Legendary Raid Counters

This page lists Best Pokémon to use in Legendary Raids in Pokémon GO. Our analysis is based on damage output, survivability and general Raid Performance.

As you may expect, Golem and Tyranitar are both the most versatile Legendary Raid Counters, but they are not the only option (by far!). This guide will be updated as more information about Legendary Pokémon becomes available.

Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres Raid Counters

Legendary Counters
Omastar Rock Throw rock Rock Slide rock
Flareon Fire Spin fire Overheat fire
Arcanine Fire Fang fire Fire Blast fire
Typhlosion Ember fire Overheat fire
Blissey Pound normal Hyper Beam normal
Tyranitar Bite dark Stone Edge rock
Scizor Bullet Punch steel Iron Head steel
Weakness 2 x rock electric fire steel
Golem Rock Throw rock Stone Edge rock
Tyranitar Bite dark Stone Edge rock
Dragonite Dragon Breath dragon Outrage dragon
Rhydon Rock Smash fighting Stone Edge rock
Jinx Frost Breath ice Avalanche ice
Piloswine Ice Shard ice Avalanche ice
Weakness ice rock
Golem Rock Throw rock Stone Edge rock
Tyranitar Bite dark Stone Edge rock
Vaporeon Water Gun water Hydro Pump water
Gyarados Dragon Tail dragon Hydro Pump water
Omastar Rock Throw rock Rock Slide rock
Feraligatr Water Gun water Hydro Pump water
Weakness 2x rock water electric

Lugia and Ho-Oh Raid Counters

Legendary Counters
Tyranitar Bite dark Crunch dark
Bite dark Stone Edge rock
Golem Rock Throw rock Stone Edge rock
Jolteon Thunder Shock electric Thunderbolt electric
Magneton Thunder Shock electric Discharge electric
Jinx Frost Breath ice Avalanche ice
Gengar Shadow Claw ghost Shadow Ball ghost
Weakness dark rock ice ghost electric
Golem Rock Throw rock Stone Edge rock
Tyranitar Bite dark Stone Edge rock
Vaporeon Water Gun water Hydro Pump water
Gyarados Dragon Tail dragon Hydro Pump water
Omastar Rock Throw rock Rock Slide rock
Jolteon Thunder Shock electric Thunderbolt electric
Weakness 2xrock electric water

Mewtwo and Mew Raid Counters

Legendary Counters
Tyranitar Bite dark Crunch dark
Bite dark Stone Edge rock
Gyarados Bite dark Crunch dark
Houndoom Snarl dark Foul Play dark
Scizor Fury Cutter bug X-Scissor bug
Pinsir Bug Bite bug X-Scissor bug
Gengar Shadow Claw ghost Shadow Ball ghost
Weakness bug dark ghost
Tyranitar Bite dark Crunch dark
Bite dark Stone Edge rock
Gengar Shadow Claw ghost Shadow Ball ghost
Houndoom Snarl dark Foul Play dark
Scizor Fury Cutter bug X-Scissor bug
Pinsir Bug Bite bug X-Scissor bug
Gyarados Bite dark Crunch dark
Weakness bug dark ghost


Legendary Raid Counters FAQ

Why are there no counters for Legendary Beasts (Entei, Suicune, Raikou)? 
The legendary beasts were not shown in the Legendary Raid Trailer. We don’t think they will be released with the birds or the Mew Family. Also, they are very easily countered as they don’t have dual typing.

Where can I get more information about Legendary Raids in general?
You can find it here Legendary Raid Battles.

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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