Golem Raid Boss


Golem is a Tier 3 Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, with a Raid Boss CP of 31291. Golem is a Rock Ground type, with double weakness to Water and Grass.

Golem can be captured from raids with the following CP values:

  • 1608 – 1685 CP at Level 20, with no weather boost
  • 2010 – 2106 CP at Level 25, boosted by Partly Cloudy or Sunny weather

Golem is possible to be soloed by a prepared high level trainer, but those without ideal counters may want a team of 2-3 Trainers in order to break it down comfortably.

Best Golem Raid Counters in Pokémon GO Raid icon

While Shadow Pokémon are extremely expensive to power up, we have included the top Shadow Pokémon you can use against Golem. Ensure you no longer have Frustration on these Pokémon before considering adding them to your team. If you have any of these as an option, while they may take more damage than non-shadow Pokémon, they will also deal more.

The best raid counters according to our GO Hub battle simulator for Golem are:

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Kyogre (Primal) Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 1 63s
2. Swampert (Mega) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 1 70s
3. Sceptile (Mega) Bullet Seed Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 2 67s
4. Kyogre (Shadow) Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 2 68s
5. Kartana Razor Leaf Grass Leaf Blade Grass 3 71s
6. Blastoise (Mega) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 2 75s
7. Swampert (Shadow) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 2 76s
8. Kingler (Shadow) Bubble Water Crabhammer Water 4 71s
9. Gyarados (Mega) Waterfall Water Hydro Pump Water 2 83s
10. Torterra (Shadow) Razor Leaf Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 2 83s
11. Venusaur (Mega) Vine Whip Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 2 81s
12. Kyogre Waterfall Water Origin Pulse Water 2 82s
13. Empoleon (Shadow) Waterfall Water Hydro Cannon Water 3 77s
14. Feraligatr (Shadow) Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 3 77s
15. Shaymin (Sky) Magical Leaf Grass Grass Knot Grass 3 78s
16. Zarude Vine Whip Grass Power Whip Grass 2 86s
17. Sceptile (Shadow) Bullet Seed Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 4 77s
18. Tangrowth (Shadow) Vine Whip Grass Power Whip Grass 3 82s
19. Venusaur (Shadow) Vine Whip Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 4 80s
20. Crawdaunt (Shadow) Waterfall Water Crabhammer Water 5 76s
21. Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot Ground Solar Beam Grass 2 86s
22. Greninja Water Shuriken Water Hydro Cannon Water 4 83s
23. Gyarados (Shadow) Waterfall Water Hydro Pump Water 4 84s
24. Swampert Water Gun Water Hydro Cannon Water 2 92s
25. Chesnaught Vine Whip Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 2 96s
26. Exeggutor (Shadow) Bullet Seed Grass Solar Beam Grass 4 86s
27. Groudon (Shadow) Mud Shot Ground Solar Beam Grass 2 93s
28. Kingler Bubble Water Crabhammer Water 4 85s
29. Victreebel (Shadow) Magical Leaf Grass Leaf Blade Grass 5 83s
30. Exeggutor (Alola Shadow) Bullet Seed Grass Solar Beam Grass 4 87s

All data and numbers used in this article are extracted from our GO Hub Database.

Due to it’s crippling weakness to grass and water type attackers, beating Golem should be easily accessible to any Trainers that have past Community Day Pokémon with Hydro Cannon or Frenzy Plant. 

Golem Stats and Max CP General icon

Golem RockGround
Max CP at Level 40 2949 | Max CP at Level 50 3334
ATK 221 DEF 198 HP 190
Weak To: Resistances:
Grassx2 Waterx2 Steel Ice Fighting Ground Electric Poison Fire Rock Normal Flying 

Golem Move Sets Attack icon

Golem has access to rock and ground type moves:

Fast Charge
  • Mud Slap Ground
  • Rock Throw Rock
  • Earthquake Ground
  • Stone Edge Rock
  • Ancient Power Rock
  • Rock Blast Rock

*Best moveset for Raikou is in bold

Be sure to be careful selecting your counters based on what moves the Golem has! Keep in mind that Grass types resist the Ground moves better than our Water type counters, and our Flying counters.

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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