Terrakion Raid Counters Guide


Best Terrakion counters are Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, Psystrike Mewtwo, Meteor Mash Metagross, and other strong Psychic/Water/Ground Pokémon. Terrakion is a Tier 5 raid boss with 48457 Boss CP. It can be easily trio raided. Terrakion can be caught in following CP ranges:

  • 2026 – 2113 (Unboosted Level 20 raid catch)
  • 2553 – 2641 (Boosted Level 25 raid catch in Cloudy and Partly Cloudy)

Terrakion is easily duoed with a team of Psystrike or Psychic Mewtwo, without relying on weather. It can be an easy trio with any of the other high tier counters. Mewtwo is of course the unmatched best counter, with Meteor Mash Metagross being a relatively distant 2nd place. Maxed a Jirachi for whatever reason? This is one of the few raid bosses where you can take full advantage of its mixed Confusion and Doom Desire set.

Best Terrakion Counters

The following table lists best Terrakion counters in Pokemon GO.

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Kyogre (Primal) Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 16 484s
2. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 18 489s
3. Alakazam (Mega) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 24 502s
4. Swampert (Mega) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 19 523s
5. Mewtwo Psycho Cut Psychic Psystrike Psychic 20 523s
6. Garchomp (Mega) Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 18 532s
7. Gardevoir (Mega) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 18 532s
8. Latios (Mega) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 18 534s
9. Sceptile (Mega) Bullet Seed Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 27 535s
10. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Dragon Ascent Flying 20 571s
11. Terrakion Double Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 33 576s
12. Blastoise (Mega) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 24 578s
13. Hoopa (Unbound) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 30 581s
14. Latias (Mega) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 18 607s
15. Keldeo (Ordinary) Low Kick Fighting Sacred Sword Fighting 25 592s
16. Kartana Razor Leaf Grass Leaf Blade Grass 43 608s
17. Lunala Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 16 628s
18. Blaziken (Mega) Counter Fighting Focus Blast Fighting 36 603s
19. Metagross Bullet Punch Steel Meteor Mash Steel 26 611s
20. Venusaur (Mega) Vine Whip Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 22 621s
21. Groudon Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 23 629s
22. Kyogre Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 26 640s
23. Lucario Counter Fighting Aura Sphere Fighting 49 663s
24. Hoopa (Confined) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 24 656s
25. Gengar (Mega) Lick Ghost Psychic Psychic 30 651s
26. Zarude Vine Whip Grass Power Whip Grass 29 656s
27. Gyarados (Mega) Waterfall Water Hydro Pump Water 29 657s
28. Latios Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 25 662s
29. Jirachi Confusion Psychic Doom Desire Steel 26 664s
30. Conkeldurr Counter Fighting Dynamic Punch Fighting 30 661s

Terrakion Stats

Terrakion RockFighting
Max CP at lvl 40 3698 at lvl 50 4181
ATK 260 DEF 192 HP 209
Weak to Resistances
Fairy [fghting] Grass Ground Psychic Steel Water Bug Dark Fire Normal Poison Rock

Terrakion Moveset

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Double Kick Fighting
  • Zen Headbutt Psychic
  • Smack Down Rock
  • Close Combat Fighting
  • Earthquake Ground
  • Rock Slide Rock
  • Sacred Sword Fighting (legacy)

Analysis of Terrakion Counters

Terrakion has 260 ATK, 192 DEF and 209 STA. It’s middling defence makes it fairly easy, but with the wrong counters you can struggle. Being a Rock and Fighting type, it’s weak to Psychic, Water, Fighting, Grass, Ground, and Fairy. It’s quite common that you’ll be facing a weather boosted Terrakion, as it’s types are boosted by the 2 most common weather conditions: Cloudy and Partly Cloudy.


Mewtwo is unmatched, just altogether the best counter for Terrakion by a mile. Psystrike’s obviously the better of the 2, but Psychic is definitely viable as well, if you just want to spend some dust on a second move for your already maxed Shadow Ball Mewtwo.


Metagross boasts incredible bulk and resistances, without skimping on damage. This is finally the time to break out those community day Metagross for a reason other than gym sweeping! A mixed Psychic set is fine, too, if you have a high level one for whatever reason. Just watch out for Earthquake.


Finally Latios is relevant! After ages of being a not great Dragon attacker, it’s now a pretty decent Psychic attacker. However, Mewtwo got Psystrike, so Latios just kinda… Exists.


Among the best in rainy weather, but still good in any other.


An absolute glass cannon reliant on a legacy move. Use cautiously. You can also use Espeon in the same role.


Ooh, a mythical! Just behind Metagross and Mewtwo, actually, but held back by the fact you only get one. Many people would prefer to keep Jirachi for great or ultra league, just in case.

Other options that aren’t too bad

  • Gallade (Confusion Psychic, Psychic Psychic)
  • Celebi (Confusion Psychic, Psychic Psychic)
  • Exeggutor (Confusion Psychic, Psychic Psychic/Solar Beam Grass)
  • Swampert (Either fast, Hydro Cannon Water)
  • Garchomp (Mud Shot Ground, Earthquake Ground)
  • Togekiss (Charm Fairy, Dazzling Gleam Fairy)

Terrakion has one of the strongest Pokémon in the game, Psystrike Mewtwo, as a counter, so as long as you have a healthy supply of those (or Psychic Mewtwo and Meteor Mash Metagross), a Duo is possible and a Trio is easy. There’s many other counters, as Terrakion has 7 weaknesses, many of which are very common, so you can build your team with whatever’s available.

Terrakion moves

Fast move Charge move
  • Smack Down Rock (fast)
  • Zen Headbutt Psychic (fast)
  • Close Combat Fighting (charge, 1-bar)
  • Earthquake Ground (charge, 1-bar)
  • Rock Slide Rock (charge, 2-bar)

Weather Effects

Weather Pro Attacker Pro Terrakion
Sunny Boosted Ground and Grass Boosted Earthquake Ground
Partly Cloudy Level 25 Terrakion Boosted Smack Down Rock and Rock Slide Rock
Cloudy Level 25 Terrakion, Boosted Fighting and Fairy Boosted Close Combat Fighting
Rainy Boosted Water
Snow Boosted Steel
Windy Boosted Psychic Boosted Zen Headbutt Psychic

As you can see, basically any weather has an effect on Terrakion and it’s main counters, due to its array of weaknesses. Aim to raid it in Cloudy weather, as it’ll boost 2 types for you and give you a higher level Terrakion on catch. A duo in Windy or Snow is comical, so if you experience either of those weather conditions, give it a shot.

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