Best Player Achievements in Pokémon GO: A Look Back at 2024

Good day, Pokémon trainers! The year 2024 is coming to a close and boy what a year it was, both for me personally and for Pokémon GO. Lots of new content and mechanics were introduced to GO this year. Some were received quite well, while others perhaps needed a bit more time in the oven.

But that isn’t really what we’re going to take a look at today. Because no matter in whichever way Pokémon GO changes, one thing remains constant: Some of Pokémon GO’s most fun and exciting moments are through the contribution of the players and the community. So as we say goodbye to 2024, let’s take a moment to remember some of the best Player Achievements in Pokémon GO!

Razlaw’s Insane Kantodex General icon

Let’s start with something BIG. GO Trainer Razlaw spent two whole years completing a Kanto dex that are all best buddies, shiny, AND lucky! As stated by Razlaw it took two whole years to accomplish this, and even that feels too soon considering how rare it is and how long it takes to get 151 Pokémon with those exact conditions!

The World Champion 2024 General icon

While PvP makes up a relatively smaller population of the great Pokémon GO community. It is nevertheless a very tight-knit and passionate one. Making for some of the biggest highlights each and every year.

And this year is no different, there are many amazing accomplishments to talk about. But perhaps, as should be the case, nothing shines greater than the World Championships that take place in August each year.

This year Yekai0904 won the title of World Champion for Pokémon GO. This is notable for multiple reasons. To start off, he came from the APAC circuit, one that is rather underrepresented as far as the GO circuit is concerned. He also did not perform last year only to rise to the top this year. That too against one of the most accomplished trainers around in the form of Inadequance and he did so with style!

The Bestest of Buddies General icon

It’s always important to celebrate accomplishments, even if one is not the first to achieve them. 200 Best Buddies is a hard Platinum Trophy to get. So much so that many do not even attempt this difficult challenge. Yet after two years of meticulous grinding AbuFofana not only earned this trophy but also provided some valuable tips for other trainers to attempt it as well!

A Bug In The System General icon

While the world championships tend to be the biggest highlight of any competitive season, as stated before there are lots of exciting moments all year around. In the 2024 season, no trainer perhaps brought about more excitement with their mere presence as did Doonebug97.

This trainer not only became the first to win multiple regionals in a single season in the North American regional circuit (3 regionals in a season if you’re keeping count), but he did so with a very high degree of finesse. Doonebug97 showed a sense of confidence rare even in the PvP scene. This led him to winning with spicy picks such as Pidgeot and even flying to London for the European Nationals and getting second place there too!

A Loud Roar! General icon

In what can be considered a perfect book end for the player achievements of this year, we have PoGoMiloUK. PoGoMiloUK is a YouTuber and Podcaster, who has a regular series on YouTube called the 24 Hour Event Challenges. In his newest challenge, he ran the daily adventure incense for 24 hours in order to catch legendary birds. This is the first time something like this has been done, because, even ignoring the tremendous effort and preparation needed to play Pokémon GO for 24 hours, this challenge just could not have been done before.

Why? Because it makes ample use of Origin Dialga and The Roar of Time field move released this year. Which has allowed PoGoMiloUK to be the first to succeed in something like this. As he is a YouTuber it is an accomplishment the community at large can enjoy as well! As to why the challenge itself went, well you can read up on our cover and interview with the man himself.

Conclusion General icon

And there we go! 2024 is coming to a close, making it 8 years with Pokémon GO. Yet trainers are still finding new and interesting ways to let themselves be known and achieve amazing things in the game. Let’s hope for many more such accomplishments to come!

Goodbye for now, Pokémon trainers. Priom-out!


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Pokémon fan since as early as object permanence allows. Me and my Pokébuddy, PoppyGO are here to hopefully help you with all of Pokémon GO's going-ons!
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