Mudkip Community Day Guide

Trainers! Prepare to make a splash with July’s Community Day featuring the Mud Fish Pokémon Mudkip! This Mudkip Community Day Guide will help you to get the most out of this day with event times, recommended items, exclusive moves, visuals, and more!

Mudkip Community Day Times and Bonuses

Following the two previous CD’s, Mudkip CD will run from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm in your local timezone on July 21st, 2019. Start and end times are not based on any specific time zone, I repeat, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm your LOCAL time.

Event Bonuses:

  • 3-hour Lure Modules
    • Do not set your lure until you see your first Mudkip appear after 4 pm; otherwise, it will not last the entire 3 hours!
      **SEE more details below about the new, Special Lures (Glacial, Magnetic, Mossy) and their use during Community Day.**
  • 3x Catch XP 
    • While a lot of advanced Trainers don’t care a lot about earning more XP, Trainers who are still on the road to Level 40 can benefit a lot from this bonus! Be sure to use those Lucky Eggs!

The chart below will help you to plan and maximize your XP gains during this CD.

3x Catch XP Chart for July Community Day
Base XP Earned Community Day Bonus x3 + Lucky Egg Bonus
Curveball 10 30 60
Pokémon Caught 100 300 600
First Throw 50 150 300
Nice Throw 10 30 60
Great Throw 50 150 300
Excellent Throw 100 300 600
First Catch OTD 500 1,500 3,000
7 Day Streak 2,500 7,500 15,000
Collector Bonus 100 300 600
Curve + First Throw + Excellent + Caught + First Catch + 7 Day Streak *
Max. XP 3,260 9,780 19,560
Curve + First Throw + Excellent + Caught *
Max. XP 260 780 1,560

Without Collector Bonus, since you only get it every 100th catch.

Here is an infographic overview of the event by Orange Heart:

Mudkip Community Day Infographic

Swampert’s Exclusive Move: Hydro Cannon

If you evolve Mudkip all the way to Swampert between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm, it will learn the exclusive move, Hydro Cannon. However, starting now, and anytime after, you will be able to TM Swampert’s signature Charge Move Muddy Water.

Make sure you do not have any connection or GPS issues while evolving, or else it might not get the move! Hydro Cannon pumps Swampert up to one of the best Water-types in Pokémon GO, alongside Kyogre and Gyarados, so you won’t want to miss out on that! Muddy Water, on the other hand, is a nice addition to Swampert’s move pool, making it interesting to use in Trainer Battles. Be on the lookout for a full meta-analysis from GO Hub’s Meta-Master himself, Kratos, to be published in the future!

Item Recommendations for Mudkip Community Day

Below is a checklist of items to have on hand before that three-hour grind:

  • Poké Balls: Though they raise the catch rate on Community Day, these Pokémon can still be feisty when it comes to getting them into the ball. Depending on how many spawns you usually find yourself with, you will need more than 100 Poké Balls and, if possible, that many Ultra Balls. Always Ultra Ball a shiny, they can run!
  • Lucky Eggs: X
  • Star Pieces: STARDUST, STARDUST, STARDUST! Although you’ll not receive any bonus Stardust this time around, chances are high you will catch a lot of Pokémon. With Stardust being the most important resource in Pokémon GO, running a Star Piece through those 3 hours will pay off.
  • Berries: Razz, Pinap, and Golden Razz Berries are the essential berries to bring with you to these events. Razzes can help you grab the higher level, non-shiny, stubborn Mudkip that do not want to be caught, while Pinaps help you maximize your candy gain from this event. Golden Razz should be used for shiny since you do not want them to get away! Because they should be shiny exclusive, you shouldn’t need to stock up on more than 20 (if you get lucky), though many of us have way too many from raids.

Other items

  • Incense: To help you get more spawns and additional chances at shiny.
  • Lures: They last 3 hours, use them!
  • SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT LURES: A Niantic representative has confirmed that the new Special Lures (Glacial, Magnetic, and Mossy) will last three hours if set during Community Day. However, we do want to note…although setting these exciting new lures for a longer-lasting time would be helpful to you and your Community Day Attendees, we recommend you don’t choose PokéStops that don’t get the most action during your CD hours. These lures will affect your Mudkip spawns.

Community Day Box

Item Quantity
Ultra Balls 30
Lucky Eggs 3
Super Incubator 3
Star Pieces 4
Analysis Special
Total Worth 989
Coins Saved Per Box 509
% Saved 51.5 %

You want to consider buying this Community Day Box! With great overall savings and the addition of Star Pieces, this Box seems to be worth its coins. Players on a budget also can enjoy a nice amount of premium Items, and the additional Ultra Balls can come in handy to catch those Shiny Mudkip!

Mudkip Search Strings

Here is the search string you will want to copy and paste into the search bar when looking for possible 100% Mudkip!


You can also use our search string generator to make a string of your own or change ‘cp’ to whatever it needs to be for your country’s language.

  • Level 20 Mudkip CP Range
    • 507 – 644
  • Level 30 Mudkip CP Range
    • 824 – 1047
  • Level 35 (weather boosted) Mudkip CP Range
    • 812 – 1015

Mudkip is boosted in Rainy weather.

Shiny Mudkip Family

The shiny Mudkip family can be categorized in the list of “Purple-pink Shiny Pokémon.” If you encounter one, you won’t have any trouble recognizing it.

To show you a little preview of Mudkip’s Shiny Family, below are our comparison tables. Normal on the left and shiny on the right.

Regular Shiny
Mudkip Community Day Guide - Shiny Family Mudkip Community Day Guide - Shiny Family
Mudkip Community Day Guide - Shiny Family Mudkip Community Day Guide - Shiny Family

General Mudkip Community Day Tips and Tricks

  • DRESS FOR THE WEATHER. It’s July, and it’s summer, it’s HOT. Take sunscreen and water, wear protective clothing, and plan accordingly for your event, spending some time indoors if you can or need to. Rain is always possible (especially in the country with the world’s most changeable weather: Belgium), so prepare yourself if necessary.
  • If you want the event quests, do not complete quests from any PokéStop before the event. Vice Versa, if you hear a stop has a quest you want (cough, Spinda), then do not complete the event quest during event hours, it will not give you a quest after the event.
  • Clear your box space and make sure you have the items you need. The worst thing in the world is that ‘Your Collection is Full’ message amid a lure party of event Pokémon. Depending on how many spawns you usually see, you may need to clear up a lot of space in your bag to hold all these cute Mudkip.
  • Be patient about errors and set lures after the event has started. There will always be errors. Taking server load off with the staggered time helps with these errors but does not make them impossible to get.
  • Catch shinies BEFORE 7 pm!!! If you get a shiny at 6:59, throw a ball as fast as you can, because if you catch it after 7, it will no longer be shiny.
  • Make use of your items, and time yourself to reapply them every half hour, you want to get the most out of those bonuses! If you know you will forget, you might want to consider setting an alarm for every half hour!
  • Most of all, have some fun. Hang out with friends. Trade when the event is over. Eat some good food. The opportunities are endless!

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I'm a 21 years old Belgian Trainer, proud to be in Team Valor. Pokémon enthusiast, soccer lover and studying to help people.
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