Trainers, the following shiny Pokemon have increased global spawns during the GO Fest Dortmund event (July 4 – July 7). Do note that this list is based on real world observations and is subject to change over time. Please revisit it throughout the day.
Caterpie | Sandshrew | Nidoran (M) |
Diglett | Geodude | Grimer |
Shellder | Drowzee | Magikarp |
Omanyte | Kabuto | Aron |
Spoink |
These Pokemon will appear more frequently in the wild during the GO Fest 2019 event in Dortmund. Although most of these Pokemon have been available as shiny for a while now, some of them are exceedingly rare to find, so it’s worth going out and shiny hunting while the event lasts.
Shiny Hunting guide for GO Fest Attendees
A Youtuber by the name Razzi has created a guide for shiny hunting inside Westfalen Park, where GO Fest Dortmund takes place. Here are the spawns and increased shinnies which you can get at GO Fest:
- Steel Factory: Mawile, Meditite, Aron, Beldum, Bronzor, Grimer, Feebas
- Mysterious Woods: Pinsir, Caterpie, Spoink, Natu, Drowzee, Pineco, Magnemite
- Rocky Terrain: Diglett, Geodude, Aerodactyl, Larvitar, Nidoran F, Scyther, Onyx
- Boat Lake: Magikarp, Wailmer, Clamperl, Omanyte, Nidorina, Kabuto, Dratini, Lotad, Shellder, Horsea, Krabby
- Other: Gastly, Machamp, Geodude, Floral Pikachu and Eevee
Players have reported getting anywhere from 5 – 20 shinnies during their gameplay session. Be aware that you can only benefit from these spawns during your one gameplay day at GO Fest. Don’t waste it!