Hello Trainers! Pokémon GO 0.185.0 is slowly rolling out through the Google Play Store (the iOS App Store usually lags behind). This update has Mega raids, Mega Evolutions, Mega Quest lines and some other stuff! Mega Raids!!!
🚨⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️🚨
Please be aware data miners have publicly reported everything in this article (PokeMiners). Information shared through these channels is not affiliated nor approved by Niantic, and is always subject to change. Do not take it for granted, features change and get scrapped all the time. It is very important that you are aware that these things CAN and WILL CHANGE.
Additionally, this article contains my thoughts and opinions in regards to the code that was shared online – all of these should be treated as conjecture, not as hard statements. If you’re OK with that, feel free to read further. Potential spoilers ahead.
You can read the official release notes here
Something to note before we continue. Niantic continues to utilize obfuscation to hide large parts of the update. One of the things that seem to be hidden is the mechanics of exactly how Mega Pokémon evolve, so that might be one of those things we just have to wait and see.
Let’s get into it!!
Mega Pokémon
Mega Badges
There will be two new badges coming, one for the total number of mega evolutions done and another for the number of unique Mega evolutions done. No word on what the requirements will be yet.
Mega Quests
There will be a quest for mega evolving Pokémon. It’s unclear if this will be a one time quest to unlock Mega evolutions, or if we’ll have one per Pokémon species that can mega evolve.
Mega Time
It appears that Mega Evolutions will be temporary, and will eventually revert back to their regular forms. This is for displaying how much time you have left before they … devolve?
Mega Boosts
MegaBoost MegaSameTypeBoost
Mega’s will be boosted, however, these entries suggest that the boost that Mega’s get might not be based on stats but a static multiplier of their existing stats.
Mega Display
megaEvoTitleHeight megaEvoListOffset megaBackgroundSprite cpMegaColor megaSilhouetteColor
It looks like Mega’s will have their own fancy screens with special titles, background, and CP colour
megaBackground pokedexBackground normalPokedexBackground pokedexBackgroundColor megaPokedexBackground megaPokedexBackgroundColor
Including special displays for the Pokédex.
Mega Energy
Mega Energy
There appears that there will be some sort of energy associated with the Megas. Seeing as this is all that we know about right now, all we can do is speculate.
Will Mega evolved Pokémon have a special Mega move that needs to be charged separately from their regular charge moves?
Will we require a certain amount of Mega energy before we can Mega Evolve our Pokémon?
There’s a ton of different directions that they can go with this, we’ll have to wait and see..
Mega Music
megaRaidLobbyMusic raidBattleMusic
New music hype!
Alright. Now we’ve covered some of the less exciting stuff about Mega evolutions. Less exciting stuff you say?! Oh yes, there’s more!
Mega Raids
Yes. You read that right. Mega. Raids.
Mega Raid Levels
It appears that Mega raids can be any level, 1 through 5.
Mega Raid Icons
megaRaidIcon incubationMegaIcon
Two new icons have been added as well, one for the journal and a regular one.
Journal Icon | Regular Icon |
BaseBonusRow mainStateKey SpeedBonusRow SpeedText BallImage MegaCandyImage TeamBonusRow TeamColors LogoSprites LogoImages ParticipationBars ParticipationBallTransform TotalBonusRow MegaText MegaIcon BallText BallIcon ConfirmBonusRow speedBonusRow teamBonusRow totalBonusRow confirmBonusRow megaCandyWidgets
It looks like there will be a new rewards screen for mega raids, pay close attention to the speed Bonus. It looks like trainers will extra rewards depending on how fast the raid is beaten.
Rewarding Mega Candy
.activityLogMegaCandyRewardPrefab megaRaidRewardSprite ActivityLogMegaCandyReward RequestMegaRaidWonEmblem
It looks like Mega candy will be a reward for Mega raids.
Mega Candy?!
megaCandyWidget MegaCandy megaCandyParent megaCandyImage megaCandyQuantityLabel CandyMaterial PokemonMegaCandyService _candyMaterials _defaultMaterial MegaCandyMaterial
Speaking of Mega candy, it’s a new item that’s been added. It appears that it’s not Pokémon specific, but has a shared item slot like Rare candies.
Mega Candy |
Mega Evolutions
Evolutions are Temporary
TEMP_EVOLUTION_UNSET TEMP_EVOLUTION_MEGA TEMP_EVOLUTION_MEGA_X TEMP_EVOLUTION_MEGA_Y megaEvolveButtonPrefab MegaEvoPokemonSpeciesId MegaEvolveSpecies MegaEvolution MegaEvolutionRevert .get_TempEvoId tempEvoId TempEvoId get_CurrentTempEvolution OnTemporaryEvolutionChange .get_TemporaryEvolution .set_TemporaryEvolution
As expected, Mega evolutions are temporary just like the main series games, with separations made for X and Y versions.
Mega Evolution Cost
ShowMegaSpendEvolveCosts add_OnMegaEvolution remove_OnMegaEvolution
There’s no indication on what the cost to Mega evolve will be, but it’s safe to say that the previously mentioned Mega Candies will be involved.
Mega Evolution Animation
ShowMegaEvolveAnimation PlayMegaEvolveCutscene megaVfx megaIcon megaPokemonRotation RotateMegaEvolvedPokemon RefreshMegaEvolvedPokemon
Mega evolutions will get their own special, and probably fancier, evolution animation that involves spinning.
Mega Devolution Animation
unevolveFxDelay unevolveModelSwapDelay unevolveCompleteDelay UnevolvedForm UnevolvePoof
There will also be a special animation when the Mega Pokémon devolves into its regular form, complete with a poof.
New Characters
It looks like Willow might be hosting some special guests soon.
New Badges
Generic badges from 11 to 30 were added. These are typically placeholders for special badge related events.
Custom Forms
This is most likely related to the integration with Pokémon home and is probably a flag to prevent trainers from shipping Pokémon with special Pogo only costumes to be sent to Pokémon Home. Sorry Pikachu…
SearchDropdownInput SearchDropdown .get_OnValueChanged .set_OnValueChanged selectedLabel noMatchesTextColor highlightedItemColor SearchDropdownEvent SearchDropdownItem SearchDropdownInput ClickFilterModeMega ClickFilterMode ClickCloseFilterMode ClickFilterModeAll
It appears that we’re getting a dropdown filter option that you can click to apply certain preset filters, and Mega evolutions will be part of the search filters.
Map Updates
Niantic.Platform.Maps.dll Niantic.Platform.Maps.Internal.Osm.Parse Niantic.Platform.Maps.Proto.TEMP
This was apparently a large portion of the update, and when I say large I mean LARGE. I’m not going to go into a lot of detail here, because the Pokéminers didn’t post all of it and it was still a lot.
Map Provider
MapProvider .set_MapProvider
It looks like Niantic will be able to switch their map provider, or we will?
Map want Roads!
WantRoads CreateRoadBuilder WantAreas CreateAreaBuilder WantBuildings CreateBuildingBuilder WantLineMeshes CreateLineMeshBuilder IFeatureBuilderFactory CreateFeatureBuilder LineMeshBuilder
It looks like the map library will be able to request a lot, like roads and buildings.
Map Displays
Some other things that the map can possibly display. Satellite? Traffic? Interesting.
AR Updates
add_AnyPeerStateReceived remove_AnyPeerStateReceived add_AnyPeerPoseReceived remove_AnyPeerPoseReceived add_AnyPeerStateReceivedSilently remove_AnyPeerStateReceivedSilently add_AnyPeerPoseReceivedSilently remove_AnyPeerPoseReceivedSilently add__anyDidInitialize remove__anyDidInitialize add__anyInitializedSilently remove__anyInitializedSilently
There was a lot about AR in this update as well. This probably has to do with the shared AR experience that was introduced a while ago.
Item Sticker
It looks like stickers will get their own inventory
set_CombatActivityStartTime get_CombatActivityStartTime
This appears to be something to ensure that the participants in a PvP battle are synced up.
Friend Updates
EnableModelTouchArea OnCloseButtonClicked GetBackButtonResponseBlock GetBackButtonResponse ClickNianticProfileFromController infoPanelPrefab modelTouchArea friendsDetailPagingSize FriendProfileInfoDynoScrollRect add_OnPageChangeUpdate .set_HorizontalSwipingLocked .get_SwipingFeatureEnabled .set_SwipingFeatureEnabled .get_HorizontalSwipingLocked remove_OnPageChangeUpdate
You’ll soon be able to swipe through your friend’s list, rather than exiting out of each friend’s screen.
Niantic Social
Goodbye Creepy
"niantic_friend_distance_away", "Under {0} km Away"
This has been removed. Probably for the best, it was never turned on anyway.
Ad Feedback
You’ll soon be able to give feedback on Ads.
Conclusions and Speculations
Fhew! This one had a lot!
Mega Raids?! Mega Candy?! Mega Evolutions!!!! I’m hyped!! There’s still a lot we don’t know, but to see so much new stuff on Mega evolutions is very exciting. I for one can’t wait to see these implemented and to see how they do it.
You probably didn’t notice, but there’s also a lot of evidence that Niantic is building their own maps. It’s unclear if they are planning on moving exclusively towards this, or just overlaying their maps over the one they already pull from Open Street Maps.
For now, that’s all! It’s a lot to digest, but it’s very very exciting stuff.
Stay safe out there trainers.