PvP Move Stats in Pokemon GO

Trainers, the following two tables show PvP move stats for all fast and charge moves currently available in the Game Master file. The charts were last updated on 1st February 2019. For more Pokemon GO PvP content and guides, visit our Trainer Battles category. For a comprehensive overview of PvP mechanics, read our Pokemon GO PvP guide: everything you need to know about Trainer Battles in Pokemon GO.

Terminology used in the tables:

  • Power – the amount of damage a move deals in Trainer Battles
  • Energy – the amount of energy a move generates or uses
  • Duration – the number of turns the move lasts. Each turn lasts for 0.5s.
  • DPT – stands for Damage per turn. Equivalent to DPS in non-PvP scenarios. Higher is better. Only for fast moves.
  • EPT – stands for Energy per turn. Equivalent to EPS in non-PvP scenarios. Higher is better. Only for fast moves.
  • DPE – stands for Damage per energy. DPE describes how efficiently you deal damage in comparison to the energy spent. Higher is better. Only for charged moves.

PvP stats for Fast Moves

(Values in Bold are ones that were changed within/due to the stat rework introduced on 1st February 2019)

Move Power Energy Duration DPT EPT
Acid 6 5 2 3.00 2.50
Air Slash 9 9 3 3.00 3.00
Astonish 5 9 3 1.67 3.00
Bite 4 2 1 4.00 2.00
Bubble 8 11 3 2.67 3.67
Bug Bite 3 3 1 3.00 3.00
Bullet Punch 6 7 2 3.00 3.50
Bullet Seed 5 11 3 1.67 3.67
Charge Beam 5 11 3 1.67 3.67
Confusion 16 12 4 4.00 3.00
Counter 8 7 2 4.00 3.50
Cut 3 2 1 3.00 2.00
Dragon Breath 4 3 1 4.00 3.00
Dragon Tail 9 10 3 3.00 3.33
Ember 6 6 2 3.00 3.00
Extrasensory 8 10 3 2.67 3.33
Feint Attack 6 6 2 3.00 3.00
Fire Fang 7 5 2 3.50 2.50
Fire Spin 9 10 3 3.00 3.33
Frost Breath 7 5 2 3.50 2.50
Fury Cutter 2 4 1 2.00 4.00
Hex 6 11 3 2.00 3.67
Hidden Power 9 8 3 3.00 2.67
Ice Shard 9 10 3 3.00 3.33
Infestation 6 11 3 2.00 3.67
Iron Tail 9 6 3 3.00 2.00
Karate Chop 5 7 2 2.50 3.50
Lick 3 3 1 3.00 3.00
Low Kick 4 5 2 2.00 2.50
Metal Claw 5 6 2 2.50 3.00
Mud Shot 3 9 2 1.50 4.50
Mud Slap 9 8 3 3.00 2.67
Peck 6 5 2 3.00 2.50
Poison Jab 6 7 2 3.00 3.50
Poison Sting 3 6 2 1.50 3.00
Pound 5 4 2 2.50 2.00
Powder Snow 4 8 2 2.00 4.00
Present 3 12 3 1.00 4.00
Psycho Cut 3 9 2 1.50 4.50
Quick Attack 5 7 2 2.50 3.50
Razor Leaf 11 4 2 5.50 2.00
Rock Smash 9 7 3 3.00 2.33
Rock Throw 8 5 2 4.00 2.50
Scratch 4 2 1 4.00 2.00
Shadow Claw 6 8 2 3.00 4.00
Smack Down 12 8 3 4.00 2.67
Snarl 8 10 3 2.67 3.33
Spark 4 8 2 2.00 4.00
Splash 0 12 4 0.00 3.00
Steel Wing 7 5 2 3.50 2.50
Struggle Bug 9 8 3 3.00 2.67
Sucker Punch 5 7 2 2.50 3.50
Tackle 3 2 1 3.00 2.00
Take Down 5 8 3 1.67 2.67
Thunder Shock 3 9 2 1.50 4.50
Transform 0 0 3 0.00 0.00
Vine Whip 5 8 2 2.50 4.00
Volt Switch 12 10 5 2.40 2.00
Water Gun 3 3 1 3.00 3.00
Water Gun Blastoise 6 4 2 3.00 2.00
Waterfall 12 8 3 4.00 2.67
Wing Attack 5 7 2 2.50 3.50
Yawn 0 12 4 0.00 3.00
Zen Headbutt 8 6 3 2.67 2.00

PvP stats for Charge Moves

Move Power Energy DPE
Aerial Ace 55 45 1.22
Air Cutter 60 55 1.09
Ancient Power 70 45 1.56
Aqua Jet 45 45 1.00
Aqua Tail 50 35 1.43
Aurora Beam 80 60 1.33
Avalanche 90 45 2.00
Blast Burn 110 50 2.20
Blaze Kick 55 40 1.38
Blizzard 130 75 1.73
Body Slam 60 35 1.71
Bone Club 40 35 1.14
Brave Bird 90 55 1.64
Brick Break 40 35 1.14
Brine 60 50 1.20
Bubble Beam 45 40 1.13
Bug Buzz 90 60 1.50
Bulldoze 80 60 1.33
Close Combat 100 60 1.67
Crabhammer 75 50 1.50
Cross Chop 50 35 1.43
Cross Poison 40 35 1.14
Crunch 70 45 1.56
Dark Pulse 80 50 1.60
Dazzling Gleam 110 70 1.57
Dig 100 80 1.25
Disarming Voice 70 45 1.56
Discharge 65 45 1.44
Doom Desire 80 35 2.29
Draco Meteor 150 75 2.00
Dragon Claw 50 35 1.43
Dragon Pulse 90 60 1.50
Draining Kiss 60 55 1.09
Drill Peck 60 40 1.50
Drill Run 80 55 1.45
Dynamic Punch 90 50 1.80
Earth Power 90 55 1.64
Earthquake 120 65 1.85
Energy Ball 90 60 1.50
Fire Blast 140 80 1.75
Fire Punch 55 40 1.38
Flame Burst 70 55 1.27
Flame Charge 70 50 1.40
Flame Wheel 60 55 1.09
Flamethrower 90 55 1.64
Flash Cannon 110 65 1.69
Focus Blast 150 75 2.00
Foul Play 70 45 1.56
Frenzy Plant 100 45 2.22
Frustration (Shadow only) 10 40 0.25
Futuresight 120 65 1.85
Giga Drain 50 80 0.63
Grass Knot 90 50 1.80
Gunk Shot 130 75 1.73
Gyro Ball 80 60 1.33
Heart Stamp 40 40 1.00
Heat Wave 95 75 1.27
Heavy Slam 70 50 1.40
Horn Attack 40 35 1.14
Hurricane 110 65 1.69
Hydro Cannon 90 40 2.25
Hydro Pump 130 75 1.73
Hydro Pump Blastoise 90 80 1.13
Hyper Beam 150 80 1.88
Hyper Fang 80 50 1.60
Ice Beam 90 55 1.64
Ice Punch 55 40 1.38
Icy Wind 60 45 1.33
Iron Head 70 50 1.40
Last Resort 90 55 1.64
Leaf Blade 70 35 2.00
Low Sweep 40 40 1.00
Magnet Bomb 70 45 1.56
Mega Drain 25 55 0.45
Megahorn 90 55 1.64
Meteor Mash 100 50 2.00
Mirror Coat 60 55 1.09
Moonblast 130 70 1.86
Mud Bomb 55 40 1.38
Night Shade 60 55 1.09
Night Slash 50 40 1.25
Ominous Wind 50 40 1.25
Origin Pulse 130 60 2.17
Outrage 110 60 1.83
Overheat 150 80 1.88
Parabolic Charge 25 55 0.45
Petal Blizzard 110 65 1.69
Play Rough 90 60 1.50
Poison Fang 40 35 1.14
Power Gem 80 60 1.33
Power Whip 90 50 1.80
Precipice Blades 130 60 2.17
Psybeam 70 60 1.17
Psychic 100 70 1.43
Psycho Boost 70 40 1.75
Psyshock 70 45 1.56
Psystrike 100 55 1.82
Rest 50 35 1.43
Return (Purified only) 50 40 1.25
Rock Blast 50 40 1.25
Rock Slide 80 45 1.78
Rock Tomb 70 60 1.17
Sand Tomb 80 60 1.33
Scald 80 60 1.33
Scald Blastoise 50 80 0.63
Seed Bomb 55 40 1.38
Shadow Ball 100 55 1.82
Shadow Punch 40 35 1.14
Shadow Sneak 50 45 1.11
Signal Beam 75 55 1.36
Silver Wind 70 45 1.56
Sky Attack 80 45 1.78
Sludge 50 40 1.25
Sludge Bomb 80 50 1.60
Sludge Wave 110 65 1.69
Solar Beam 150 80 1.88
Stomp 55 40 1.38
Stone Edge 100 55 1.82
Struggle 35 100 0.35
Submission 60 50 1.20
Surf 65 40 1.63
Swift 60 55 1.09
Synchronoise 80 50 1.60
Thunder 100 60 1.67
Thunder Punch 55 40 1.38
Thunderbolt 90 55 1.64
Twister 45 45 1.00
Vice Grip 40 40 1.00
Water Pulse 70 60 1.17
Weather Ball Fire 60 35 1.71
Weather Ball Ice 60 35 1.71
Weather Ball Rock 60 35 1.71
Weather Ball Water 60 35 1.71
Wild Charge 90 50 1.80
Wrap 60 45 1.33
Wrap Green 25 45 0.56
Wrap Pink 25 45 0.56
X Scissor 45 35 1.29
Zap Cannon 150 80 1.88

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.

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