, use it.

Let’s check out the top raid counters for Mega Steelix:

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 12 482s
2. Kyogre (Primal) Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 12 488s
3. Blaziken (Mega) Counter Fighting Blast Burn Fire 22 505s
4. Charizard (Mega Y) Fire Spin Fire Blast Burn Fire 16 517s
5. Swampert (Mega) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 14 529s
6. Garchomp (Mega) Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 17 548s
7. Blastoise (Mega) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 18 576s
8. Terrakion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 26 583s
9. Reshiram Fire Fang Fire Fusion Flare Fire 22 590s
10. Keldeo (Ordinary) Low Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 20 597s
11. Keldeo Low Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 20 597s
12. Landorus (Therian) Mud Shot Ground Sandsear Storm Ground 20 603s
13. Charizard (Mega X) Fire Spin Fire Blast Burn Fire 24 607s
14. Gyarados (Mega) Waterfall Water Hydro Pump Water 15 636s
15. Groudon Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 19 623s
16. Kyogre Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 19 637s
17. Houndoom (Mega) Fire Fang Fire Flamethrower Fire 23 632s
18. Lucario Counter Fighting Aura Sphere Fighting 29 638s
19. Heatran Fire Spin Fire Magma Storm Fire 22 653s
20. Alakazam (Mega) Counter Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 30 644s
21. Salamence (Mega) Fire Fang Fire Hydro Pump Water 19 679s
22. Volcarona Fire Spin Fire Overheat Fire 23 672s
23. Conkeldurr Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 26 673s
24. Greninja Water Shuriken Water Hydro Cannon Water 28 678s
25. Swampert Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 22 692s
26. Excadrill Mud-Slap Ground Scorching Sands Ground 26 685s
27. Darmanitan (Standard) Fire Fang Fire Overheat Fire 33 680s
28. Darmanitan Fire Fang Fire Overheat Fire 33 680s
29. Emboar Low Kick Fighting Blast Burn Fire 30 682s
30. Blaziken Counter Fighting Blast Burn Fire 34 683s

With a wide range of counters and a fair few different type weaknesses thanks to that Steel and Ground dual typing, most trainers should find themselves able to whip up a strong team of counters.

For more budget counters you can check out the whole counters list here, but Darmanitan, Garchomp, Machamp and Excadrill are all worth a mention.

Mega Steelix Moveset Analysis

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Iron Tail Steel
  • Thunder Fang Electric
  • Dragon Tail Dragon
  • Heavy Slam Steel
  • Earthquake Ground
  • Crunch Dark

For optimal DPS Iron Tail and Heavy Slam are your best choices, as they also get STAB. Mega Steelix has some pretty odd choices for movesets, with no Ground type fast move, and a random Electric fast move. To make best use of Mega Steelix keep it as a Steel type attacker.

Learn more about Mega Steelix in PvP here: Budget Busters: A PvP Analysis of Mega Master League

How to Get Mega Steelix

You cannot catch Steelix in its mega evolved form from the raid. The mega raid boss is always catchable in its base form and as such, the CP ranges are for a regular Steelix.

Steelix can be caught with the following CP values:

  • 2010 – 2097 CP no weather boost
  • 2512 – 2622 CP boosted by Sunny or Snow weather boost

In order to get Mega Steelix you will need 200 Mega Energy for the initial evolution, then 40 Mega Energy to evolve the same Steelix again in the future. Mega Energy can be obtained via Mega Steelix Raids, and once you have evolved Mega Steelix, you can earn 5 Mega Energy per candy while walking it as your buddy. You can walk any Onix or Steelix to earn Mega Energy, as long as you have previously evolved one to register it to your Mega Pokédex.

Shiny Steelix

Like all Mega Raid Bosses, you can catch the shiny version of Steelix from a raid.

Regular Sprite Shiny Sprite


Mega Steelix Stats

Steelix (Mega) SteelGround
Max CP at lvl 40 3630
ATK 212 DEF 327 HP 181
Weak to Strong Against
Fighting Fire Water Ground Rock Fairy Electric Poison



Mega Steelix brings to mind one word, BULK. That Defense stat is unreal, so make sure you are well prepared going into these raids because it is going to take some hard hitters to beat it, especially if you are short manning.

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Pokémon GO Hub Editor in Chief and Writer. Turtwig obsessive, real life Psyduck, Pokémon GO AR Photographer, found footage horror fan.
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