A series of mini events is scheduled to take place during February at select Unibail-Rodamco malls, despite recent rumors that Unibail-Rodamco won’t renew their sponsorship contract with Niantic.
Starting today and lasting until February 26, all 58 Unibail-Rodamco Pokémon GO shopping center locations across Europe will activate Lure Modules at the PokéStops in their shopping centers from 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. local time.
In addition, the following shopping centers will feature special giveaways, exclusive Team Lounges and free Lures during Community Day on February 24:
- Mall of Scandinavia (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Fisketorvet (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- CentrO (Oberhausen, Germany)
- Les 4 Temps (Paris, France)
- Confluence (Lyon, France)
- La Maquinista (Barcelona, Spain)
- Höfe am Brühl (Leipzig, Germany)
- Wroclavia (Wroclaw, Poland)
- Centrum Černý Most (Prague, Czech Republic)