Trading beta code completely removed in 0.57.2!

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we haven’t seen a lot of talk about this, but the fragments of trading code that were leftover from the Pokémon GO beta have been removed in 0.57.2 update. This change was documented both in our initial data mine of 0.57.2 and later on in AeonLucid’s POGOProtos repository:

- TRADE_SEARCH = 117; // Not yet implemented in the game
- TRADE_OFFER = 118; // Not yet implemented in the game
- TRADE_RESPONSE = 119; // Not yet implemented in the game
- TRADE_RESULT = 120; // Not yet implemented in the game

This is huge news, as not only these numeric values were removed. The entire set of protobuf (*) messages related to trading was removed! That includes the entire mocked infrastructure for trading:

  • Polling for trade request
  • Polling for trade response
  • Support for trading offers

The following code fragment shows the removed code, but as it is rather long, so we’ll discuss the implications of this change before it.

This change does not mean that Trading is not coming – it simply implies Niantic removed unused code from the APK. As we’ve already discussed earlier, Niantic has been working hard on optimizing the game on both ends: server and client side.

We suspect to observe some trading related ode additions in the months to come, but in a wildly different form than what was present in the Beta.

Removed Trading code

message TradingOfferProto
	string trading_player = 1;
	fixed64 pokemon_id = 2;

message TradingOfferOutProto
	Result result = 1;
	uint64 trade_id = 2;

	enum Result
		UNSET = 0;
		SUCCESS = 1;

message PollForTradeResponseProto
	uint64 trade_id = 1;
	fixed64 pokemon_id = 2;
	bool request_cancel = 3;

message PollForTradeResponseOutProto
	Result result = 1;
	PokemonProto return_pokemon = 2;

	enum Result
		UNSET = 0;

message TradingResultProto
	uint64 trade_id = 1;
	bool player_accept = 2;

message TradingResultOutProto
	Result result = 1;

	enum Result
		UNSET = 0;

* protobuf, or Protocol Buffers, is a data interchange format created by Google. All Pokémon GO network requests and responses are encoded using Protocol Buffers.

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.

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