Suicune Raid Day takes place today, from 4 to 7 PM local time

Trainers, Suicune Raid Day will be happening today, from 4 PM to 7 PM in your local time zone. Suicune Raid Day is a special in-game event that features five free Raid Passes, increased number of Suicune raids and a chance to encounter a shiny Suicune.

There is a curious bug that allows you to collect your free raid passes right now, regardless of the fact that the event hasn’t started in your local timezone. The event is technically active globally from the start in regards to pass distribution. This means you can get up to five free Raid Passes per day any time during the event window.

Normal and Shiny Suicune comparison

There are a few handy resources you will need for this event:

  • Our Suicune Raid Boss Counters guide has been updated with the latest simulation results and contains a list of Pokemon that will help you easily defeat Suicune. Your best choice are strong Grass types if it’s Sunny and strong Electric types in every other situation. Still, please read the guide and share the information with your local community – we don’t want people wasting raid passes in vain.
  • Tom and Orange’s Suicune Counters Heat Map is out, and it’s an incredibly useful tool to determine how well certain Pokemon perform with respect to their Level. Our heat maps use Pokebattler for extra precise simulations and they are an excellent choice for more advanced players.
  • Maybe you should also be reminded that Blanche’s Stardust Research Challenge Rewards are still active and you will be getting 3000 guaranteed Stardust per raid. Combine that with a Star Piece, five free raid passes and at least a hundred Pokemon you will catch in the three hour window, and you got yourself a small mountain of Stardust. Not great, not terrible.
  • Technically, you can use the 5 Free Raid Passes for Rayquaza raids before the event starts. Just saying.

Good luck, may the shiny odds be in your favor!

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Zeroghan started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. A lover of all things Pokémon, web development, and writing.
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