Combee and Teddiursa Spotlight Hour (November 2024): Last Minute Guide

Pokémon Spotlight Hour will feature a different Pokémon and a special bonus for one hour at 6:00 p.m. local time on Tuesday during the month of November. Combee and Teddiursa Spotlight Hour takes place on November 19th, 2024, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm local time, with a bonus of 2x Stardust for catching Pokémon!

This Spotlight Hour is the third November 2024 Pokémon spotlight, and it is especially interesting as both Combee and Teddiursa can be shiny, and Combee is one of the few Pokémon who reward more Stardust when caught!

Trainers who plan to participate should be prepared with a Mega Pokémon to maximise candy gains per Pokémon caught. Here’s everything you need to know!

Combee and Teddiursa Spotlight Hour


  • Stardust icon You will get 2x Stardust for catching Pokémon
  • Shiny icon Shiny Combee and Teddiursa and their evolutions are available in Pokémon GO

Note on Stardust Bonus

Combee is one of the rare Pokémon that give extra Stardust on catch, with a base rate of a whopping 750 Stardust per catch which increases with weather-boost and a Star Piece.

Here’s how much Stardust you can get during Combee and Teddiursa Spotlight Hour in November 2024, thanks to the 2x Stardust bonus:

Type of catch Stardust for Combee Stardust for Teddiursa
Regular catch 750 200
Weather boosted catch 938 250
Regular catch with Star Piece 1125 300
Weather boosted catch with Star Piece 1406 375

The best possible scenario you can have is to catch a weather boosted Combee with an active Star Piece. As Combee is a dual BugFlying-type they are boosted by Rainy and Windy weather.

To maximise Stardust caught you’ll likely want to use Great Balls to ensure the catch and use a quick catch technique. Otherwise, you could be spending too much time attempting to catch, rather than just catching.

We believe that the baseline for calculating potential Stardust during this hour should be 60 ‘mon. You should be able to get 60 Pokémon during one hour, regardless of if you are using the Fast catch trick, or just catching slowly.

Here’s how much Stardust you should be able to earn during the Spotlight Hour, assuming a 50/50 split between Combee and Teddiursa. You’ll be looking out for Combee’s weather boost as it will give you the most Stardust: 

Star Piece active Weather is Rainy or Windy Stardust
❌ No ❌ No 28,500
❌ No  ✅ Yes 34,140
✅ Yes ❌ No 42,750
✅ Yes ✅ Yes 51,180
  • 28,500 Stardust is your minimal Stardust goal. This means you caught 60 Pokémon, but there was no weather boost and you did not activate a Star Piece.
  • 34,140 Stardust is your minimal goal if the in-game weather is Windy or Rainy.
  • 42,750 Stardust is the minimal amount you are looking for with a Star Piece activated. This should be easy to get if you activate two Star Pieces, regardless of in-game Weather. Star Piece increases your Stardust gain by 50%, which is an additional 30,000 Stardust over the baseline.
  • and finally… 51,180 Stardust is the amount of Stardust you will get if you catch 60 Pokémon, with a Star Piece active, during Rainy or Windy weather.

The only downside of this event is that Combee is relatively difficult to catch, and you will probably want to use Great Balls or Ultra Balls during the event. Otherwise, you could be spending too much time attempting to catch, rather than just catching.

Combee Fact Sheet


Combee is a Bug and Flying-type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. As a Bug and Flying-type Pokémon, Combee is especially weak against Rock-type moves, and weak against Electric, Fire, Flying, and Ice-type moves.

Combee’s maximum Combat Power stat is 559 CP, and its best Pokémon GO moves are Bug Bite and Bug Buzz. Combee encounters are boosted during Rain and Windy weather. Shiny Combee is available! ✨

Combee 50 Combee Candy

Female required


Shiny Combee

Shiny Combee is easy to spot – it turns a dark orange. Remember, it’s the female you need to be able to evolve!

Regular Shiny
Combee (M)
Combee (F)


Combee CP and IV Chart

1 7 CP 2 21 CP 3 36 CP
4 51 CP 5 66 CP 6 81 CP
7 96 CP 8 111 CP 9 126 CP
10 141 CP 11 155 CP 12 169 CP
13 183 CP 14 197 CP 15 212 CP
16 226 CP 17 240 CP 18 254 CP
19 268 CP 20 282 CP 21 296 CP
22 311 CP 23 325 CP 24 339 CP
25 353 CP 26 367 CP 27 381 CP
28 395 CP 29 410 CP 30 424 CP
31 431 CP 32 438 CP 33 445 CP
34 452 CP 35 459 CP 36 466 CP
37 473 CP 38 480 CP 39 487 CP
40 494 CP 41 501 CP 42 507 CP
43 513 CP 44 520 CP 45 526 CP
46 533 CP 47 539 CP 48 546 CP
49 552 CP 50 559 CP

Mega Pokémon that boost Combee

The following Pokémon will grant you extra bonuses when catching Combee if they are Mega/Primal evolved:

A Note on Mega Catch Bonus

While a Pokémon is Mega-Evolved, additional XP and Candy is granted when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it, or for any raid boss caught. These do not stack with each other. Additionally, High and Max Level Mega-Evolved Pokémon grant an increased chance to obtain Candy XL when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it.

Is It Worth Evolving Combee?

  • PVP – No, Vespiquen is not viable in the leagues.
  • PVE – No, there are better budget attackers out there.

Teddiursa Fact Sheet


Teddiursa is a Normal-type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. As a Normal-type Pokémon, Teddiursa is weak to Fighting-type moves.

Teddiursa’s maximum Combat Power stat is 1502 CP, and its best Pokémon GO moves are Scratch and Play Rough. Teddiursa encounters are boosted during Partly Cloudy weather. Shiny Teddiursa is available! ✨

Teddiursa 50 Teddiursa Candy Ursaring
Ursaring 100 Teddiursa Candy

Night of full moon


Shiny Teddiursa

Shiny Teddiursa is easy to spot – its usual orange colouring turns green!

Regular Shiny

Ursaring (M)

Ursaring (F)


Teddiursa CP and IV Chart

1 18 CP 2 58 CP 3 99 CP
4 139 CP 5 179 CP 6 219 CP
7 259 CP 8 299 CP 9 339 CP
10 379 CP 11 417 CP 12 455 CP
13 493 CP 14 531 CP 15 569 CP
16 607 CP 17 645 CP 18 683 CP
19 721 CP 20 759 CP 21 797 CP
22 835 CP 23 873 CP 24 911 CP
25 949 CP 26 987 CP 27 1025 CP
28 1062 CP 29 1100 CP 30 1138 CP
31 1157 CP 32 1176 CP 33 1195 CP
34 1214 CP 35 1233 CP 36 1252 CP
37 1271 CP 38 1290 CP 39 1309 CP
40 1328 CP 41 1345 CP 42 1362 CP
43 1379 CP 44 1396 CP 45 1414 CP
46 1431 CP 47 1448 CP 48 1466 CP
49 1484 CP 50 1502 CP

Mega Pokémon that boost Teddiursa

The following Pokémon will grant you extra bonuses when catching Teddiursa if they are Mega/Primal evolved:

A Note on Mega Catch Bonus

While a Pokémon is Mega-Evolved, additional XP and Candy is granted when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it, or for any raid boss caught. These do not stack with each other. Additionally, High and Max Level Mega-Evolved Pokémon grant an increased chance to obtain Candy XL when catching a Pokémon that shares a type with it.

Is It Worth Evolving Teddiursa?

  • PVP – Yes, it’s worth having. Ursaluna has the typing to hold its ground in all three leagues. It really likes having Ice Punch in an Ice-weak Master League with which it can beat things like Zygarde and Yveltal, but there IS a case for the sheer speed and bait potential of Swift, giving it more consistent wincons versus Dialga and Dialga Origin, for example, and a better shot in the mirror match.
  • PVE – Its shadow form is a more highly ranked raid attacker. However, it is an okay budget option if you don’t have any meta attackers currently.

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Hey! I'm phrixu, a Pokémon GO player from the UK. I am dedicated to making Pokémon GO as accessible as possible, to the whole community!
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