Sprigatito Community Day Ticket Doubles in Price

Trainers, we want to remind you that the Ticket Price for the Sprigatito Community Day Special Research Story has increased, doubling from the usual $0.99 USD (or local equivalent) to $1.99 USD. This is the first Community Day Special Story that costs this much.

Sprigatito Community Day–exclusive Special Research Ticket

Although the price increase was mentioned in the official blog post, but we didn’t pay much attention to it at the time, half expecting that the ticket will be $0.99 as it used to be. We were also hoping that this was a holiday typo.

Unfortunately, it looks like the blog post was correct. The Community Day tickets are now live in the shop, with the newly increased price. 

The only notable difference between this ticket and the previous version is that you will get encounters with Sprigatito that have Dual Destiny–themed Special Backgrounds. We find it hard to believe (and understand) that Niantic is trying to sell a special Pokémon background for $1.00 USD, but alas, that is the world we live in.

We have the moral obligation to remind our readers that at this price, the ticket is not worth the items you get as a reward. In other words, we advise you not to buy this ticket unless it turns out that there are more items hidden in the quest line.

We can also confirm that this price increase has been observed in the United States, United Kingdom, Mexico, Spain, Croatia, Australia, etc. It is likely a global change.

As we said, we don’t recommend you but this, a Special Background is a silly reason to double the price of a ticket, and we don’t want to support that type of monetisation.

It remains to be seen if Niantic will surprise us with a different type of Research quest line. If they do, and the ticket is worth the new price in items alone, we will be swift to update this article and let you know.

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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