Hello Trainers! Pokémon GO 0.269.0 update is rolling out to a device near you and it brings with it more on Shadow Raids, a potential introduction of the Master Ball, more on routes, and more!
Please read through all of this with a grain of salt – we often post data mining reports that take months to release, and we don’t want our readers disappointed. Be smart, read this like speculation, and be happy once it goes live.
💡 Disclaimer: You know the drill by now, everything in this article is data mined, and therefore subject to change or not even being released at all. All this information is publicly provided by the PokéMiners and includes some of my commentaries.
Update with Caution
Marty from the PokéMiners was mentioning that when they upgraded one of their devices kept crashing on the loading screen, they seemed to fix the issue with a fresh install but upgrade with caution.
New Assets
Two separate sets of assets.
More on the Master Ball
Cut Scene
MasterBallQuestRewardCutsceneCamera MasterBallCamera SetupCutscene MasterBallThrowCutscene MasterBallCatchSummaryBackground MaybeShowMasterBallCatchBackground EncounterMasterBallCaptureState
Video Courtesy the PokéMiners
A cut scene was added for the Master Ball, including this awesome animation. They also added a capture state for the Master Ball, likely to account for its 100% catch rate.
Pokeball Updates
Last Ball Warning
When you are on the last ball of an encounter you’ll get a warning
Pokeball select button
pokeballSelectButtonImage countDefaultColor lastBallTimeout lastBallUI eligibleItems
You’re able to “Select” a ball during raids now, the only option currently is the Premier Ball. This is likely to support the Master Ball.
It also creates an interesting bug if you have the “remember last ball” setting enabled your next wild encounter will default to a premier ball. No, it doesn’t actually work. The capture fails.
New Ticket
A new Evergreen ticket was added, the asset is in the two infographics at the top of the article.
Shadow Raid and Raid Updates
shadowBossFXControllerPrefab set_TransitionEffect get_AuraColor1 get_AuraColor2 set_AuraEffect set_EnragedAudio get_DamageAttackWaitInSeconds get_TransitionTimeInSeconds get_DebuffEffect get_DebuffAudio AuraEffect DebuffEffect DebuffHitEffect DebuffOngoingEffect DebuffForm
This appears to lend credence to the PokéMiners theory that the shadow raids will feature Pokémon that undergo some sort of form change, likely some sort of enrage when the raid boss gets to a certain HP percentage.
Using Items
BattleItemButton TryUseRaidItem battleItemCooldown battleItemCount
The GUI for using items
In Battle Form Reversion
Shadow Raids? There’s a tutorial for that!
Shadow Gems & Rocket Leaders
This is all part of the group of things the Team Go Rocket Leaders can talk about, so if they’re talking about them it’s likely that you’ll get the gem fragments from them as well. Because any good villain can’t help but talk about their new toys.
Pokemon Sleep
A new activity for your buddy sleeping with the Plus Plus and rewards
title WainaOnboardingGuiController pikachuSliderCanvasGroup pikachuSliderRectTransform dynamicHeightController onboardingConfigs deviceLightGuideGuiControllerPrefab
Some onboarding stuff, including a guide on what the lights mean.
Route Updates
Just a reminder on Routes, the PokéMiners mentioned last APK that the code looked like someone new had taken over. So don’t hold your breath that its release is imminent.
Path Types
Two types of new paths.
Route Actions
Three actions were removed, and five new ones were added. Again, someone new is working on this.
Can’t collect reward
So apparently there are going to be circumstances where you can’t collect your rewards? Maybe when your item box is full?
contestButtonVisibilityController contestButtonAppearDelay contestCoinVisibilityController contestTransitionCoinImage
Gui for the contest
Contest status’
IsRunning IsPreContest IsPostContest HasEntered Empty Full FullCanReenter
Some status’ for the contests, you can apparently re-enter a contest that was previously full?
Style Shop
Custom Hair colours?
DisplayHairOptions ChangeHairOptions NEUTRAL_GROUP_HEAD NEUTRAL_GROUP_BODY NEUTRAL_GROUP_SKIN NEUTRAL_GROUP_HAIR NeutralAvatarColorSwatchWidget NeutralAvatarSkinGuiController DisplayColorPicker
Are we getting the ability to pick our own hair colours?
HeadDisplacementMaps .get_SquareHeavy .get_CircleSlim .get_DiamondSlim .get_Diamond .get_Kite .get_SquareSlim .get_KiteHeavy .get_DiamondHeavy .get_TriangleSlim .get_OvalHeavy .get_OvalSlim .get_Square .get_Circle .get_CircleHeavy .get_KiteSlim .get_TriangleHeavy .get_Oval .get_Triangle
Along with the customizable hair colours these look like icon background shapes. If I had to guess we’re going to get the ability to customize how our avatars show up on people’s friend lists.
Full-Screen Avatar
AvatarScreenTakeover React BossVictory BossDefeat
Looks like your avatar will be able to get right in your face… for some reason? Why aren’t you catching Pokémon right now? Get up and GO!
Quest List
TodaysEvents HappeningNowEvents
The quest list has been given two new sections
Today View
TodaysEventsBonusController HeadlineText StartTimestamp EndTimestamp BannerUrl IconUrl ListOrder HappeningNowEventEntry
A bunch of stuff was also added to the Today View Bonus Event Controller
Parting Words
I’m excited that they’re still working on Routes, but we’ll have to see how long we have to wait for them to actually get released.
Also, Shadow Raids? Master Ball? What is Giovanni up to? I’m going to throw together my speculations in another article so stay tuned for that!
That’s all for this time, stay safe out there