Home Featured Thank you reddit, you guys are amazing!

Thank you reddit, you guys are amazing!

Thank you reddit, you guys are amazing!
Reddit thank you

Hello reddit,

The first Croatian Pokemon Meetup in Split
The first Croatian Pokemon Meetup in Split

I started this web page a few days ago as a place to collect guides, help my friends and colleagues play the game more efficiently and with more ease. We are trying to build a small Pokemon GO community here in Split, Croatia and this website was a part of that effort. We even held the first Croatian Pokemon GO meetup on Sunday.

Today, I published an article about new Pokemon GO servers in Europe and posted it on reddit. Things escalated quickly, and before I knew what was going on, my shared hosting provider e-mailed me about the surplus of traffic and inquired if I was accidentally provoking a DDoS attack by posting about Pokemon GO. It took a while to explain, but at the end they understood what was going on.

Anyway, you guys gave us more love, more attention and more upvotes than I ever expected. Thank you for that. /r/pokemongo – you guys are insane!