Poliwrath Raid Boss

Poliwrath is a Tier 3 Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, with a raid boss CP of 16674. It is boosted by Rainy or Cloudy weather being a dual Water and Fighting type. To counter it, you’ll want attackers to target it’s weaknesses to Electric, Fairy, Flying, Grass and Psychic types.

Poliwrath can be caught with the following CP Ranges:

  • 1405 CP to 1477 CP at Level 20, no weather boost
  • 1757 CP to 1847 CP at Level 25, with Rainy and Cloudy weather boost

Poliwrath Counters

List of counters for the Poliwrath Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, including best Pokémon to defeat it, highest DPS attackers, and moves to use. Learn which Pokémon are the best choice to beat this raid boss.

# Attacker Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
1. Rayquaza (Mega) Air Slash Flying Dragon Ascent Flying 1 74s
2. Mewtwo (Shadow) Confusion Psychic Psystrike Psychic 2 85s
3. Alakazam (Mega) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 3 93s
4. Rayquaza Air Slash Flying Dragon Ascent Flying 3 96s
5. Gardevoir (Mega) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 2 103s
6. Mewtwo Confusion Psychic Psystrike Psychic 2 102s
7. Latios (Mega) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 2 105s
8. Sceptile (Mega) Bullet Seed Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 4 99s
9. Latios (Shadow) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 3 107s
10. Moltres (Shadow) Wing Attack Flying Sky Attack Flying 3 104s
11. Enamorus (Incarnate) Fairy Wind Fairy Fly Flying 3 107s
12. Salamence (Shadow) Dragon Tail Dragon Fly Flying 4 105s
13. Hoopa (Unbound) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 3 107s
14. Alakazam (Shadow) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 4 103s
15. Latias (Mega) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 2 121s
16. Tapu Lele Confusion Psychic Nature’s Madness Fairy 2 116s
17. Salamence (Mega) Dragon Tail Dragon Fly Flying 2 117s
18. Metagross (Shadow) Zen Headbutt Psychic Psychic Psychic 3 111s
19. Raikou (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 4 109s
20. Lugia (Shadow) Extrasensory Psychic Aeroblast Flying 2 125s
21. Zapdos (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Drill Peck Flying 3 110s
22. Lunala Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 2 127s
23. Xurkitree Thunder Shock Electric Discharge Electric 4 107s
24. Staraptor (Shadow) Gust Flying Fly Flying 5 104s
25. Electivire (Shadow) Thunder Shock Electric Wild Charge Electric 5 106s
26. Venusaur (Mega) Vine Whip Grass Frenzy Plant Grass 2 121s
27. Manectric (Mega) Thunder Fang Electric Wild Charge Electric 4 110s
28. Kartana Razor Leaf Grass Leaf Blade Grass 5 105s
29. Yveltal Gust Flying Oblivion Wing Flying 3 116s
30. Gardevoir (Shadow) Confusion Psychic Psychic Psychic 3 115s

Poliwrath counters generally fall in two categories / brackets, depending on the moveset that Poliwrath has:

  • A fighting moveset Poliwrath is countered by Psychic and Flying Pokemon
  • A water moveset Poliwrath is countered by Electric / Grass Pokemon

Mixed movesets are more or less easily countered by all of the Pokémon mentioned above, but this duality of possible movesets makes it super interesting to raid against Poliwrath. A good rule of thumb is to bring a mix of the above mentioned attackers and prioritize the appropriate ones. This is a great opportunity to give your Zapdos and Raikou some play time. Be wary of Ice Punch Poliwrath when using Grass counters.

Poliwrath Stats

Poliwrath WaterFighting
Max CP at lvl 40 2586 / lvl 50 2923
ATK 182 DEF 184 HP 207
Weak to Resistances
Flying Fairy Electric Psychic Grass Bug Dark Fire Grass Rock Ice Steel Water

Poliwrath Moveset

Poliwrath has access to following moves:

Fast Moves Charge Moves
  • Rock Smash Fighting
  • Bubble Water
  • Mud Shot Ground
  • Counter* Fighting
  • Hydro Pump Water
  • Dynamic Punch Fighting
  • Submission* Fighting
  • Ice Punch Ice
  • Power-Up Punch Fighting
  • Scald Water
  • Icy Wind Ice

*denotes a legacy move.

Weather effects

Poliwrath is best fought in Sunny or Windy weather as it only provides boosts to attackers and nothing to Poliwrath, although both Cloudy and Rainy will provide boosts to Fairy and Electric at the costs of buffs to Poliwrath’s own fighting and water moves. The only truly negative weather is if a Ice Punch Poliwrath has a snowy advantage.

Weather Pro-Attacker Pro-Poliwrath
Sunny Boosts Super Effective Grass attackers No Benefit
Partly Cloudy No Benefit No Benefit
Cloudy Boosts Super Effective Fairy attackers Boosts Fighting STAB moves Rock Smash and Dynamic Punch
Windy Boosts Super Effective Flying and Psychic attackers No Benefit
Rainy Boosts Super Effective Electric attackers Boosts Water STAB moves Bubble and Hydro Pump
Snow No Benefit Boosts Charged Ice move Ice Punch
Fog No Benefit No Benefit

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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