Hello Trainers! Some text updates have been pushed and it includes hints at a Go Rocket collection for the Johto event, a Love Cup for the GBL, a couple of Pokédex entries and more.
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Please be aware data miners have publicly reported everything in this article (PokéMiners). Information shared through these channels is not affiliated nor approved by Niantic, and is always subject to change. Do not take it for granted, features change and get scrapped all the time. It is very important that you are aware that these things CAN and WILL CHANGE.
Additionally, this article contains my thoughts and opinions in regards to the code that was shared online – all of these should be treated as conjecture, not as hard statements. If you’re OK with that, feel free to read further. Potential spoilers ahead.
Johto Rocket Collection
RESOURCE ID: mini_collection_jan21_shadow_event TEXT: Johto Celebration: Rocket Collection
It looks like the Johto event will have a separate Rocket Collection to complete, or maybe that is the collection.
The Love Cup
RESOURCE ID: love_cup_title TEXT: Love Cup
No hints at what Pokémon will be eligible, however, it’s probably a fair statement to say that Fairy types will be one of the types included.
Pokedex Updates
RESOURCE ID: pokemon_desc_0102 TEXT: This Pokémon consists of six eggs that form a closely knit cluster. The six eggs attract each other and spin around. When cracks increasingly appear on the eggs, Exeggcute is close to Evolution. RESOURCE ID: pokemon_category_0650 TEXT: Spiny Nut Pokémon
Updates to the Pokédex entries of Exeggcute and Chespin.
Sponsored Items
RESOURCE ID: open_sponsored_balloon_postcard_message TEXT: Enjoy these free items to help you on your adventure from <b>{0}</b> RESOURCE ID: open_sponsored_gift_button TEXT: Open Gift
This looks like gifts you can get from sponsored balloons. Maybe they’ll appear on the map like the Go Rocket balloons, but instead of battles, you’ll get free stuff.
Roselia Community Day
Ticket Texts
RESOURCE ID: community_day_roselia_event_name TEXT: Community Day: Roselia RESOURCE ID: general1.ticket.2_roset_description TEXT: A ticket to access the "Stop and Smell the Roselia" Special Research from February 7, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. to February 7, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. local time, wherever you are. Details can be found in the in-game News. YOU MUST PLAY DURING THE SPECIFIED TIME TO RECEIVE ALL THE SPECIAL EVENT BONUSES. RESOURCE ID: general1.ticket.2_roset_title TEXT: Stop and Smell the Roselia Ticket RESOURCE ID: item_event_ticket_pink_roset_desc TEXT: A ticket to access a special research on February 7 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time, wherever you are. RESOURCE ID: item_event_ticket_pink_roset_details TEXT: This ticket will automatically activate to give you access to a special research on February 7, wherever you are in the world. RESOURCE ID: ticket_roselia TEXT: Ticket for Special Research story available in the Shop: Stop and Smell the Roselia
Standard texts for Roselia’s Community Day ticket.
RESOURCE ID: quest_roset_catch_b TEXT: Catch {0} Roselia RESOURCE ID: quest_roset_evolve_b TEXT: Evolve {0} Roselia
Today View Texts
RESOURCE ID: photobomb_five_roselia TEXT: 5 Photobombs from Roselia in GO Snapshot RESOURCE ID: spawn_roselia TEXT: More Roselia are appearing in the wild
The Special Research
RESOURCE ID: quest_title_roset TEXT: Stop and Smell the Roselia RESOURCE ID: quest_complete_roset TEXT: Stop and Smell the Roselia RESOURCE ID: quest_title_roset_0 TEXT: Stop and Smell the Roselia (1/4) RESOURCE ID: quest_title_roset_1 TEXT: Stop and Smell the Roselia (2/4) RESOURCE ID: quest_title_roset_2 TEXT: Stop and Smell the Roselia (3/4) RESOURCE ID: quest_title_roset_3 TEXT: Stop and Smell the Roselia (4/4) RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_0_0 TEXT: Ahhh… do you smell that, Trainer? RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_0_1 TEXT: Earlier today, I was distracted by an amazing aroma as I was taking my daily morning walk. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_0_2 TEXT: Upon further investigation, I discovered that the scent was coming from an unusually large group of Roselia appearing by a nearby spring. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_0_3 TEXT: Did you know, its flowers give off a relaxing fragrance. The stronger its aroma, the healthier the Roselia is, and judging by the aroma these are VERY healthy Roselia! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_0_4 TEXT: However sweet smelling, do be careful when encountering this Pokémon. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_0_5 TEXT: The thorns on its head contain a vicious poison and can shoot them as projectiles at any opponent that tries to steal the flowers on its arms. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_0_6 TEXT: Since this many Roselia appearing at once is quite a rare occurrence, would you mind assisting me with some research? RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_1_0 TEXT: Welcome back, %PLAYERNAME%! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_1_1 TEXT: While you were out smelling the Roselia, I wanted to be sure I had the most updated information about this Pokémon to share with you. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_1_2 TEXT: Even a professor like myself reviews Pokédex information on a regular basis. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_1_3 TEXT: Roselia, the Thorn Pokémon evolves from Budew, the Bud Pokémon. Budew is sensitive to changes in temperature, the bud is said to bloom when it feels the sun's warm touch. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_1_4 TEXT: It also shares the same typing as Roselia, both are Grass- and Poision-type. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_1_5 TEXT: I still need a bit more research on Roselia if you wouldn’t mind assisting me, in my review of the Pokédex I remembered something exciting about this Pokémon and want to see it for myself! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_2_0 TEXT: Wow… could you imagine if it was Muk appearing instead of Roselia? RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_2_1 TEXT: A big group all gathered in the sun… that would smell AWFUL… RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_2_2 TEXT: Oh! Hey there, %PLAYERNAME%, glad to see you’re back. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_2_3 TEXT: I found that interesting bit of information I wanted to share with you. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_2_4 TEXT: According to the Pokédex, Roselia that drink nutritionally rich springwater are said to reveal rare coloration when they bloom. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_2_5 TEXT: Isn’t that fascinating? Have you seen anything like that while you have been out completing research? RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_2_6 TEXT: If so, you are a very lucky Trainer! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_2_7 TEXT: Now that you are back, I’d like you to evolve one of your Roselia with the Sinnoh Stone I gave you. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_2_8 TEXT: I’m excited to see the final evolution of this Grass- and Poision-type family of Pokémon! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_3_0 TEXT: Great work, Trainer! Your Roselia has evolved into the Bouquet Pokémon, Roserade! RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_3_1 TEXT: With the movements of a dancer, it strikes with whips that are densely lined with poison thorns. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_3_2 TEXT: Noted: Use caution when dancing with Roserade. If you examine the Pokémon closely, you can see there are differences between each hand. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_3_3 TEXT: Each of its hands contains different toxins. The poison in its right hand is quick acting. The poison in its left hand is slow acting. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_3_4 TEXT: What an amazing Pokémon, don’t you agree? RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_3_5 TEXT: Thank you for all your help today, I really appreciate you helping me document this situation so we can keep learning more and more about the Pokémon in the world around us. RESOURCE ID: quest_special_dialogue_roset_3_6 TEXT: Until next time, let’s GO!
The quest text, it looks like the quest will have 4 parts.
Mareep Incense Day
RESOURCE ID: event_move_ampharos_dragon_pulse TEXT: Evolve Flaaffy to get an Ampharos that knows Dragon Pulse RESOURCE ID: incense_day_pokemon_mareep TEXT: Mareep attracted to Incense
Texts for the previously announced Mareep Day.
POI Submission Updates
RESOURCE ID: poi_contrib_uploading_status_singular TEXT: Uploading {0}/{1} RESOURCE ID: upmgmt_main_menu_uploading_singular TEXT: UPLOADING ({0}) RESOURCE ID: upmgmt_settings_msg_plural TEXT: You have {0} contributions pending upload RESOURCE ID: upload_mgmt_pending_data Removed TEXT: You have {0} contribution(s) pending upload. Added TEXT: You have {0} contribution pending upload.
Mega Reminder
RESOURCE ID: event_mega_evolve_reminder TEXT: Earn more Catch Candy from Pokémon of your Mega-Evolved Pokémon’s type
A reminder of the bonuses you can get from Mega evolving? Maybe a push notification?
That’s all for this update trainers, stay safe out there.