Pokémon GO Collaborates With Lunchables For In-game Rewards!

Good day, Pokémon trainers! In a rather new and strange collaboration, Niantic is partnering up with the US Food and snacks brand Lunchables to bring Pokémon GO players in-game rewards according to the Niantic Labs website.

While the exact details of this collaboration are not exactly clear, we do have some idea as to what tasks need to be performed. This is thanks in part to one of our members at GO Hub BlueNephros, who got to experience this new type of collaboration firsthand. And was nice enough to provide some pictures:

It seems you will receive a crate of items from a balloon akin to the Team GO Rocket balloons. These items seem to contain snack items one can find in the Lunchables catalog. And you will have to create model figures using those items using Pokémon GO’s AR feature for in-game rewards.

That’s all we know for now. From reading the article it seems NianticLabs is hopeful for the future of these types of collaborations, and it does seem likely, as Kraft Heinz Associate Brand Manager, Brand Communications, Christina Brown claims

“It’s exciting to be the first brand partnering with Niantic on a Rewarded AR Ads campaign allowing us to engage with our target audience in a unique and unexpected way to help us grow brand awareness and affinity while encouraging rewards program participation.”

So it seems we can expect similar collaborations in the future. Goodbye for now, Pokémon trainers. Priom-out!

What are Lunchables?

From Wikipedia Lunchables is a brand of food and snacks manufactured by Kraft Heinz in Chicago, Illinois and marketed under the Oscar Mayer brand. They were initially introduced in Seattle in 1988 before being released nationally in 1989. Many Lunchables products are produced in a Garland, Texas facility, and are then distributed across the United States. In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the product is sold as “Dairylea Lunchables” under the Dairylea brand, originally by Kraft Foods Inc., and currently by its successor Mondelez.

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Pokémon fan since as early as object permanence allows. Me and my Pokébuddy, PoppyGO are here to hopefully help you with all of Pokémon GO's going-ons!

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