GO Battle Day (February 2024, Timeless Travels season)

GO Battle Day takes place on February 10, 2024, to celebrate the newly released Pokémon during the Season of Timeless Travels. On this day, you can test your mettle in GO Battle League!

The maximum number of sets you can play per day will increase to 100, and participating Trainers will get 4× Stardust from win rewards. You will also be able to complete free Timed Research.

Timeless Travels: GO Battle Day Details Event icon

GO Battle League

Date 📅

  • Saturday, February 10, 2024, at 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. local time.

Bonuses ⭐

  • 4× Stardust from win rewards. (This does not include the end-of-set rewards and will not stack with the 4× Stardust bonus in February.)
  • The maximum number of sets you can play per day will be increased from five to 20—for a total of 100 battles—from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. local time.
  • Free battle-themed Timed Research will be available. Rewards include various battle items and XP.

Active Leagues

  • Master League
  • Evolution Cup: Great League Edition
    • Pokémon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter.
    • Only Pokémon that have evolved at least once and can evolve again will be eligible.

Evolution Cup Meta preview

Overall, the majority of PvP players are likely to be participating in the sub-1500 CP Evolution Cup meta. Only Pokémon that have evolved once can participate, so this is a unique opportunity for the middle evolutions to get their time in the GBL sun!

Typically this is a meta dominated by the likes of Vigoroth, Golbat and Dragonair, plus some spicy picks such as Marshtomp and Haunter – so make sure you’re prepared with your strategy! Primeape could also make an appearance as a brand new pick for this meta, now that Annihilape is in Pokémon GO.

Our resident PvP writer JRE will be providing the lowdown on the meta and priority picks in the coming days, so watch this space.

Get Pokémon GO Tips from ItsAXN, TrainerTips, Soph_Toph, and SpeediestChief2 during a GO Battle Day Stream General icon

Looking to improve your Pokémon GO Battle League skills? Then tune into the official Pokémon GO Twitch channel on Saturday, February 10, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. PST for a special GO Battle Day stream to catch ItsAXN, the 2023 Pokémon GO World Champion, and other notable Trainers as they battle it out and share their best advice.

These powerhouse Trainers will cover how to get started in Pokémon GO, how to level up quickly, and the best tactics for analyzing and countering your opponent’s GO Battle League team.

There will be two competing teams during the stream:

  • one will be ItsAXN and Pokémon GO content creator TrainerTips
  • the other will feature Pokémon GO casters SpeediestChief2 and Soph_Toph.

One Trainer from each team will compete at a time in five to seven sets of battles, and whichever team has the highest collective score will be the winner. While one Trainer is battling, their teammate will interact with the chat, answer questions, and provide advice.

After each set, the four Trainers will analyze their performances and coach the audience on successful GO Battle League strategies. And what’s a stream without some drops? Snagging Twitch Drops during the stream will get you Charged TMs, Fast TMs, and more!

Top Tips for GO Battle Day Event icon

It can be very tempting to get sucked into the GBL vortex on GO Battle Days, with the opportunity for handsome rewards and rank increases on offer. In my experience, these days don’t always play out as positively as you might hope!

My recommendations for those looking to get the most out of the day are:

  • Don’t force yourself to complete all sets! 100 battles in a day is a LOT, and essentially requires you to battle for roughly 5-6 hours over the course of the day. This will naturally end up feeling a lot like work, not fun. It can also lead to battlers making poor decisions in battle due to fatigue, frustration, distractions from trying to also live life, and not taking the time to reflect on battle strategy and outcomes.
  • Enter with a plan. Think about how many battles you’d like to complete, the rank you are aiming for, which Pokémon you’d like to power up throughout the day with your resources, and when you want to break up the battles. There are also many great PvP resources available through GOHub if you’re interested in learning more about battle techniques, fast move timing, meta choices and overall strategy. It pays to invest a little bit of extra time, particularly if you’re new to the game.
  • Complete the free timed research! Typically this is a excellent opportunity to get a free Elite TM, which are fairly infrequently available.
  • Take regular breaks throughout the day. Don’t try and get all battles done at once! I guarantee you’ll end up with a sore hand and head from concentrating that hard on the game for such a prolonged time.
  • Battle where you have a strong internet connection. There is nothing worse than having battle outcomes decided due to lag or poor connection issues, so this will greatly improve your experience throughout the day.
  • Remember, at the end of the day – it’s a game! Try and have fun while still pursuing your PvP goals, even as you’re pumping out all the extra battles, and it feels like the tide is turning against you at times. Reflect on where you made errors throughout the sets and try and identify opportunities to improve in future battles. Also try and ensure you spend time with others and embrace other healthy habits throughout the day where possible!

Good luck with your GBL day! As always, you can find me on Twitter or Instagram for more analysis.

See ya later,

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The one enlisted to explain games to new starters. Great League and Ultra League PvP specialist, and a dabbler in PvE.

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