Hisuian Discoveries: Ultra Unlock Success!

To quote Pokémon GO, ‘Trainers, your fighting spirit has rippled through time and space! Through your determination and grit, you’ve awakened Ultra Unlock bonuses. Tons of treats and a Pokémon debut await during Ultra Unlock: Hisuian Discoveries and Ultra Unlock: Hisuian Discoveries Raid Day!’. This will now upgrade the Hisuian Discoveries event in several ways. Let’s get into it!

Ultra Unlock: Hisuian Discoveries Raid Day

Sunday, July 31, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. local time

Ultra Unlock: Hisuian Discoveries Raid Day event bonuses

  • Candy XL icon Increased chance to receive Rare Candy XL from in-person Raid Battles
  • Raid Pass icon Receive up to five free Raid Passes from spinning Gym Photo Discs during the event and up to two hours afterward
  • XP icon 50% more XP for winning Raid Battles

Ultra Unlock: Hisuian Discoveries Raid Day Pokémon Debuts

Braviary (Hisuian)

Hisuian Braviary makes its Pokémon GO debut in raids! You’ll have an increased chance of encountering Shiny Hisuian Braviary.

Hisuian Braviary Sprite Shiny Hisuian Braviary Sprite

Ultra Unlock: Hisuian Discoveries Event Bonuses

  • Event icon Friendship levels will increase faster than normal through opening Gifts, trading Pokémon, or battling together in raids, Gyms, or Trainer Battles
  • Gift icon During the event, Trainers can open up to 45 Gifts and send up to 150 Gifts each day
  • Gift icon Trainers can store up to 30 Gifts until the end of the event

Ultra Unlock bonus: Unown S Raids

Unown (S)

Unown S will be appearing in raids!

Ultra Unlock bonus: Panpour Global Spawns


Panpour, the Spray Pokémon, will be appearing globally in raids and in the wild! Usually only found in the North and South Americas, and Greenland as a regional exclusive, this is a great opportunity to add Panpour and Simipour to your Pokédex, as well as hunt that shiny!

Panpour Sprite Shiny Panpour Sprite
Simipour Sprite Shiny Simipour Sprite

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Pokémon GO Hub Editor in Chief and Writer. Turtwig obsessive, real life Psyduck, Pokémon GO AR Photographer, found footage horror fan.
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