A Smol PvP Analysis on Maushold (and Tandemaus!)

Well, I started this one days ago and just never quite got around to finishing it, but better late than never? Today we have a smol (for a JRE article, at least!) little analysis on MAUSHOLD (and Tandemaus) in PvP! So smol that I’ll sum up our standard Bottom Line Up Front in one phrase: these little guys are not all that great for PvP. But let’s look at WHY they may have trouble breaking out, shall we?

MAUSHOLD Stats and Moves

Maushold Normal

Great League Stats

Attack Defense HP
117 (114 High Stat Product) 120 (123 High Stat Product) 135 (139 High Stat Product)

(Highest Stat Product IVs: 0-14-15, 1500 CP, Level 29)


Tandemaus Normal

Little League Stats

Attack Defense HP
64 (63 High Stat Product) 65 (65 High Stat Product) 93 (97 High Stat Product)

(Highest Stat Product IVs: 0-12-15, 500 CP, Level 23)

So I think the main thing to highlight here is something that will come up often through this analysis. Maushold has decent bulk in a vacuum. The issue is that there are already a number of other Normal types with similar movesets that outbulk it, sometimes significantly. These include some that probably immediately come to mind like Dubwool, Snorlax, Diggersby, Greedent, and of course Lickitung and Chansey and such. But it also includes things you wouldn’t think of offhand like Linoone, Castform, even Lopunny and Furret and Furfrou. And yes, the fact that I’m bringing them all up should give you some concern.

Let’s quick get through the moves and then you’ll see what I mean….


  • Mud ShotGround type, 1.5 DPT, 4.5 EPT, 1.0 CoolDown
  • Bullet SeedGrass type, 1.66 DPT, 4.33 EPT, 1.5 CD
  • Take DownNormal type, 1.66 DPT, 2.66 EPT, 1.5 CD

This is actually an encouraging start, with two high energy moves that perform well in PvP on other Pokemon. And yes, you ARE correct in noticing that Mud Shot and Bullet Seed are the same moves that tend to power Greedent. How about the charge moves?


  • SwiftNormal type, 55 damage, 40 energy
  • CrunchDark type, 70 damage, 45 energy, 30% Chance: Reduce Opponent Defense -1 Stage
  • Play RoughFairy type, 90 damage, 60 energy

Sticking with the Greedent comparison, Crunch is shared by both, but there the comparisons end. Swift is decent after its rebalance this season (used to be 55 energy for only 60 damage), but it’s no Body Slam (only 35 energy for 60 damage) like Greedent and others have. Play Rough is a good move but a little pricey for what Normals like Maushold usually want to do: spam spam spam. Mausie is a little on the slower side compared to many of them, even with its great energy generating fast moves.

Now let’s put that all together and see what a difference that makes.


Maushold tops out at 2244 CP even at Level 50, so Great League is its first and last stop… it hits 1500 CP just below Level 30.

I’ll be quick about this. Pulling out Greedent yet again, let’s compare them with the same fast move and Crunch as one of their charge moves.

Greedent (not even at its best, as it runs better these days with Trailblaze instead of Crunch) looks like this, whereas poor Maushold manages only this. That’s literally only one third of the wins Greedent gets, with wins over only Sableye, Trevenant, Lickitung, and Whiscash, Shadow Swampert, and Shadow Feraligatr, in large part due to their weakness to Bullet Seed. Greedent beats all of those except Sableye, plus (in order) Cresselia, Feraligatr, Gligar, Lanturn, Mantine, Shadow Alolan Ninetales, Quagsire (normal and Shadow), Swampert, Shadow Victreebel, Shadow Whiscash, AND Wigglytuff.


Now in fairness, Maushold can do better than this. Again, Swift is just kind of mid, as my kids would say. Going with Play Rough instead is actually better, dropping Whiscash but picking up Swampert, Shadow Quagsire, Umbreon, and Guzzlord instead, but uh… Greedent is still MUCH better. Especially when Greedent is also at its best, running Trailblaze (and Mud Shot). No contest.

And then we have all the others, like LickitungDubwoolMiltankDiggersby (and in multiple configurations), and even things like LinooneCastformLopunny, and an underrated Furfrou that all leave poor Maushold in the dust. Heck, even Spinda and freaking Furret outperform it!

I wish I could give you better news, I really do. Maushold is just so CUTE and I’m sure those that get a Family Of Three version especially want to show it off. But Niantic really gave it about the best moves it could get from MSG, and it never learns Body Slam, so I don’t see real improvement coming down the line. Sorry, folks!


How about Tandemaus then? Well, more of the same: just not quite good enough. At least the Little League version of Greedent, Skwovet, isn’t much better. But several other notable Normal types are. And that’s not to even mention my Precioussssss, of course.


So, uh… well, there it is. Get them because they’re cute, get them because you want to find that 1 out of 100 Family Of Three version of Maushold (good luck!), but don’t rush out to get them for PvP.

So there we go… just a short little analysis for funsies. Hope you enjoyed! Until next time, you can always find me on Twitter with regular Pokémon GO analysis nuggets, or Patreon if you like.

Do stay safe out there as you hunt down mice, and catch you next time, Pokéfriends!

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PoGO/PvP Investigative Journalist, GO Hub and Silph Arena/Road Contributor, amateur cook, author of 'Nifty Or Thrifty' and 'Under The Lights' article series and #PvPfacts!

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