Last month we asked for your best Grass type Pokémon photos, and this month I debated on a theme for a little while before deciding the theme would be, that there is no theme! Submit any of your AR photos that you want to share and the best will end up here. I was so hyped to see what people submitted, I knew there would be such a range!
Unedited Images
The below AR images have not been edited in any way.
‘Grab the light’ by nana15AR, Hiroshima City, Japan.
‘The moment the setting sun in and was shiny; Mega Absol grabbed the light that appeared (due to the reflection of the lens). It was so beautiful that it looked like the light of hope.’
‘Your favorite horizon’ by u501, 藤沢市,神奈川県,日本.
‘On the beach at dusk, we take pictures and have fun with our family and friends. What does this view look like to the people in this place on this day? What does Pikachu think when he sees the sea …’
‘Scarf or bow-tie?’ by Rhanique, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands.
‘I managed to take a snapshot of this beauty before she left the raids. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to get the shiny myself. I tried to refrain myself from spending money on remote raid passes as I had the recent changes in the game in mind. Finally, to answer my question in the title: it’s a Lapras with a bow-tie. I know they call it a scarf, but come on… it’s a bow-tie! (They are cool, you know. 😉)’
‘Blessing the Bluebells’ by Mark, Derbyshire, England.
‘Celebi appeared in this area seemingly taking in the warmth from the sun and blessing the Bluebells growing here’
‘Back On Shore’ by Feresk, Bacong, Negros Oriental, Philippines.
‘A rare sighting of a Kabuto crawling back to dry land.’
‘X̱wáýx̱way (Whoi Whoi)’ by, Coast Salish territory, BC Canada.
‘Stanley Park is quite a famous spot in Vancouver, Canada. These lands and waters were designated as a public park in 1887 and named after the Governor General, Mr. Stanley. However, archaeologists have found artifacts in there that are more than 3,200 years old. That doesn’t override the evidence provided by indigenous oral knowledge that marks this place as one of the largest Indigenous settlements in the area, its name being X̱wáýx̱way (Whoi Whoi). Home to hundreds of people, in 1887 city employees destroyed the remaining structures of Whoi Whoi and evicted the residents to build the first Park Road.’
‘Playful companion’ by nana15AR, Hiroshima City, Japan.
‘He was happy to find a flowerpot during his walk. He thinks he is a flower.’
‘Apex Purified Lugia’ by ACE📸, Tokyo, Japan.
‘Don’t you think he’s awesome?’
‘Glaceon at the race’ by (A.M) Ice-type friends, Denison, TX. USA.
‘Me and Glaceon were hanging out at the park and having a long run for track training.’
‘Golden Ho‐oh that shine in the setting sun’ by La Vie en rose, Japan.
‘When the sun sets, Ho‐oh gives off a golden glow. Ho‐oh wishes for tomorrow’s peace without war.’
‘sunset’ by ずんだオレ, Japan.
‘To be taking on the sunset glow’
‘Brightened Spirit’ by mingosanch, Massachusetts, USA.
‘Drifloon is said to be formed by the spirits of people and Pokémon. Old folktales refer to Drifloon as a “Signpost for Wandering Spirits” due to how it loves to float around aimlessly. This one certainly seemed at peace drifting among the lights!’
‘Chill Ray!’ by ANK79, Kankaria Zoo, Ahmedabad, India.
‘Shiny Luxray came to say Good Morning!’
‘『Let’s eat!』’ by Limudon_japan, Japan.
‘I took a picture using the blending function📸. In order to give a sense of reality, next time I will try to adjust the position of the plate by pulling the chair a little more🧐. The customer next door would have been wondering what he was crazy about shooting pancakes🤣.’
‘Golden Bloom’ by RockStarRithvik, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
‘I saw these freshly bloomed Marigold in my terrace and immediately knew I had to take a snap! What better than our butterfly Pokémon. The bow-tie added to the beauty in the picture!’
‘Ennewt is feminine’ by nana15AR, Hiroshima City, Japan.
‘She loves flowers. Wow, beautiful😍’
‘Psyduck’s headache’ by Mark, Derbyshire, England.
‘This Psyduck was suffering from a headache and blocking the path along the canal! If only I had some medicine…’
‘I Belong’ by Feresk, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines.
‘One of these things is not like the other.’
‘Nesting season’ by SilverBullet00, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America.
‘Every December, the Melemele Blue Sea Turtle are seen basking on the shores of Kala’e Bay as they look for the perfect spot to lay their eggs. A protected species, the Alolan officials are quick to hand down hefty fines for anyone disturbing them.’
‘Through the fresh green’ by nana15AR, Hiroshima City, Japan.
‘Mega Latios swirled gracefully through the beautiful gradation of young leaves and went through beautifully.’
‘The Wandering Artist’ by mingosanch, Massachusetts, USA.
‘Smeargle draws symbols using the fluid from its tail to mark its territory. In places with many Smeargle, walls are often covered with graffiti. I managed to catch one in the art to take this picture!’
Edited Images
The below AR images have been edited or filtered in some way.
‘To live to see another sunrise’ by ElKhan32, Essex, UK.
‘The warriors path is never over, the privilege of seeing another sunrise is the reward for a hard fought yesterday.’
‘Duo Dragon Dance’ by pokemoninlife, Yanagawa Waterway, Taichung, Taiwan.
‘It’s so lucky to see Latios and Latias in Yanagawa Waterway. After government’s efforts, this place transformed to be a place for people to take a walk and enjoy the view of waterway. Most important, it became a habitat right for Pokemon. Someday, I saw Latios and Latias having their “Duo Dragon Dance” here, probably showing their love to this beautiful place.’
‘I Feel The Need… The Need For Speed!’ by Chris J. Faria, Weymouth, MA, USA.
‘Wartortle does its best “Top Gun” impression in front of this jet on a pole!’
‘Pop art’ by TIMID0x, Panama.
‘Pokémon is confused when see this art wall.’
‘Spooky party’ by Theclassicbee, Chandigarh.
‘This Hoothoot is here to welcome the guests arriving at the night party!’
‘Slime at work’ by K4Kishan, Gujarat, India.
‘Best way to clean your keyboard 😉’
By Charm2Sul, Seoul, South Korea.
‘Regirock on duty’
‘Left My Heart in NC’ by Mythical_Lae_Snaps, Outerbanks, NC.
‘This is my lovely shiny Heracross my fiancé traded to me on a vacation together (the day before he asked me to marry him!) I love this photo because it’s a happy memory of an awesome vacation and it perfectly sums up how I feel about the beach! Take me back!!’
‘The return of the king’ by Elkhan32, Essex, UK.
‘Awoken from a deep slumber, the young king returns to protect all!’
‘Carp streamer and Gyarados’ by Kuuu.
‘We pray for healthy growth and shed carp streamers on children’s Day.’
‘The reign of fire.’ by ElKhan32, Essex, UK.
‘The mighty dragon, once thought to be a myth. They rose up, and with such power, overwhelmed.’
AR Masters
The below images are taken by our AR Masters.
‘May community Day’ by Pokegramstm, Isle of Skye.
‘This one is to celebrate Alolan geodude community Day. Watch out, Golem has a big pile of rocks to throw!’
‘Mythical Discovery’ by Ash Ketzchup, Belgium.
‘This (non edited) photo was taken for the second global AR photo challenge by Niantic, for the ‘creative’ category if I remember correctly. This photo includes a shadowmon (photographing just the shadow of the Pokémon), combined with one of my favorite Pokémon games: Pokémon Snap!’
‘My Next Album Cover’ by kittypokemonsalot, Lincolnshire, UK.
‘I’m known for usually photographing Tiny Pokémon, so this one is quite out of my comfort zone! I think Bewear’s pose is kind of hilarious, and when I was out walking on Stufful Community Day I thought of this field, and couldn’t resist a visit for some AR photos. I thought it almost looked like some sort of obscure indie rock album cover with their blank gaze and pose.’
Next Submission Theme
For our next AR showcase, we want to see your best photos of Pokémon taken outdoors! Submit by 25th June to be considered at the link here. Full rules at the link.