Trainers, we just successfully tear down the latest APK, and boy is it an exciting one, we hope you will enjoy this as much as we did. A lot of the features in the APK are still in development and are hardly ready for release – especially PokeStop submission parts.
There are a lot of big new things in the APK:
- A lot of telemetry – we think they want to gather more data on how the game runs on various devices and identify cheating easier
- Weather reporting – when weather is wrong or late, players should be able to report on that and improve the weather system in the future
- More POI submission hints – you can now upload images by URLs, there are various errors related to the upload photo URL, etc. You can also submit Hyperlinks inside POI descriptions, although we are not sure what / who has access to this feature yet
- A new Fast move: Smack Down (stats not yet available) which will surely make things more interesting for Rock type users
- A new search filter for Mythical Pokemon
- Two new quest types:
- Join Raid
- Complete Battle
NEW MOVE .V0297_MOVE_SMACK_DOWN_FAST NEW FILTER .BY_MYTHICAL NEW QUESTS .QUEST_JOIN_RAID .QUEST_COMPLETE_BATTLE NEW POI HINTS .getUploadUrlProto .getUploadUrlOutProto .FAILURES .UploadPoiPhotoByUrlProto .get_RequestId .set_RequestId .RequestIdFieldNumber .requestId_ .RequestId .PortalCurationImageResult .FEATURE_DISABLED .ALREADY_UPLOADED .IMAGE_NOT_FOUND .IMAGE_TOO_BIG .IMAGE_NOT_SERVABLE .PORTAL_NOT_FOUND .UploadPoiPhotoByUrlOutProto WEATHER REPORTING .reportButton .weatherReportCoolDownMinutes .weatherReportTransitionTimeSec
Here’s how the new weather reporting feature looks in action:
¡Nueva Actualización disponible!
Pokémon ha comenzado a actualizarse a la versión 0.101.0
Esta actualización trae la posibilidad de informar un problema con el tiempo atmosférico y además se ha agregado el movimiento rápido "Antiaéreo".
— Pokémon GO Hub en Español (@PokemonGOHubESP) April 25, 2018
Asset changes
Although there are a lot of updated assets and some new ones, nothing to exciting in this department.
Parting words
This update, although seemingly small, is one of the most important updates in a while, as it lays the foundation needed for various future features to come. PokeStop submissions, or something else related to in-game POIs is definitely on the way. We just have to wait it out and see. The increased telemetry is not surprising, as NIA has evidently decided to end ToS breakage once and for all. As far as the new Quest types and moves go, this is all expected and we expect to see more as time progresses.