R,T and X Unown letters appearing in Sydney from Feb 3 – 4, 2018


in honour of Sydney’s RTX convention three new Unown variants are appearing in the general Sydney area: R, T and X. This is the first time Unown letter X has made an appearance on planet Earth as an “event Unown”, while R and T were spotted before. Albeit extremely rare, they do exist Trainer 🙂

RTX Sydney is a MASSIVE two day gaming and internet culture event hosted by Rooster Teeth, the USA Entertainment Company and sponsored (among others) by Nintendo and Twitch.

We’ve updated our Unown Letters released on Pokémon GO events so far post to reflect this new info.

The confirmation came directly from RTX’s Twitter account earlier tonight alongside with a metric ton of other Twitter reports:

And here are the Unown letters in question, credits for the images go to Nigel Morgan:

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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