Today View is coming to Pokémon GO

After almost four years, Pokémon GO players are finally getting a way to see what events are currently running, which bonuses are active and check up on their Gym defenders and daily streaks.

Earlier today, Niantic announced a new feature that’s coming to Pokémon GO: Today View. Today View is a new screen that displays ongoing events, status of Pokémon in Gyms, daily streak status and what’s upcoming next in Pokémon GO.

Here it is, in its full glory:

Today View in Pokémon GO

This commonly requested feature was one of the hot topics in the Pokémon GO community over the past few years, and we’re delighted to see that Niantic finally got to it. Quality of life features like this make the game far more enjoyable and reduce friction that arises from tapping across different menus.

Niantic shared a few words about the functionality of Today View:

  • Events: The topmost section will show you what events are currently running in the game. If there are multiple overlapping events, then there will be separate cards showcasing each one. (Note that events won’t be visible when the Today View first launches, but they will appear later.)
  • Pokémon in Gyms: Keep tabs on all the Pokémon you have in Gyms. You’ll also be able to see how long your Pokémon have been defending their Gyms, how much motivation your Pokémon have left, which Pokémon have returned that day, and how many PokéCoins you’ve earned through defending Gyms.
  • Streaks: Track your Daily PokéStop Spin and Daily Pokémon Catch Streaks, and never break another one again!
  • Upcoming: Check out what events are coming up at the bottom of the page. Tap to learn more from the in-game News!

We don’t know when to expect this feature, but we expect it relatively soon. Niantic also shared that they’ll be adding even more to the Today View in the future. Exciting!

P.S. Maybe we could have that Fast Swap button in Trainer Battles… if anyone from Niantic is reading this, swapping takes too long.

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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