Mawile Raid Counters Guide


Mawile is a Tier 3 Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, with Boss CP of 12739. Best Mawile Raid counters are all the Fire type Pokémon you can get your hands on. Mawile caught in raids  has the added chance of being Shiny. Mawile can be caught with the following CPs:

  • 877 – 934 CP (normal encounter, Level 20)
  • 1096 – 1167 CP (boosted encounter, Level 25)

Mawile is easily soloable and it is only required to have one or two strong attackers in order to take it down. Mawile is a Steel and Fairy type, with only two weakness: Fire and Ground.

Mawile Raid Counters

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 1 74s
2. Charizard (Mega Y) Fire Spin Fire Blast Burn Fire 1 77s
3. Blaziken (Mega) Fire Spin Fire Blast Burn Fire 2 74s
4. Groudon (Shadow) Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 2 80s
5. Chandelure (Shadow) Fire Spin Fire Overheat Fire 2 81s
6. Garchomp (Mega) Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 1 83s
7. Darmanitan (Standard Shadow) Fire Fang Fire Overheat Fire 2 80s
8. Reshiram Fire Fang Fire Fusion Flare Fire 1 86s
9. Moltres (Shadow) Fire Spin Fire Overheat Fire 1 86s
10. Entei (Shadow) Fire Fang Fire Overheat Fire 1 88s
11. Ho-Oh (Apex Shadow) Incinerate Fire Sacred Fire+ Fire 1 92s
12. Charizard (Mega X) Fire Spin Fire Blast Burn Fire 2 89s
13. Excadrill (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Scorching Sands Ground 2 84s
14. Blaziken (Shadow) Fire Spin Fire Blast Burn Fire 3 82s
15. Blacephalon Incinerate Fire Mystical Fire Fire 2 87s
16. Charizard (Shadow) Fire Spin Fire Blast Burn Fire 2 89s
17. Ho-Oh (Shadow) Incinerate Fire Sacred Fire Fire 1 97s
18. Garchomp (Shadow) Mud Shot Ground Earth Power Ground 2 88s
19. Landorus (Therian) Mud Shot Ground Sandsear Storm Ground 2 91s
20. Heatran Fire Spin Fire Magma Storm Fire 1 99s
21. Typhlosion (Shadow) Incinerate Fire Blast Burn Fire 2 91s
22. Groudon Mud Shot Ground Precipice Blades Ground 2 95s
23. Volcarona Fire Spin Fire Overheat Fire 1 98s
24. Chandelure Fire Spin Fire Overheat Fire 2 97s
25. Mamoswine (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground High Horsepower Ground 3 87s
26. Houndoom (Mega) Fire Fang Fire Flamethrower Fire 2 93s
27. Infernape (Shadow) Fire Spin Fire Blast Burn Fire 3 89s
28. Rhyperior (Shadow) Mud-Slap Ground Earthquake Ground 2 93s
29. Darmanitan (Standard) Fire Fang Fire Overheat Fire 2 95s
30. Darmanitan Fire Fang Fire Overheat Fire 2 95s

Fire, fire and more fire. The curious thing about Mawile is that it’s so easily countered that you can use your worst Fire types and still come out on top with minimal loses.

However, we suggest to rather stick to one solid Attacker and burn through Mawile’s health pool in a breeze.

Remember that a Mawile from Raids can be shiny, so you potentially don’t want to skip these raids, and Mawile does have a Mega Evolution that will become available in the future at some point.

Stats and Max CP

Mawile SteelFairy
Max CP at Level 40 1634 | Max CP at Level 50 1848
ATK 155 DEF 141 HP 137
Weak to Resistances
Fire Ground Dragon Bug Dark Fairy Flying Poison Grass Ice Normal Rock Psychic 

Mawile Moves

Mawile has access to the following moves:

Fast moves Charge moves
  • Bite Dark
  • Ice Fang Ice
  • Fire Fang Fire
  • Astonish Ghost
  • Play Rough Fairy
  • Iron Head Steel
  • Vise Grip Normal
  • Power-Up Punch Normal


Regular Sprite Shiny Sprite

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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