The Luckiest Pokémon GO Trade Ever?

This weekend I saw a post on social media that I think might just be the luckiest trade ever in Pokémon GO. It is something that is so rare, that I can’t find another mention of this exact circumstances happening online. (Of course we may be wrong, if you know of the same trade, do let us know!).

PokeMaster Marcello and Gareth Morton met up to do a special trade, swapping a shiny Moltres for a shiny Inkay. Not a lucky trade, just a regular special trade. And this, is the result…

Double shiny lucky 100% perfect IV Pokémon!! Aka double shlundos. From a non-lucky trade.

Redditors have worked out that the rough odds of this exact trade result is approximately 1 in 4.6 million! With a lucky trade you have a 12/12/12 IV floor, but with a non lucky trade, for best friends, it is 5/5/5 IV floor. Truly wild odds!

I think their excited faces say it all. We’ve all dreamed of getting double shlundos from a lucky trade, but from a regular special trade?! Even wilder and more outrageous!

We’d recommend these two go out and buy lottery tickets ASAP, because with luck like this, how could they not?!

GOHub were lucky enough to happen to meet PokeMaster Marcello at Pokémon Worlds in 2022, and he is fantastic member of the London Community. From maintaining an incredibly active worldwide raid discord, to being a member of the PvP Community who competed at Worlds, he really shows how to lead by example and be a star in your local community. Seeing such a once in a lifetime trade happen to him makes it so much more cool. Gareth has been working on a living lucky Pokedéx and now only needs Kecleon to complete it, what an achievement!

Have you ever seen a trade like this? What is your own personal best trade you’ve ever done? Let us know in the comments!

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Pokémon GO Hub Editor in Chief and Writer. Turtwig obsessive, real life Psyduck, Pokémon GO AR Photographer, found footage horror fan.
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