Abomasnow Counters Guide

Best Abomasnow counters are strong Fire-types like Heatran, Entei and Chandelure. Abomasnow is a Tier 3 raid boss with 15231 CP. Abomasnow looks menacing, but it has a double weakness to Fire which can easily be exploited. You can solo raid Abomasnow if you are sufficiently prepared.

Abomasnow caught from raids can be in the following CP ranges:

  • 1281 – 1349 CP (Level 20, not boosted)
  • 1601 – 1687 CP (Level 25, boosted)

Abomasnow has access to Ice and Grass fast moves, and Ice, Dragon and Grass typed charge moves. Your Fire types will be safe in every situation!

Abomasnow counters

# Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move Time to win Deaths
1. Darmanitan Fire Fang Overheat 75.1s 1
2. Chandelure Fire Spin Overheat 77.7s 2
3. Moltres Fire Spin Overheat 79.1s 1
4. Blaziken Fire Spin Overheat 79.2s 2
5. Entei Fire Fang Overheat 81.9s 1
6. Heatran Fire Spin Flamethrower 82.5s 0
7. Flareon Fire Spin Overheat 83.3s 2
8. Infernape Fire Spin Blast Burn 86.0s 2
9. Charizard Fire Spin Blast Burn 87.0s 2
10. Magmortar Fire Spin Fire Punch 89.7s 2
11. Typhlosion Ember Blast Burn 90.2s 2
12. Arcanine Fire Fang Flamethrower 91.22 2
13. Houndoom Fire Fang Flamethrower 92.6s 2
14. Ho-Oh Hidden Power (Fire) Fire Blast 99.4s 1
15. Heatmor Fire Spin Flamethrower 101.7s 2
16. Simisear Fire Spin Flamethrower 102.0s 3
17. Mewtwo Psycho Cut Flamethrower 104.8s 2
18. Rampardos Smack Down Flamethrower 102.5s 5
19. Salamence Fire Fang Fire Blast 104.0s 4
20. Rapidash Fire Spin Fire Blast 108.2s 3

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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