Sandshrew Spotlight Hour (February 2024): Last Minute Guide

Pokémon Spotlight Hour will feature a different Pokémon and special bonus for one hour at 6:00 p.m. local time on Tuesday during the month of February. Sandshrew Spotlight Hour takes place on February 27th, 2024, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm local time, with 2× Transfer Candy bonus and increased chance of Candy XL on transfer.

We would advise not transferring anything rare, regional or Legendary that you catch during Sinnoh Tour until this Spotlight Hour due to the increased transfer candy and that chance at extra Candy XL!

This Spotlight Hour is the third and final February 2024 Pokémon spotlight, and it is especially interesting as both Sandshrew and its Alolan form will be spawning. Both forms of Sandshrew can be shiny and you will get 2x Candy on transfer! In other words, it’s a great time to have a clear out of your Pokémon storage.

Trainers who plan to participate should be prepared with a Mega Pokémon to maximise candy gains per Sandshrew caught. Here’s everything you need to know!

If you started the Glimmers of Gratitude Masterwork Research during the Road to Sinnoh event and need a boost on stage 1, catching Sandshrew will help you with the ‘Catch 492 Pokémon from the Kanto Region’ task.

Initially this Spotlight Hour was reported as an increased chance of Rare Candy XL, but once APAC completed their Spotlight Hour and reported no Rare Candy XL, NianticHelp shared the above on social media…

Sandshrew Spotlight Hour


  • Candy icon You will get 2x Candy for transferring Pokémon
  • Candy XL icon +% Transfer Candy XL
  • Shiny icon Shiny Sandshrew and its evolution is available in Pokémon GO

Note on Transfer Bonus – Sinnoh Tour Special

This is a great opportunity to clean out your bag post-Sinnoh Tour, getting extra Candy for the regionals and Legendaries you’ve caught over the weekend! If you can’t keep hold of everything you caught, try to make sure you don’t transfer any Legendaries, regionals, or other rare Pokémon you need extra candies for. Double candy for Legendaries during these transfer candy bonus Spotlight Hours is always a great bonus, and with the chance for Candy XL, this is an amazing opportunity! If you can keep your Pokémon storage basically full until this Spotlight Hour happens, and transfer everything you caught during Sinnoh Tour, there is potential for massive rewards.

If you do not want to catch the featured Pokémon, you can make use of the 2x Transfer Candy bonus by transferring any saved Scatterbug, or opening a Mystery Box or Coin Bag! This is a great opportunity to clear out your storage, transfer Legendary Pokémon you have been clinging onto, and rare Pokémon you need more candy for. If you need help managing your Pokémon storage, check out our full guide here.

Sandshrew fact sheet


Sandshrew has a Max CP of 1426 in Pokémon GO, it is weather boosted by Sunny weather, and it was originally found in the Kanto region. Shiny Sandshrew is available in Pokémon GO. Sandshrew is a Ground-type Pokémon. Sandshrew is weak to Grass, Ice, and Water-type moves. It takes reduced damage from Poison, Rock, and Electric-type moves.

Sandshrew 50 Sandshrew Candy Sandslash


Sandshrew (Alolan)

Alolan Sandshrew has a Max CP of 1462 in Pokémon GO, it is weather boosted by Snow weather, and it was originally found in the Kanto region. Shiny Alolan Sandshrew is available in Pokémon GO. Alolan Sandshrew is a Ice and Steel-type Pokémon. Alolan Sandshrew is weak to Fighting, Fire, and Ground-type moves. It takes reduced damage from Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Normal, Psychic, Ice, and Poison-type moves.

Sandshrew (Alolan) 50 Sandshrew Candy Sandslash (Alolan)


Shiny Sandshrew

  Regular Sprite Shiny Sprite
Alolan Sandshrew
Alolan Sandslash

Sandshrew CP and IV Chart


1 17 CP 2 55 CP 3 94 CP
4 132 CP 5 170 CP 6 208 CP
7 246 CP 8 284 CP 9 322 CP
10 360 CP 11 396 CP 12 432 CP
13 468 CP 14 504 CP 15 540 CP
16 576 CP 17 612 CP 18 648 CP
19 684 CP 20 720 CP 21 756 CP
22 792 CP 23 828 CP 24 865 CP
25 901 CP 26 937 CP 27 973 CP
28 1009 CP 29 1045 CP 30 1081 CP
31 1099 CP 32 1117 CP 33 1135 CP
34 1153 CP 35 1171 CP 36 1189 CP
37 1207 CP 38 1225 CP 39 1243 CP
40 1261 CP 41 1277 CP 42 1293 CP
43 1309 CP 44 1326 CP 45 1342 CP
46 1359 CP 47 1375 CP 48 1392 CP
49 1409 CP 50 1426 CP

Alolan Sandshrew

1 18 CP 2 57 CP 3 96 CP
4 135 CP 5 174 CP 6 213 CP
7 252 CP 8 291 CP 9 330 CP
10 369 CP 11 406 CP 12 443 CP
13 480 CP 14 517 CP 15 554 CP
16 591 CP 17 628 CP 18 665 CP
19 702 CP 20 739 CP 21 776 CP
22 813 CP 23 850 CP 24 887 CP
25 924 CP 26 961 CP 27 997 CP
28 1034 CP 29 1071 CP 30 1108 CP
31 1127 CP 32 1145 CP 33 1164 CP
34 1182 CP 35 1201 CP 36 1219 CP
37 1238 CP 38 1256 CP 39 1275 CP
40 1293 CP 41 1310 CP 42 1326 CP
43 1343 CP 44 1359 CP 45 1376 CP
46 1393 CP 47 1410 CP 48 1427 CP
49 1445 CP 50 1462 CP

Mega Pokémon that boost Sandshrew

The following Pokémon will grant you extra bonuses when catching BOTH FORMS of Sandshrew if they are Mega evolved. This is the only Pokémon that will grant Mega Catch bonus for both Sandshrew and its Alolan counterpart.

Here is a table showing the Pokémon that will grant you extra bonuses when catching a specific form of Sandshrew if they are Mega/Primal evolved.

A Note on Mega Catch Bonus

While a Pokémon is Mega-Evolved, additional XP and Candy is granted when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it, or for any raid boss caught. These do not stack with each other. Additionally, High and Max Level Mega-Evolved Pokémon grant an increased chance to obtain Candy XL when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it.

Is it worth evolving Sandshrew?

Overall, Alolan Sandlash way outperforms its Kantonian form in the meta so if you were only able to evolve and build one – go for the Alolan form.

  • Alolan Sandslash is already a standout in Cup metas, and Shadow Claw isn’t a drastic improvement, but it IS generally a tad better, or a very viable sidegrade at worst, trading some Flyers and Normals and a couple other wins for wins against notable Ghosts, Psychics, and things that resist Powder Snow (like Steels, Waters, and opposing Ice types) instead. Worth grinding for a good one for Great League and potentially Ultra League as well!
  • In many ways, Night Slash is everything we could have wished for with Kanto Sandslash, but while it does improve its performance, I think it remains more of a spice option than anything. Might be worth it for certain GL Cups, unlikely to be worth it for UL. (Existing move Rock Tomb actually looks slightly better in UL anyway.)
  • Don’t forget Little League! Sub-500 Alolan Sandslash is pretty good there too, and little Alolan Sandshrew is a true star in Little League, and better than mere spice in Great League also! If you land a 15-15-15 A-Shrew, I’d keep it as a Shrew and seriously considering throwing your XL Candy at it instead of either Slash, TBH!

For further reading check out this in depth exploration of Sandslash written by JRE47

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Hey! I'm phrixu, a Pokémon GO player from the UK. I am dedicated to making Pokémon GO as accessible as possible, to the whole community!
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