Data Miners Find More Hints of the New Ar Buddy V2 System

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Yesterday, players reported that Pokemon GO downloaded a large amount of new strings and descriptions on Android. Today, we’re bringing you a report of a new Buddy system (Buddy V2) that was allegedly found in that text. Please be aware that everything posted here has been publicly reported by data miners, and that this disclaimer is actually important:

🚨 Disclaimer 🚨

Information shared through these channels is not affiliated nor approved by Niantic, and is always subject to change. Do not take it for granted, features change and get scrapped all the time. It is very important that you are aware that these things CAN and WILL CHANGE.

What’s in the new strings?

The text describes a feature that was first discovered in 0.153.0, internally called Buddy V2 System, but there’s a lot going on elsewhere as well.

One of the biggest changes is around Augmented Reality and how the game understands what your camera sees. Judging by the strings, the game will ask you to download the “Niantic AR platform”, an experimental technology built on Monodepth.

Monodepth is a framework that provides “monocular depth estimation from a single image”. It’s bleeding edge technology for recognizing 3D objects in a 2D image taken with a phone camera. As described in New in Pokémon GO 0.161.2: Platypus rising, Niantic has code support to conditionally use Monodepth, so you probably don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.

Continuing from there, the text describes how the Buddy V2 feature works. We won’t be summarizing it to avoid accidental spoilers, but if you want, the strings are available below.

The new strings

The text is organized in Key and Content columns, with the Key describing where the text should appear on the UI and the Content being the actual string that will be displayed.

Key Content
Ar Mapping Timeout Hint This may not be a good place to play. Try playing somewhere else.
Ar Speed Limit Try moving more slowly for a better scan.
ARDK Download Button DOWNLOAD
ARDK Download Confirm Body To fully enjoy the AR buddy feature, please download the Niantic AR Platform. (You can turn off this trial at any time.)
ARDK Download Confirm Size Download Size: {0} MB
ARDK Download Confirm Title Niantic AR Platform (Trial)
ARDK Download Progress Format {0}/{1} MB
ARDK Download Prompt Dowload Progress {0}/{1} MB
ARDK Download Prompt Dowload Size Description (Download size: {0} MB)
ARDK Download Prompt Downloading Downloading Niantic AR Platform to Enable AR experiences…
ARDK Download Prompt Multiplayer Legal Tos Description Niantic will process geospatial data from your camera during your AR session. {0}.
ARDK Download Prompt Multiplayer Legal Tos Link Text Learn more
ARDK Download Prompt Retry Body Please try again when you have a better network connection.
ARDK Download Prompt Retry Header Something went wrong!
ARDK Download Prompt Success Body Niantic AR Platform Downloaded
ARDK Download Prompt Success Header Success! Welcome to shared AR experiences!
ARDK Download Prompt Title Dbow To enjoy shared AR experiences, additional content must be downloaded
ARDK Download Prompt Title Monodepth Downloading Niantic AR Platform to enable AR experiences…
ARDK Update Confirm Body Please download for the best AR experience.
ARDK Update Confirm Disable Button DISABLE
ARDK Update Confirm Download Button DOWNLOAD
ARDK Update Confirm Later Button LATER
ARDK Update Confirm Title Niantic AR Platform update
Buddy Attractive Poi Notification Toast Your buddy found an interesting location nearby!
Buddy Battle Together Battle together
Buddy Berry Give your buddy a treat
Buddy Bonus Bonus
Buddy Camera Permissions Desc Please enable camera permissions to play with your buddy.
Buddy Camera Permissions Title Camera Permission
Buddy Cannot Feed Because Cooldown Buddy is on cooldown!
Buddy Communicate Play together
Buddy Detail Basic Buddy If you increase your Buddy Level, you’ll earn more Perks! Tap a heart to see more.
Buddy Detail Battle Establish strong bond with Buddy and exhibits strong skill during battle
Buddy Detail Bbb Best Buddy Ribbon
Buddy Detail Candy Earn Candies
Buddy Detail Catch Catch Assist
Buddy Detail Cp CP Boost
Buddy Detail Emotion Readable Mood
Buddy Detail Gift Find Presents
Buddy Detail Map Adventuring Buddy
Buddy Detail Nearby Find Locations
Buddy Detail Souvenir Find Souvenirs
Buddy Feed Stop Content Your buddy still looks hungry, so it won’t join you on the map yet.
Buddy Feed Stop Title Are you sure you want to stop giving your buddy treats?
Buddy Feeding Error You do not have enough Berries. Try visiting a PokéStop to get more.
Buddy Found Poi Your buddy found an interesting location for you.
Buddy General Term Activity Activity
Buddy General Term Affection Affection
Buddy General Term Buddy Level Buddy Level
Buddy General Term Description Bbb Your buddy will show off your Best Buddy status with a new ribbon.
Buddy General Term Description Consumable Your buddy will try to find items for you.
Buddy General Term Description Cp You can cheer your buddy on to boost your buddy’s CP in battles.
Buddy General Term Description Encounter Your buddy has a chance to help you during Pokémon encounters.
Buddy General Term Description Location Your buddy will try to find interesting locations for you.
Buddy General Term Description Map Your buddy can join you on the map.
Buddy General Term Description Mood You can see how your buddy is currently feeling.
Buddy General Term Description Souviners Your buddy will try to find Souvenirs for you.
Buddy General Term Emotion_00 Tired
Buddy General Term Emotion_01 Bored
Buddy General Term Emotion_02 Neutral
Buddy General Term Emotion_03 Content
Buddy General Term Emotion_04 Happy
Buddy General Term Emotion_05 Delighted
Buddy General Term Emotion_06 Excited
Buddy General Term Mood Mood
Buddy General Term Perk Perk
Buddy General Term Souvenir Souvenir
Buddy General Term Treats Treats
Buddy Gift Notification Toast Your buddy found something for you!
Buddy History Buddy History
Buddy History Change SWAP BUDDY
Buddy History Days {0} days
Buddy History Last Time Last time together:
Buddy History This Pokemon ACTIVITIES WITH THIS {0}
Buddy History Total Days Header TOTAL DAYS SPENT TOGETHER
Buddy Hungry Notification Toast Your buddy looks hungry. Let’s give it a snack!
Buddy Iapitem Activated You already used a {0}.
Buddy Iapitem Disabled The tutorial must be completed by using berries before you can use this item.
Buddy Level_0 Buddy
Buddy Level_0 Plural Buddies
Buddy Level_1 Good Buddy
Buddy Level_1 Plural Good Buddies
Buddy Level_2 Great Buddy
Buddy Level_2 Plural Great Buddies
Buddy Level_3 Ultra Buddy
Buddy Level_3 Plural Ultra Buddies
Buddy Level_4 Best Buddy
Buddy Level_4 Plural Best Buddies
Buddy Level Gained Actions Your buddy learned {0} new Perks!
Buddy Milestone Notification Toast You and {0} are now {1}!
Buddy Monodepth Flag Trial
Buddy Monodepth Modal Continue Button CONTINUE USING
Buddy Monodepth Modal Message Do you want to turn off the Niantic AR Platform (Trial)? You can turn the trial on or off from Settings at any time.
Buddy Monodepth Modal Title Turn off the Niantic AR Platform (Trial)?
Buddy Monodepth Modal Turn Off Button Turn off Niantic AR Platform (Trial)
Buddy Multilplayer Qr Display Header Buddy Group QR Code
Buddy Multiplayer Connection Error Connection Failure
Buddy Multiplayer Create Session Create Group QR Code
Buddy Multiplayer Deploy Invalid Position Try to find a larger flat area.
Buddy Multiplayer Deploy Tutorial Description When you see yellow footprints, tap on them to bring your buddy into the scene. (If gray footprints appear, it means another Trainer’s buddy is too close, and you won’t be able to place your buddy.)
Buddy Multiplayer Deploy Tutorial Title Place your buddy
Buddy Multiplayer Force Quit An error occurred with the AR session.
Buddy Multiplayer Freeplay Tutorial_0 Description Swipe your Pokémon to get it to face to you.
Buddy Multiplayer Freeplay Tutorial_0 Title Get Pokémon to face you
Buddy Multiplayer Freeplay Tutorial_1 Description Your buddy will be happy to play with you!
Buddy Multiplayer Freeplay Tutorial_1 Title Play with your buddy
Buddy Multiplayer Freeplay Tutorial_2 Description Tap on your buddy to get its attention. Your buddy will interact with you in a variety of ways based on your tap count. (Interaction may be limited if your Buddy Level is low.)
Buddy Multiplayer Freeplay Tutorial_2 Title Interact with your buddy
Buddy Multiplayer Group Photo Buddy Following Host Your buddy is following the photo leader right now.
Buddy Multiplayer Group Photo Disable Interaction Your buddy is focusing on taking a group photo right now.
Buddy Multiplayer Group Photo Mode On Group Photo mode is turned on!
Buddy Multiplayer Group Photo Off Off
Buddy Multiplayer Group Photo On On
Buddy Multiplayer Group Photo Tutorial Description In Group Photo mode, the Trainer who enables this mode becomes the photo leader. Pokémon will focus on the photo leader, making it easier to capture creative photos. Trainers in the group who are not the photo leader can still capture photos, but functions will be limited until the photo leader exits this mode.
Buddy Multiplayer Group Photo Tutorial Title Group Photo mode
Buddy Multiplayer Guidance Deploy Pokemon Tap to place your buddy when yellow footprints appear.
Buddy Multiplayer Guidance Phone Movement Focus on an object and slowly move left or right.
Buddy Multiplayer Guidance Surfaces Slowly look around a flat, open area with your camera.
Buddy Multiplayer Lets Play Play with your friends and their buddies!
Buddy Multiplayer Lobby Body Host You’re the group leader, so only you can see the swirls hinting at the hiding spots. Give instructions to the other Trainers, and look at the same swirl together!
Buddy Multiplayer Lobby Body Peer Get instructions from the group leader to find the hiding spots!
Buddy Multiplayer Lobby Full This group is full. Try another group.
Buddy Multiplayer Lobby Header Find your buddies together!
Buddy Multiplayer Lobby Waiting Waiting for other players
Buddy Multiplayer Mapping Timeout The current Buddy Group closed due to inactivity. To continue, please retry by scanning a Group QR Code.
Buddy Multiplayer Peer Cannot Exit Group Photo {0} is the photo leader right now. Ask {0} to turn off Group Photo mode.
Buddy Multiplayer Peer Cannot Exit Group Photo No Name Someone else is the photo leader right now. Ask them to turn off Group Photo mode.
Buddy Multiplayer Peer Taking Group Photo {0} is trying to take a group photo.
Buddy Multiplayer Peer Taking Group Photo No Name Someone is trying to take a group photo.
Buddy Multiplayer Player Added A Trainer joined the group!
Buddy Multiplayer Player Count Can Join Plural {0} more Trainers can join
Buddy Multiplayer Player Count Can Join Singular 1 more Trainer can join
Buddy Multiplayer Player Removed A Trainer left the group.
Buddy Multiplayer Qr Display Body If everyone is gathered, tap the GO button.
Buddy Multiplayer Qr Guidance Scan a Group QR Code
Buddy Multiplayer Quit Do you want to quit the session?
Buddy Multiplayer Quit Description If you tap Yes, you will leave the group.
Buddy Multiplayer Safety Warning While using AR mode, make sure you’re in a safe location and any children are supervised at all times.
Buddy Multiplayer Scan Button Scan a Group QR Code
Buddy Multiplayer Start Session Go
Buddy Multiplayer Timeout Dialog Description The current Buddy Group closed due to inactivity. To continue, please retry by scanning a Group QR Code.
Buddy Multiplayer Timeout Dialog Title The Buddy Group has closed.
Buddy Multiplayer Tutorial_0 Text This feature needs sufficient lighting. Direct sunlight or a bright area is recommended for best results.
Buddy Multiplayer Tutorial_0 Title Play in a well-lit area
Buddy Multiplayer Tutorial_1 Text Hold your device in an upright position. Make sure the screen is not facing the ground.
Buddy Multiplayer Tutorial_1 Title Position your device
Buddy Multiplayer Tutorial_2 Text Have all group members stand in a single row while holding devices upright.
Buddy Multiplayer Tutorial_2 Title Stand in a single row
Buddy Multiplayer Tutorial_3 Text Find a single object for everyone to focus on while standing in a single row. The object should display in the center of your device’s screen.
Buddy Multiplayer Tutorial_3 Title Focus on a single object
Buddy Multiplayer Tutorial_4 Text Focus on a single object and slowly move left or right together continuously. You’ll see a checkmark if you’re successful.
Buddy Multiplayer Tutorial_4 Title Slowly move left or right together
Buddy No History No previous buddies
Buddy Page Candies Candies
Buddy Page Play Play!
Buddy Page Settings Settings
Buddy Page Souvenirs Souvenirs from {0}
Buddy Page Today Today’s Activities
Buddy Page Total Total Activities
Buddy Quickfeed Deactivated You can only use Quick Treat when your buddy is not on the map.
Buddy Souvenir Beach Glass Description Many Trainers like to carry a piece of beach glass like this as a lucky charm. Knowing this, some Pokémon like to collect pieces as gifts for their favorite Trainers.
Buddy Souvenir Beach Glass Name Beach Glass
Buddy Souvenir Cactus Flower Description A cactus fruit that bears some resemblance to fruit commonly found in the Desert Resort in the Unova region. A fun gift from a loving Pokémon.
Buddy Souvenir Cactus Flower Name Cactus Flower
Buddy Souvenir Cactus Fruit Description A cactus fruit that bears some resemblance to fruit commonly found in the Desert Resort in the Unova region. A fun gift from a loving Pokémon.
Buddy Souvenir Cactus Fruit Name Cactus Fruit
Buddy Souvenir Chalky Stone Description A small, whitish stone picked up at the edge of the road. Your buddy thought you’d like it!
Buddy Souvenir Chalky Stone Name Chalky Stone
Buddy Souvenir Date Received Date Received
Buddy Souvenir Flower Fruits Description These fruits can’t be eaten, but some Pokémon enjoy collecting them regardless.
Buddy Souvenir Flower Fruits Name Flower Fruits
Buddy Souvenir Lone Earring Description A lone earring. Its sparkle probably inspired your Buddy Pokémon to gift it to you!
Buddy Souvenir Lone Earring Name Lone Earring
Buddy Souvenir Marble Description A marble with colored glass inside. Your buddy was probably drawn to its intricate pattern.
Buddy Souvenir Marble Name Marble
Buddy Souvenir Mushroom Description Mushrooms similar to these tend to grow on Mushroom Pokémon, such as Paras. Some Pokémon enjoy collecting these as gifts for their Trainers. (Don’t eat them, though.)
Buddy Souvenir Mushroom Name Mushroom
Buddy Souvenir Pinecone Description A hefty pinecone that amuses some Pokémon. A surprisingly thoughtful gift from a friendly Pokémon.
Buddy Souvenir Pinecone Name Snowy Pinecone
Buddy Souvenir Pretty Leaf Description Many Pokémon like to collect these pretty leaves and gift them to their favorite Trainers.
Buddy Souvenir Pretty Leaf Name Pretty Leaf
Buddy Souvenir Receive Your buddy gave you a Souvenir: {0}!
Buddy Souvenir Skipping Stone Description A smooth stone that is the perfect shape for skipping on water. It appears to be a sentimental keepsake from your buddy!
Buddy Souvenir Skipping Stone Name Skipping Stone
Buddy Souvenir Small Bouquet Description A small bouquet that was made with heart and soul for a single Trainer. It made your buddy think of you!
Buddy Souvenir Small Bouquet Name Small Bouquet
Buddy Souvenir Stretchy Spring Description A thin, small spring that’s totally stretched out.
Buddy Souvenir Stretchy Spring Name Stretchy Spring
Buddy Souvenir Torn Ticket Description A ticket, torn from use and with faded text. Your buddy probably just thought it was neat!
Buddy Souvenir Torn Ticket Name Torn Ticket
Buddy Souvenir Tropical Flower Description This tropical flower looks similar to those found in the Alola region. Some Pokémon love to collect flowers!
Buddy Souvenir Tropical Flower Name Tropical Flower
Buddy Souvenir Tropical Shell Description A beautiful white shell that may have drifted from a sea in a warm region. Your buddy was probably drawn to its beauty!
Buddy Souvenir Tropical Shell Name Tropical Shell
Buddy Swap Button Swap buddies
Buddy Swap Choose You {0}, I choose you!
Buddy Swap Farewell Let’s play together again sometime!
Buddy Swap Limit Reached You can’t swap buddies again today.
Buddy Swap Question Best Are you sure you want to swap a Best Buddy?
Buddy Swap Question Normal Are you sure you want to swap your buddy?
Buddy Swap Warning Normal You can swap buddies only once per day.
Buddy Swap Warning Plural You can swap your buddy {0} more times today.
Buddy Swap Warning Singular You can swap your buddy 1 more time today.
Buddy Take Photo Take a snapshot
Buddy Total Total
Buddy Total Days Total days:
Buddy Tutorial Basic Content P0 Press {0} and give treats to your buddy so it can join you on your adventures. The more you and your buddy adventure together, the stronger your bond will grow, as indicated by the heart meter. Building a bond with your buddy will earn you Perks—your buddy might be able to find Souvenirs, show you interesting places, get a CP boost, and more.
Buddy Tutorial Basic Content P1 You’ll earn a heart for each {0} km you walk with your buddy up to {1} times per day. Walking distance is counted only while your buddy is walking with you on the map.
Buddy Tutorial Basic Content P2 When your buddy is hungry, give it a treat. You can earn a heart once your buddy is full.
Buddy Tutorial Basic Content P3 Playing with your buddy in AR mode will increase its happiness and can earn you a heart.
Buddy Tutorial Basic Content P4 Battling in Gyms, in raids, against other Trainers, or against Team GO Rocket while your buddy is walking with you on the map will strengthen your bond and can earn you a heart.
Buddy Tutorial Basic Content P5 Capturing memories with your buddy by taking snapshots will strengthen your bond and can earn you a heart. Be sure to take your snapshot via the buddy screen!
Buddy Tutorial Basic Content P6 While your buddy is following you, spin a new PokéStop or Gym you haven’t visited before to earn a heart.
Buddy Tutorial Basic Content P7 Your buddy will give you presents and Souvenirs and discover various things during your adventure together. As a result, your bond will grow, and you can earn hearts as a bonus.
Buddy Tutorial Basic Title P0 Adventure together with your buddy!
Buddy Tutorial Basic Title P1 Walking distance
Buddy Tutorial Basic Title P2 Treats
Buddy Tutorial Basic Title P3 Play with your buddy
Buddy Tutorial Basic Title P4 Battle together
Buddy Tutorial Basic Title P5 Take a snapshot
Buddy Tutorial Basic Title P6 Visit a new place
Buddy Tutorial Basic Title P7 Bonus
Buddy Tutorial Candy Content As you walk, you can earn Candy for the Pokémon you’ve chosen to be your buddy. If your buddy’s mood is “excited,” the distance needed to earn Candy will be reduced! Poffins will get your buddy excited faster than other treats!
Buddy Tutorial Candy Title Candies
Buddy Tutorial Cpboost Content This Pokémon has CP Boost, which is only applied when your current buddy is at Best Buddy level.
Buddy Tutorial Cpboost Title CP Boost
Buddy Tutorial Feed Fill Give your buddy treats until the meter is filled.
Buddy Tutorial Feed Join Your buddy has joined your adventure!
Buddy Tutorial Map P0 Your buddy has joined your adventure!
Buddy Tutorial Map P1 When your buddy is hungry, it will stop following you. Track your buddy’s hunger with this meter.
Buddy Tutorial Map P2 Tap here to give your buddy treats so you can continue your adventure together!
Buddy Tutorial Map P3 Go on an adventure with your buddy!
Buddy Tutorial Petting Content P0 Swipe your Pokémon to get it to face you.
Buddy Tutorial Petting Content P1 Your buddy will be happy to play with you!
Buddy Tutorial Petting Content P2 Tap on your buddy to get its attention. Your buddy will interact with you in a variety of ways based on your tap count. (Interaction may be limited if your Buddy Level is low.)
Buddy Tutorial Petting Title P0 Have the Pokémon face you
Buddy Tutorial Petting Title P1 Play with your buddy!
Buddy Tutorial Petting Title P2 Play with your buddy
Buddy Tutorial Summon Conent Find a flat surface. Tap the colored footprints to have your Pokémon appear at the selected position!
Buddy Tutorial Summon Title Find a flat surface
Buddy Tutorial Welcome Content Press {0} to give your buddy a treat. After a few treats, your buddy can join your adventures.
Buddy Tutorial Welcome Later Later
Buddy Tutorial Welcome Title Welcome to Buddy Adventure
Buddy Visit New Place Visit a new place
Buddy Walking Distance Walk together
Challenge_2019 Battle Trainer Plural Battle another Trainer {0} times
Err Host Too Far The host is too far from your current position.
Err Lobby Full It looks like that lobby is full.
Err Lobby Not Found Try re-creating your shared AR session.
Item Poffin Desc A special treat for your buddy!
Item Poffin Name Poffin
Poffin.3 Description Feed this special treat to your buddy, and it’ll happily join you on the map for an extended duration.
Poffin.3 Title 3 Poffins
Poffin.5 Description Feed this special treat to your buddy, and it’ll happily join you on the map for an extended duration.
Poffin.5 Title 5 Poffins
Poffin Description Feed this special treat to your buddy, and it’ll happily join you on the map for an extended duration.
Poffin Title Poffin
Privacy Policy Update Notice Please review the updated Niantic Privacy Policy for additional information about new product features and how we process personal data.
Quick Feeding Button Label Quick Treat
Resume Ar Multiplayer Session Would you like to rejoin your previous shared AR session?
Set Buddy Choose Buddy
Settings Pokemon Badge Show Pokémon Ribbon
Settings Push Buddy V2 Buddy Perk
Shop Buddy Food Desc You don’t have any Poffins. Exchange PokéCoins for a Poffin?
Shop Buddy Food Title Get a Poffin
Show Nearby Tap Prompt Tap on a PokéStop
Trade Best Buddy Prompt Message This Pokémon was previously a Best Buddy. Trading it will reset its Buddy Level. Proceed with trading?
Trade Best Buddy Prompt Title Do you want to trade this Best Buddy Pokémon?
Trade Buddy Prompt Message This Pokémon was previously your buddy. Trading it will reset its Buddy Level. Proceed with trading?
Trade Buddy Prompt Title Do you want to trade this former Buddy Pokémon?


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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.

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