Haunter Raid Guide

Haunter is a Ghost/Poison type Tier 3 Raid boss, whose evolution is the iconic Gengar. While Gengar and its Mega Evolution are top PvE picks with some utility in PvP as well, Haunter is a menace in the Ultra League.

To beat this spooky Pokémon, you should bring Dark,Ghost, Ground, and Psychic, types. You can capture Haunter in the following CP ranges:

  • 1056 CP1121 CP at Level 20, no weather boost
  • 1320 CP – 1402 CP at Level 25 with Fog or Cloudy weather boost

Haunter is hardly a challenge with the right Pokémon. We suggest a minimum group size of 1-3 Trainers to defeat Haunter easily

Haunter Raid Counters Raid icon

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 1 60s
2. Tyranitar (Mega) Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 1 66s
3. Mewtwo (Shadow) Confusion Psychic Psystrike Psychic 3 52s
4. Necrozma (Dawn Wings) Psycho Cut Psychic Moongeist Beam Ghost 3 53s
5. Tyranitar (Shadow) Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 1 66s
6. Garchomp (Mega) Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 1 64s
7. Gengar (Mega) Lick Ghost Shadow Ball Ghost 3 57s
8. Alakazam (Mega) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 3 57s
9. Groudon (Shadow) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 2 64s
10. Mewtwo Confusion Psychic Psystrike Psychic 3 62s
11. Latios (Mega) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 2 63s
12. Hoopa (Unbound) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 2 65s
13. Houndoom (Mega) Snarl Dark Foul Play Dark 1 70s
14. Gardevoir (Mega) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 3 62s
15. Rayquaza (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Dragon Ascent Flying 2 69s
16. Excadrill (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Scorching Sands Ground 2 66s
17. Garchomp (Shadow) Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 2 68s
18. Rhyperior (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Earthquake Ground 2 72s
19. Weavile (Shadow) Snarl Dark Foul Play Dark 2 69s
20. Tyranitar Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 1 80s
21. Landorus (Therian) Mud Shot Ground Sandsear Storm Ground 2 69s
22. Metagross (Shadow) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic ;Psychic 3 67s
23. Gyarados (Mega) Bite Dark Crunch Dark 1 82s
24. Mamoswine (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground High Horsepower Ground 2 70s
25. Darkrai Snarl Dark Shadow Ball Ghost 2 75s
26. Latios (Shadow) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 3 65s
27. Latias (Mega) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 2 73s
28. Groudon Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 2 77s
29. Necrozma (Dusk Mane) Psycho Cut Psychic Sunsteel Strike Steel 2 73s
30. Hydreigon Bite Dark Brutal Swing Dark 2 78s

*Represents Legacy Moves

Haunter Stats & Matchups Raid icon

Haunter GhostPoison
Max CP at Level 40 1963 CP | Max CP at Level 50 2219 CP
ATK 223 DEF 107 HP 128
Weaknesses Resistances
Dark Ghost Ground Psychic  Fighting Normal Bug Poison Fairy Grass

Haunter Moveset Raid icon

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Astonish Ghost
  • Lick Ghost
  • Shadow Claw Ghost
  • Shadow Punch Ghost
  • Shadow Ball Ghost
  • Sludge Bomb Poison
  • Power Whip Grass
  • Dark Pulse Dark
  • Ice Punch Ice

All the best, trainers!

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Niladri Sarkar is a vastly experienced Content Writer who specializes in Pokémon competitive battles, combat mechanics, lore, math, and science. Having previously worked with reputed organizations like Dexerto and Smogon, Niladri has immense knowledge in Pokémon GO, TCG Pocket, VGC, Unite, and mainline games like Scarlet & Violet. He has been with GO Hub since September 2019 and is known as their resident Dragon Master. You can reach out to Niladri at [email protected].
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