Hello Trainers! 0.267.0 is rolling out to a device near you and it brings with it a revamp of the unreleased routes feature, more on Shadow raids including Battle items, and more!
Please read through all of this with a grain of salt – we often post data mining reports that take months to release, and we don’t want our readers disappointed. Be smart, read this like speculation, and be happy once it goes live.
💡 Disclaimer: You know the drill by now, everything in this article is data mined, and therefore subject to change or not even being released at all. All this information is publicly provided by the PokéMiners and includes some of my commentaries.
New Assets
Image courtesy the PokéMiners
Shadow Raid
Visual Type
RAID_VISUAL_TYPE_SHADOW rocketCrowdBanner rocketBanner
A visual type for the Shadow Raid has been added, including some banners for the crowd at the gym.
Raid Mascots
A new “Mascot” character was added to RaidInfo. The character will be able to be any of the Team Go Rocket list of characters, so any grunt, any of the leaders, Giovanni, etc.
Shadow Enrage
PERCENTAGE FLAT_VALUE value invoke_time_ms expiry_time_ms pokemon move_modifier item move VsEffectTag SHADOW_ENRAGE
The move modifier will have an expiry time so it will be temporary during battle.
Move Modifier Updates
Previously the only way to trigger a move modifier was with a form change, however, this update adds direct damage, defender damage dealt & taken, and an arbitrary counter.
Shadow Gems
Two new items, shadow gem fragments and shadow gems.
Battle Items
This is likely tied in with the Shadow Gems. During battle, you are able to have several items with you in battle, and there is a timer that will count down until the next item becomes available. The PokéMiners theory is that the shadow gem fragments will be used to make a Shadow Gem in battle, and that could possibly be used to use a powered-up move in battle?
Routes – They took a wrong turn
Apparently, the code for the Routes is a mess and it’s clear that someone (someones?) new are working on it. Given that this has been in development for 4+ years, I think we’re likely going to see this feature released sometime in the Spring of 2029. I’m not going to spend a lot of time here as it’s not likely this is coming anytime soon.
Route PlayerBreadcrumbs PlayVersion ExpirationTimeMs StartTimeMs UniquelyAcquiredStampCount CompletedWalk Paused AcquiredReward HasRated AvgRating NumCompletions RouteLevel FortId LatDegrees LngDegrees ElevationInMeters CreatorPlayerId CreatorCodename ShowCreatorName CREATE_ROUTE_DRAFT DELETE_ROUTE_DRAFT ERROR_TOO_MANY_IN_PROGRESS ERROR_MINOR ERROR_LEVEL_TOO_LOW ERROR_INVALID_START_ANCHOR PinId PinTag FrameId LatDegrees LngDegrees CreatorInfo LastUpdatedTimestampMs LikeVoteTotal
New Move
Mystical Fire was a move introduced in Generation 6 and can be used by a handful of Pokémon. Most interestingly, Delphox. Fennekin CD confirmed?
Contests Are Back
If you remember, contests are a type of Rocket event reported on a couple of APK’s ago.
SeasonContestsDefinitionSettings SeasonStartTimeMs SeasonEndTimeMs Cycle
It appears that Contests will have seasons, it’s not clear if they will follow the existing season structure or their own like the real-world seasons, or something else.
Cooldown Settings
MinCooldownBeforeSeasonEndMs ContestWarmupAndCooldownDurationsMs DefaultCycleWarmupDurationMs DefaultCycleCooldownDurationMs
Cooldown settings for the contests
Eligibility Checks
These are size checks, so you bet there will be contests for XXS and XXL Pokémon.
Maximum Size Badge
BADGE_MAX_SIZE_FIRST_WIN num_won_first_place num_total
Interesting that the badge is called max size first win, but it tracks the number of times you won.
ContestRankingGuiController ContestRewardGuiController ContestDetailsWidget EnterContestWidget EnterPokemonButton SwitchPokemonButton ViewLeaderboardButton
The above GUI’s (Graphical User Interfaces) were added, along with some buttons
Other Stuff
RegisterPokemonCatch IsPokemonValidForExtendedRangeContestEntry SelectBestEligiblePokemonInInventory IsNewPokemonMoreEligible ContestService sizeContestSprite contestSortSprite REMOTE_ENTER_DISTANCE
Some other bits and pieces
Today View version 2
A game master setting was added to Today View Version 2, presumably so they can trigger it off and on remotely. They also added a widget for it, which has the potential to be pretty neat.
Quest List v2
danglingResearchRewardCellViewPrefab streakCellViewPrefab pokecoinCellViewPrefab newsEntryCellViewPrefab gymDefendersCellViewPrefab miniCollectionCellViewPrefab timedGroupChallengeCellViewPrefab timedLimitedResearchCellViewPrefab eventBannerCellViewPrefab activeEventCellViewPrefab upcomingEventsCellViewPrefab stampPunchCardPrefab questChallengeViewPrefab questStoryViewPrefab questResearchViewPrefab questDanglingStoryEncounterViewPrefab questDanglingChallengeEncounterViewPrefab questDanglingStoryIncidentViewPrefab questNoMoreStoriesViewPrefab questCompletedStoriesViewPrefab questBranchedStoryViewPrefab questTaggedChallengeViewPrefab questPoiChallengeViewPrefab TimeLimitedResearch Streak PokeCoin ActiveEvent GymDefenders NewsEntry StampCard DanglingResearchReward QuestChallenge QuestStory QuestResearch QuestDanglingStoryEncounter QuestDanglingChallengeEncounter QuestDanglingStoryIncident QuestNoMoreStories QuestCompletedStories QuestBranchedStory QuestTaggedChallenge QuestPoiChallenge UpcomingEventsEntry today todayGO
New Avatar System
PlayerNeutralAvatarHeadBlendParameters Diamond Kite Triangle Square Circle Oval
It appears that a new avatar system is coming, and it potentially will solve some of the overlap issues that the new system has.
The Finer Things
DYNAMIC_AVATAR_RENDER_TEXTURE cameraPositionsV2 PlayerNeutralAvatarHeadBlendParameters Size Musculature Bust Hips Shoulders HipsNarrow HipsWide ShouldersNarrow ShouldersWide Slim Muscular enhancedScrollers inSlideTransition outSlideTransition
This looks like we’re going to get more options when it comes to our avatar.
New Status’
Statuses and error messages.
Team Leader Quest NPCs
NPC’s for the Team Leaders for their quests. Learning from their mistake, they’ve also pushed the assets for Spark’s mon Electabuzz early, looks like we’ll get 3 versions for the Instinct event.
Poor Blanche.
Friend List Buddy Size Works Now
Yup. This got posted on Reddit a few times, it’s fixed now. So now your friends can see that your buddy is huge, or tiny.