How to use every new card from Venusaur Promo event in TCG Pocket

After the exciting Lapras EX Drop event that got players battling it out for a chance to grab several Promo cards, Pokémon TCG Pocket is back with another such bonanza. This time, the solo battle event will focus on the iconic starter from Gen 1, Venusaur! You can find the full details of the Venusaur Drop Event in our event article, and we will focus on the meta here.

Just like the previous drop event featured Lapras EX and other Promo cards such as Pikachu, Clefairy, Mankey, and Butterfree, Venusaur is accompanied by Greninja, Jigglypuff, Onix, and Haunter.

All new Promo cards in the Venusaur Solo Battle & Wonder Pick event

Best use of each Promo card

With a wide variety of pulls available, you must be wondering how to make the most of each card. 


Pokémon TCG Pocket Venusaur

An absolutely gorgeous full-art Venusaur! Definitely beats Lapras EX in aesthetics, but what about viability? Well, the previous grab was an EX card, has no evolution shenanigans, and is a menace in Water decks (especially with Misty).

This one, though stunning, isn’t an EX card. The Grass deck is one of the strongest in the meta, revolutionized by the EX cards of Venusaur and Exeggutor. While this card isn’t as formidable as its EX version obviously, it’s no slouch either!

160 HP is incredible, and higher than core EX cards like Mewtwo and Pikachu! However, the USP of the Grass deck is healing damage. Aside from the whopping 50 DMG healing from Erika and Potion’s handy 20 DMG healing, Venusaur can use Mega Drain to deal a respectable 80 DMG while also healing 30 DMG for itself! 😯 

So, if you have only one Venusaur EX or are looking to fill a slot in your already-built VenuEX-EXegg deck, this card is a welcome addition.

Prioritize Exeggutor EX in your Active Spot while you evolve Bulbasaur all the way to Venusaur in your Bench. EXegg can inflict 40 or 80 DMG for just one Energy, and stall attacks with 160 HP and support from Erika and Potion.

Finally, when you have 4 Grass Energy ready to go, bring Venusaur to the forefront and go berserk. At the same, keep opening Pikachu’s Genetic Apex booster pack for a chance to draw the phenomenal Venusaur EX!


Pokémon TCG Pocket Greninja

Greninja made Water Shuriken a household name in the anime and this attack has been a mainstay in Ash Greninja builds in VGC and Singles, where it uses this Priority move to chip down targets and activate Battle Bond for Ash Greninja transformation.

In TCG Pocket, Water Shuriken is an Ability and reflects the Priority status of the move perfectly. Even when Greninja is on your Bench, it inflicts 20 DMG on one of your opponent’s Pokémon. This can help secure a KO on a weakened Pokémon on your opponent’s side, with an EX card left with 20 HP being the cherry on the cake.

It can support your Active Spot mon by adding an additional 20 DMG off the mill and tearing down the opponent, or go to the Active Spot itself and deal 80 DMG.

Overall, it’s more useful on the Bench with its passive 20 DMG while your Active Spot can host stronger Water cards like Blastoise EX, Lapras EX, Articuno EX, or Starmier as well. Misty is a must in this composition.


Haunter is here with a brand new card AND a surprising new attack, quite literally! Called ‘Surprise Attack,’ it features 50 DMG instead of Will-O-Wisp, which deals 30 DMG. However, there’s a catch: You need to flip a coin and if it’s tails, you do zero damage! 🙄 

So, this card as such offers no value honestly… the old card at least guarantees 30 DMG. Evolve it to Gengar ASAP.


Onix is a tricky card to use. It absolutely requires Brock to get the free Fighting Energy but is overall underwhelming due to only 70 DMG for 3 Energy and a ridiculous retreat cost. It sure can sponge hits as long as your opponent has weak cards and you are lucky enough to go second and draw Brock early.

Overall, it’s too situational to get the best out of it but hey, its artwork is pretty quirky!


Pokémon TCG Pocket Jigglypuff promo

Jigglypuff Promo has 10 less HP than the current Jigglypuff card and doesn’t even deal damage technically. But guess what? It’s actually a superb upgrade and one of the best picks from this set of Promos! 😯 

To begin with, it’s a Colorless type card, so it can fit in any deck. Moreover, Sing requires just 1 Energy and puts the opponent to sleep?! For a Basic card, this is brilliant!

Jigglypuff can hog the Active Spit while you build Energy for evolutions leading to EX cards on your Bench. A few heads in your favor and Jiggly may be the reason behind your EX card ready to rampage!

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Niladri Sarkar is a vastly experienced Content Writer who specializes in Pokémon competitive battles, combat mechanics, design, and lore. Having previously worked with reputed organizations like Dexerto and Smogon, Niladri has immense knowledge in Pokémon GO, TCG Pocket, VGC, Unite, and mainline games like Scarlet & Violet. He has been with GO Hub since September 2019 and is known as their resident Dragon Master. You can reach out to Niladri at [email protected].

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