Top 3 Pokémon Go Learning Activities for Elementary Students in 2023

What is modern education if it does not include a bit of augmented, artificial, and virtual reality? In today's technology-led world, it is hard to imagine students without a deep love and passion for online gaming. As educators, we must be open to incorporating the different techniques that play a huge role in the lives of students, the most important of which involves a huge deal of augmented reality games such as Pokémon Go, Zombies, Run! Jurassic World Alive, and more. Work with your student's passions and not against them to capture as much of their attention as possible and keep them engaged in class. Here are 3 of the best Pokémon Go-inspired learning activities for elementary students in school.
Learning With AR Games
While regular geography courses consist of book learning and the topographical marking of maps, what intrigues students more is to incorporate their theoretical knowledge of maps into their gaming, or vice versa. When gaming is incorporated into learning, students are excited to go to school and complete their assignments. When the class is boring, and assignments are uninspired, students can order them from GrabMyEssay instead of completing them. In this case, one can have a lot of free time to enjoy more interesting disciplines.
You can invite students for a Pokémon Go-inspired geography lesson where you would ask your students to get a printed map of the region surrounding the school. Once the maps are printed out, students would have to study them carefully. They can then proceed to mark important plot points on the map. After this, they should use mathematical formulas to calculate how far they can go and return before their time is up. Finally, they can set out on their Pokémon Go journey and combine their passion for the game with their everyday education. An activity like this would not only pique the student's interest in the game but also develop their geography, science, English, and even mathematical skills.
Metric Systems
Mapping doesn't only include being able to figure out how to get to a place, but learning the metric system plays a huge role in how a student views the world around him. Let's face it, the only way you can get students to be passionate about maps and geography is by adding some Pokémon Go or some other gaming element. In this activity, while asking your students to focus on the area around the school property, you can ask them to figure out the time it would take them to reach each Poke stop by walking and calculate it in both kilometers and miles. You can also assign a paper about the metric system, but try to make it exciting. Otherwise, some students will look up the best essay writing service reviews and find a writer that can help them with a boring assignment. By making sure your assignments are fun to do, you will ensure that learners are eager to do them personally, all the while learning about important concepts such as the metric system. No matter which metric system is standard for your students, they will be able to learn how to convert them with ease and practice the same while playing this super fun and engaging game with friends.
Exploring The Flora and Fauna
Make a list of harmless fauna species, like bugs, lizards, birds, etc., to spot and take pictures of during a Poke hunt. Students can enhance their understanding of the world around them using interesting online games that push them to explore. Pokémon Go is one of the few educational and enjoyable mobile games for students that can be played by everyone, irrespective of age, gender, and any other criteria. Just by stepping out into the world, many Pokémon Go players run into real-life animals. While it is always advised to steer clear of woody areas that may be dangerous, students should be encouraged to explore the greenery and look for beautiful creatures that they can capture and upload on a Twitter or Instagram account for the class to see. It seems like there is already a movement using #PokeBlitz with students doing the same thing.
Wrapping Things Up
While fully relying on online gaming to educate your students isn't possible, using technology to benefit learning is a great idea. This is especially true for an educator in the 21st century, where it is impossible to have your students' attention at all times. Incorporate fun learning methods and center fun-filled education while teaching your students, and the results will be amazing.
Author’s Bio - Joanne Elliot
Joanne Elliot is an educator whose work in elementary schools allowed her to publish several works on the subject. Her articles are about the intersection of augmented reality and educational gaming. Joanne wants more and more teachers to use gaming to teach their students and make learning more fun.
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