Pokémon Sleep has announced a series of game updates that require a maintenance period in order for the game to be updated that will be as follows:
Starts | Ends |
Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 2:00am UTC |
Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 6:30am UTC |
Assuming this works the same as the previous maintenance downtime, how your sleep tracking research works will vary:
- If you begin tracking your sleep before maintenance begins, you will be able to conduct your sleep research as usual.
- If you begin your sleep tracking during maintenance and only record one session of data, you will be able to conduct your sleep research as usual.
- If you record two or more sessions, they will be combined into a speed review, and all the sleep research including snack time will be conducted automatically.
The official announcement doesn’t include a timezone for the maintenance, however the prior downtime was UTC, and the game typically seems to be focused around UTC for things like this.
Don’t forget, this week is the second ever Good Sleep Day event, and it seems like Clefairy may feature as it is the Harvest Moon!
Version 1.0.9 Updates
Game Contents
• Changes to make Pokémon in the Pokémon Box recover a small amount of Energy from sleep – a much needed quality of life updated!
• Changes to when fonts for other languages will be downloaded: when they become needed for display (this will apply to users who install or reinstall the app in the future)
• Changes to give a gift of diamonds to users who link their accounts or who have already linked accounts – a nice touch
• Changes to allow users to navigate to their bag from the Gift Box screen when the gift cannot be accepted because the bag’s items pocket is full – another good quality of life update
Bug Fixes
• Fixes to a bug that caused adjustments based on Pokémon Natures not to be reflected when using candies to gain EXP
• Fixes to a bug that caused multiple messages to be unintentionally sent in a single day to the research community (when sleep is tracked twice in one day, the results of only the first sleep research session will be sent to friends)
• Fixes to a bug that caused session photos not to be displayed when the graphic quality was set low
• Fixes to a bug that caused Error 028001 to occur when the Auto Cook button was pressed repeatedly – this seems to have been a bug that impacted Cooking on Samsung devices and causes crashing as you begin making a meal for your Snorlax