You can now join Raids from your Friends List in Pokémon GO!

Trainers, a major quality of life update is live in Pokémon GO, that has a huge impact on accessing raids! Starting today, you can now join Raids from your Friends List in Pokémon GO!

Unfortunately, according to Niantic’s Support article this feature is currently available as a limited time test and will be live until the end of Pokémon GO Wild Area: Global on Sunday, November 24.

You no longer need an invite to join a raid your friend is doing!


You can now choose to share your attendance to raids with your Friends List. Friends will be able to join your Raid directly from your Friends List, without needing an invite!

This is a major plus and means that technically you can invite your entire Friends List to raids, without actually needing to send an invite.

This can be turned on or off in your Settings if you have any privacy concerns.

This is a huge update ahead of the Pokémon GO Wild Area this weekend, and for rural players who often struggle to get groups together for raids could be a major improvement for them. Instead of having to hope they are invited to raids, then can instead keep an eye on their Friends List and join their preferred Raid Boss whenever they see one of their Friends battling them!

You can sort your Friends List by ‘At a Raid’ from the Friends List screen, and it will show you how many of your friends are actively raiding at that moment.

This feature is now live in game, and is a real game changer!

Invite your Friends to a raid, when you have also been invited

In another update to Raiding, when you are invited to a Remote Raid and join that Raid, you can then invite your own set of Friends, making it much easier to fill your Lobby! This is another fantastic quality of life update, making raiding much more accessible.

It appears that you need to be Great Friends with your Friends in order to for these updates to work, so make sure you are levelling up your Friendships!

Some trainers are also reporting that when they have been invited to Raids where the lobby is already full/the trainers have gone into the raid, that they have been able to create their own new lobby and invite friends to it! 

How to join your Friends raids without an invite

If one of your friends is currently in the Raid Lobby, waiting for the Raid to start, you will be able to use a Remote Raid Pass to join that Raid without an invitation!

  1. To join a Raid from your Friends List: 
  2. In Map View, navigate to your Trainer Profile.
  3. Tap the Friends tab at the top of the screen to open your Friend List.
  4. Friends that are currently waiting to join a Raid will appear in your Friend List with the Raid Boss below their Trainer Name. You can also sort your Friend List by which Friends are currently waiting to join a Raid. Note that you can only join Raids for Friends who have opted in to sharing their Raid activity.
  5. Tap on your Friend to view the Raid information, including the number of Trainers waiting to join the Raid and the time left before the Raid begins.
  6. Tap BATTLE to join the Raid. Note that the button will change color to reflect the type of Raid Pass that would be required to join, Green for an in-person Raid and pink for a remote raid.

Please note that, just like with other types of Remote Raids, up to 5 Trainers can join the same raid lobby with a Remote Raid Pass, though this number may be temporarily adjusted during specified time periods. Additionally, Trainers will only be able to participate in 5 Remote Raids per day. This maximum may change and increase to 10 or more for special events.

If you are not interested in allowing your friends to join your Raids, you can choose not to share your Raid attendance with Friends. 

To opt out of this feature, open the Settings menu and tap the button next to Share Raid Attendance with Friends. Note that this is enabled by default.

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Pokémon GO Hub Editor in Chief and Writer. Turtwig obsessive, real life Psyduck, Pokémon GO AR Photographer, found footage horror fan.
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