A new way to earn Pokécoins is coming to Pokémon GO

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Trainers, a new way to earn Pokécoins is coming to Pokemon GO! Before you get too excited this new method is being rolled out and tested in a specific area only at first… Australia!

Pokécoin Changes

At the time of writing the only way to earn Pokécoins is to defend Gyms. Due to the current global Pandemic Niantic have been increasing the number of features in game to help Trainers play at home and stay safe.

As an addition to the game changes made recently, Niantic will be allowing Trainers to earn Pokécoins while playing in one place. Moving forward Trainers will be able to earn Pokécoins for activities beside defending Gyms. As mentioned this update will be tested first with Trainers in Australia before being rolled out to all Trainers after this testing and feedback phase.

Increased ways to earn Pokécoins 

To balance this new way of earning Pokécoins there will be a reduction to the number of coins earned from defending gyms- this will be from six per hour to two. There will be however an increase in the number of Pokécoins Trainers can earn in a day to 55 coins!

Some of the daily activities Trainers will be able to complete to earn Pokécoins are listed below:

  • Make an Excellent Throw
  • Make a Great Throw
  • Evolve a Pokémon
  • Use a Berry to help catch a Pokémon
  • Take a snapshot of your buddy
  • Make a Nice Throw
  • Catch a Pokémon
  • Transfer a Pokémon
  • Win a raid

We think you will agree this is another great change to the game by Niantic! As always please be aware of your surroundings, follow guidelines set by your local health authority and stay safe!

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Both GOHub Mom and Real life Mom. Usually found phone in one hand and coffee in the other chasing both shiny 'mons and small humans.

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