Hello Trainers! 0.252.2 is rolling out to a device near you and… wait, a breakdown of a .2 update? I know what you’re thinking, is this worth my time? Kyurem’s signature move, updates for Vivillon and Zorua, and more!
Please read through all of this with a grain of salt – we often post data mining reports which end up taking months to release, and we don’t want our readers to be disappointed. Be smart, read this like speculation and be happy once it goes live.
💡 Disclaimer: You know the drill by now, everything in this article is data mined, and therefore subject to change or not even being released at all. All of this information is publicly provided by the PokéMiners and includes some of my commentaries.
New Move
Glaciate is Kyurem’s signature move and is actually only ever learned by Kyurem. Aside from, weirdly enough, an event Victini. It’s a 65-power Ice type move, so we’ll see what treatment Niantic decides to give it. Could Kyurem be coming back in it’s many forms? We haven’t seen Black Kyurem or White Kyurem in Pokémon GO yet.
Vivillon Updates
For when you hit your butterfly limit when sending gifts.
Zorua Updates
This has been added to the ditto encounter reveal section.
For scaling Zorua? I guess… Other Zorua info was discovered in a previous datamine, so maybe we will see it sooner rather than later. Halloween event Part 2 anyone?
Singapore Safari Zone
All of the badges for the Singapore Safari Zone, including some test badges.
Paper Airplane
The special souvenir paper airplane has been added.
Guest Logins?
These have been added to the telemetry events where other log-in events happen. Maybe Pokémon GO is going to offer trials without having to log in?
Size Telemetry and Size Records
TelemetrySizeReflection .get_RecordBreakType .set_RecordBreakType .get_IsHeightRecord .set_IsHeightRecord .get_IsWeightRecord .set_IsWeightRecord RecordBreakTypeFieldNumber recordBreakType_ IsHeightRecordFieldNumber isHeightRecord_ IsWeightRecordFieldNumber isWeightRecord_ RecordBreakType IsHeightRecord IsWeightRecord RECORD_BREAK_UNSET RECORD_BREAK_XXS RECORD_BREAK_XS RECORD_BREAK_M RECORD_BREAK_XL RECORD_BREAK_XXL
A bunch of new telemetry items have been added, it appears these are checks to see if you broke your previous catch size records.
That’s it! Was it worth your time? I wrote it so I think it was, but that’s a decision you have to make on your own.
Until next time, stay safe out there!