Hello trainers! We have some special info that has been leaked by data miners to share with you today. Niantic has NOT confirmed this information, but has reached out to say Shiny Detective Pikachu will NOT be available, so take this with a grain of salt. I will be going over in a little more detail about the new Lure Modules, Event Text, Evolution Methods, and a potential future event.
Detective Pikachu Event Text and Sprites
*Spoiler alert: if you do NOT want to know what the quests are and how to complete them, STOP reading here.
As we know, the Detective Pikachu event is scheduled to begin 1 PM PDT on May 7th featuring increased spawns of Pokémon featured in the Detective Pikachu movie, Event Related Field Research Tasks, and Detective Pikachu themed raids.
Below is the quest text that that was recently found. It’s nice to see something a little different from Niantic as it seems they are keeping the theme and spirit of “detective work” in providing these new quests. Keep in mind, the answers to the quests featured below may not be correct, it’s only based on the detective skills of a few of the HubStaff. 😉
Quest | Catch this to Complete |
Detective Pikachu: Catch the Seed Pokémon that is seen walking in a river | Bulbasaur |
Detective Pikachu: Catch the Fire-type Evolution of Eevee | Flareon |
Detective Pikachu: Catch the Water-type Pokémon carried in a backpack | Psyduck |
Detective Pikachu: Catch [?] Jigglypuff, Aipom, or Snubbull | Jigglypuff |
Aipom | |
Snubbull |
Sprites for the Detective Pikachu and Raichu have also been mined, and they will be showcased below. Niantic has confirmed that Detective Pikachu will NOT be shiny. Detective Hat Pichu is absent, so it cannot be hatched.
Detective Pikachu | Detective Raichu |
Sprite assets have been mined for the special Detective Pikachu-themed apparel that you can get in the game. These are showcased below:
Detective Hat | Detective Pikachu Shirt |
New Lure Modules + Evolution Methods
Miners have found three new items in the code; these are special attribute-themed lures, that upon use will make Pokémon of specific types or potential biomes spawn from it. They also may include potential evolution triggers. We do not know when or if these items will be released. Keep in mind that these Potential Spawns are all speculation.
Glacial Lure Module | ||
A frosty Lure Module that attracts Pokémon for 30 minutes-especially ones that love the cold. It can also cause some Pokémon to evolve. | ||
Potential Spawns | ||
Seel | Shellder | Jynx |
Lapras | Sneasel | Swinub |
Snorunt | Spheal | Snover |
Stand Near to Evolve | ||
Eevee | into | Glaceon |
Mossy Lure Module | ||
A natural Lure Module that attracts Pokémon for 30 minutes-especially ones that love mossy scents. It can also cause some Pokémon to evolve. | ||
Potential Spawns | ||
Bulbasaur | Oddish | Paras |
Bellsprout | Exeggcute | Tangela |
Chikorita | Hoppip | Sunkern |
Treecko | Seedot | Shroomish |
Roselia | Cacnea | Turtwig |
Stand Near to Evolve | ||
Eevee | into | Leafeon |
Magnetic Lure Module | ||
An electronic Lure Module that attracts Pokémon for 30 minutes-especially ones that possess a magnetic field. It can also cause some Pokémon to evolve. | ||
Potential Spawns | ||
Pikachu | Geodude (Alola) | Magnemite |
Voltorb | Electabuzz | Jolteon |
Chinchou | Mareep | Nosepass |
Electrike | Plusle | Minun |
Stand Near to Evolve | ||
Magneton | into | Magnezone |
Nosepass | into | Probopass |
New Event Text
There isn’t a lot here to go off of, but text and quest text was found that hints to a Raid-themed event. Titled “Raid Week 2019”, it leaves us with a question to think about. What kind of Pokémon will we be raiding? The quest text is as seen below.
Quest | Difficulty |
Win a raid | Easy |
Win {?} raids | Medium |
Win {?} raids | Hard |
Do you all have any theories? Do you have any thoughts on these findings? Are you excited about the potential New Lure Modules? What about the possible Quests? Let us know in the comments below!