New Mew EX Card Shakes Up TCG Pocket’s Meta With a Unique Ability

Pokémon TCG Pocket took fans by surprise with the announcement of the brand-new Themed Booster Pack called Mythical Island. The star of this exciting set is none other than the iconic Mew, and this Mythical Pokémon is breaking into the meta in the form of an EX card!

This Mew EX card is a powerhouse, sporting a respectable 130 HP but the real deal is its signature move, Genome Hacking. Let’s get into the intricacies of this powerful move and what makes this card a must-have for TCG Pocket battle enthusiasts!

Mew EX & Genome Hacking Explained

  • Genome Hacking chooses 1 of your opposing Active Pokémon’s attacks and uses it as its own attack! So, you can switch in and use OP moves like Crimson Storm (200 DMG) and Psydrive (150 DMG), and OHKO their users: Charizard EX (180 HP) and Mewtwo EX (150 HP)!
  • Mew EX is also a superb counter to the formidable Dragonite card, known for its match-winning Draco Meteor. Oh, how the turntables! 😉
  • The ability to hit back strong EX cards with their own signature moves makes it a handy tool to OHKO or even tear down plenty of the opponent’s HP. In the latter situation, it threatens KO in the next turn.
  • Using Genome Hacking calls for only 3 Colorless Energy, an Energy less than other EX card signature attacks like those of Venusaur, Charizard, and Mewtwo.
  • The retreat cost of Mew EX is also lower than most EX cards, at only 1 Energy. As such, it’s essentially a free retreat with X Speed.
  • Due to Genome Hacking requiring only Colorless Energy, Mew EX can fit into any deck and pose a huge threat to opposing EX cards.
  • Even though it’s multifunctional enough to be used in any deck, it does best in the infamous Mewtwo EX | Gardevoir Psychic type deck.

Mew EX in the Mewtwo EX & Gardevoir Psychic deck

  • Previously, the Psychic type deck was headlined by two Mewtwo EX cards alongside two Gardevoir cards to call the shots in terms of Energy farming and have Mewtwo all set to fire off Psydrive in flat 2 turns!
  • Now, you can simply add Mew EX by taking out an Item card like Potion or even give up one Mewtwo EX for Mew EX. The advantage over Mewtwo (and other EXS cards of the like) is that it requires only 3 Energy to use Genome Hacking.
  • Mew EX is a Basic card, meaning that it doesn’t have to go through evolution requirements ala the Kanto starters.
  • The fact that it needs only 3 Energy vs 4 Energy required for OP EX cards means that it can use the opponent’s attacks even before they are ready with theirs. How amazing is that?! The strategy is to stall with Mew or keep it on the bench while Gardevoir is all set. Devote at least one Energy to Mew beforehand, bring it to the Active Spot, attach the new turn’s Energy and the gifted Energy from Gardevoir. Voila! 
  • While Mew EX excels at OHKOing EX cards like Charizard and Mewtwo, others like Pikachu, Arcanine, and the Kanto Legendary Bird trio are better dealt with Mewtwo EX. This is where the Pokédex Trainer card comes in handy. Assuming you have Ralts at the forefront, use Pokédex to see what’s coming up next. If it’s not the Basic EX card you want, use Poké Ball to shuffle and draw a different Basic EX card.
  • Another major perk of the Mew EX card is that it doesn’t discard any Energy on using Genome Hacking. With support from Sabrina, you can force your opponent to bring in their EX card from the Bench  (Charizard, for instance) with plenty of Energy attached in prior and OHKO them. For Psychic decks, you can even make full use of this strategy by including Alakazam in the mix. Alakazam also has 130 HP and requires 3 Energy for using Psychic, a perfect move to OHKO EX cards with a large number of Energies attached.

  • Aside from the Psychic deck, Mew EX blends very well with Colorless type cards like Wigglytuff EX and Snorlax. These two tanks can sponge damage (with WigglyEX dealing 80 DMG and also making the opponent sleep) during which Mew EX can farm 3 Energy without worry.

Ultimately, Mew EX makes the already potent Psychic deck stronger and more unpredictable. It complements Mewtwo EX very well and enjoys the free Energy gains from Gardevoir. Moreover, you can fit it in any deck and threaten the big hitters of TCG Pocket.

Mythical Island Tauros: A looming threat

Obviously, if things don’t go your way thanks to some topsy-turvy RNG, Mew EX is going to get OHKO’d by a good number of EX cards. It’s the law of nature in TCG Pocket.

But, there’s one new card that poses a massive threat to EX cards, particularly Mew EX: Tauros.

Fighting Tackle does a humble 40 DMG in general but if the opponent is an EX card, the damage goes to +80, resulting in 120 DMG! Add Giovanni (+10 DMG) and Tauros can one-shot Mew (130 DMG)! 😯 

So, if you see Tauros out there or are eager to pack an all-deck Colorless type card to deal with Mew’s onslaught, Tauros it is!

TCG Pocket has been a phenomenal addition to the beloved Pokémon franchise and people from all around the globe are warming up to it. 

With the first meta shakeup after the introduction of the Genetic Apex set, things are going to get exciting and Mew EX is undoubtedly going to be a major part of this shift.

Here’s wishing that you pull Mew EX at the earliest and decimate your opponents with it. 😀

Happy collecting and battling, TCG Pocket-ers! 

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Niladri Sarkar is a vastly experienced Content Writer who specializes in Pokémon competitive battles, combat mechanics, design, and lore. Having previously worked with reputed organizations like Dexerto and Smogon, Niladri has immense knowledge in Pokémon GO, TCG Pocket, VGC, Unite, and mainline games like Scarlet & Violet. He has been with GO Hub since September 2019 and is known as their resident Dragon Master. You can reach out to Niladri at [email protected].

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