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Ditto encounter is now in the Pokémon GO code

Ditto encounter is now in the Pokémon GO code


the latest game update (0.47.1) and the recent GAME_MASTER change brought a plethora of updates and adjustments, but one change slipped under the radar. Ditto encounter is now well documented and referenced in the game code.

Our collective knowledge on Ditto and how to get it is documented on our Ditto Hints page. Make sure to read up on encounter details and stay up to date with the latest leaks.

In summary, we know the following:

  • The Ditto Encounter is a “Capture type” encounter, meaning you will eventually capture Ditto with your Pokéballs
  • It’s a special Encounter with custom UI, music and animations
  • There is not hints on where and when this event could take place
  • Ditto is somewhere out there

There is more info on Ditto’s Transform move also, added in the new GAME_MASTER with duration, stamina cost and it’s finally on par with other moves:

item_templates {
 template_id: "V0242_MOVE_TRANSFORM_FAST"
 move_settings {
 movement_id: 242
 animation_id: 4
 pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_NORMAL
 accuracy_chance: 1
 stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
 trainer_level_min: 1
 trainer_level_max: 100
 vfx_name: "transform_fast"
 duration_ms: 1730
 damage_window_start_ms: 300
 damage_window_end_ms: 700

Overall, we don’t know everything, but we know enough to start the hunt. May the Force be with you and let the best Ditto hunter win!

Adding an old (fake) rendering of Ditto Pokémon page, just for fun:

Ditto SA
Ditto SA